Provider Income..what to do with it?

Ava, on that note, if you were still escorting and married, would you let your partner seek out other providers, so long as he is up front about it? Originally Posted by jyoshi917

Yes, absolutely. It works both ways.
Thanks for all the advise guys/gals. I'll be sure to bring this thread to her attention and let her weed through the recommendations.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar

The smart ones know how to open bank accounts and file taxes without attracting that sort of attention. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
8129** Those of you who filed this year should know those last 2 digits
*dusts off soapbox*

Don't get me Started on why she would bother with a man she didn't trust or that didn't trust and respect Her. We've all had our share of douchbags. I'm sure she has her reasons.

But, she's Not a "hooker". I'm sure youre mistaken. That'd be illegal, and ever so problematic on ever so many fronts. I'm sure she's a performance artist or personal assistant or offers concierge services or.....

In which case, at a Minimum, she should be declaring a tidy income with lots of tidy, legal deductions. She should ideally also have a checking, savings and investment account. She Has to have a Good accountant. A real one, not a trade out or H & R Block and an Emerald Card refund! That, is how personal assistants buy houses, other than lease to own, and cars, from other than Drivetime. And, it enables you to keep a fresh and legit resume for when you're bored being a personal assistant.

*puts soapbox away*
*dusts off soapbox*

Don't get me Started on why she would bother with a man she didn't trust or that didn't trust and respect Her. We've all had our share of douchbags. I'm sure she has her reasons.

But, she's Not a "hooker". I'm sure youre mistaken. That'd be illegal, and ever so problematic on ever so many fronts. I'm sure she's a performance artist or personal assistant or offers concierge services or.....

In which case, at a Minimum, she should be declaring a tidy income with lots of tidy, legal deductions. She should ideally also have a checking, savings and investment account. She Has to have a Good accountant. A real one, not a trade out or H & R Block and an Emerald Card refund! That, is how personal assistants buy houses, other than lease to own, and cars, from other than Drivetime. And, it enables you to keep a fresh and legit resume for when you're bored being a personal assistant.

*puts soapbox away* Originally Posted by Katharine Butler

It also becomes a hedge fund against when he finds out and divorces her.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Isn't it technically 50% his if he divorces her seeing as she acquired it during the marriage?
Isn't it technically 50% his if he divorces her seeing as she acquired it during the marriage? Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Depends largely upon the state. And if she can prove it is her separate property and never co-mingled with community funds, she'd have an argument that he has no right to it. But it appears she's putting it in a joint account so arguably it's split. That reinforces the advice in this thread that she should open her own account.

The messiest divorces I've seen is where one of the parties was a sole proprietor or majority shareholder (read owner) in a small corporate business. Invariably the non-owner spouse tries to "prove" that s/he contributed to the business in some material way so that s/he can be awarded some equity/cash out of the business.
Fastcars1966's Avatar
While I'm not one to judge, maybe she should just tell the truth. An affair is one thing but being a provider is a whole completely different ballpark. Hiding something like that is only going to destroy the relationship in the long run, whereas if she tells him maybe he'll be alright with it (or at least come to terms with it). Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
I disagree, she should keep her mouth shut, and either hide the money, or launder it into their account through some other means. If she springs this shit on him it will most likely end bad.
SlowHand50's Avatar
I think she should tell him all about her job on the side. It may even turn him on to know about it. (It would me.)
To heck with the Hubby, she better hope the IRS doesn't find out.

Remember, the IRS is not particularilly concerned about how you earn your money, they just want their cut.

I agree with what others have said. Why would anybody want to leave a potential paper trail concerning money earned in an illegal activity?
I dont know if it still is but at one time I know (found out the hard way) it was illegal to have cash in your safety deposit box. The only legal tender you could have in there was old coins and such. So I would check before putting the money in there. Also if the IRS seizes your checking account they will check for a safety deposit box and seize it too.
Here's how I think you handle this assuming she lives and works in a community property state and is filing a joint return:

She should deposit the same amount of money on the same day every month. She should say it's "rental" income (eh ahem) from "inherited" property or was a dontation made to her separate estate. If the amount varies, she had "repairs" or "partial payment" for rent, etc. She files her taxes and lists it as rental income and deducts appropriate expenses.

This covers a lot of territory. She declares and pays most of the taxes on that income. By declaring income, she starts the 3 year clock after the return is filed. If she never reports the income, there is no statute of limitations. This also covers her husband somewhat in the event of marital discourse from future tax liability. Now, income derived from separate property during marriage is community property (unless prenup), so technically her hubby is entitled to half as she is entitled to half of his, etc. Makes no difference how you handle the accounts (separate or joint, etc.). Inherited property is separate income if and only if one purchases it or places it in an account of piece of property specifically delineated as separate. Example, FB (Fat Bastard) inherits $185K from Uncle CB (Crooked Bastard). FB wants to buy a new Aston Martin DB9. If FB deposits that in a checking account not labeled as separate property, it generally becomes community property. If FB deposits those funds into his FB-Separate Property account then those funds remain separate property. Now any money that is withdrawn out of the separate account can become community property. Example, FB buys that Aston Martin DB9. Assuming FB is married (which he sure the hell isn't and will never be again unless hell freezes over) and he buys a car in the name of FB, then it becomes community property (because all property acquired during marriage is deemed community). If he buys the car and shows the title as FB-Separate Property and he can prove the funds came from separate property, then those separate funds have just been converted into separate property.

Now I am going to comment on the moral issues here: I assume this chica has not told her husband of her prostituting and of her concealing income. I also assume she has not reported such on their joing income tax return. She is really sticking the knife in his back and I hope she burns in hell for that. No human being, man or woman, deserves to be screwed over that bad. I think the gutless bitch should grow a pair and end the relationship or stop what she's doing. Why: I assume she's barebacking her hubby. Hope she's not doing anything that would put his health at risk. If she is, shame on her. He doesn't deserve health issues that her activities may bring about. Second, if she gets caught up in tax issues, the irs could very well tie up his ass(ets) years later, like his 401k, retirement, maybe inherits a house from his mama then loses that to the irs. So this snake is really doing a number on him and putting him at risk. And like I said, men do this too. The person that you are supposed to love deserves better. Man up/woman up and do the right thing!
  • LynnT
  • 02-28-2012, 03:43 AM
Love the morality issues on a hooker board! lol

Who are any of us to judge anyone? You pay to fuck and we get paid to fuck, who the hell are we?

Whos to say her hubby didnt cheat on her 5 times and now shes getting hers? I dont agree with not telling the SO but who am I to judge what someone else does when I dont know them or the situation.
Now I am going to comment on the moral issues here: I assume this chica has not told her husband of her prostituting and of her concealing income. I also assume she has not reported such on their joing income tax return. She is really sticking the knife in his back and I hope she burns in hell for that. No human being, man or woman, deserves to be screwed over that bad. I think the gutless bitch should grow a pair and end the relationship or stop what she's doing. Why: I assume she's barebacking her hubby. Hope she's not doing anything that would put his health at risk. If she is, shame on her. He doesn't deserve health issues that her activities may bring about. Second, if she gets caught up in tax issues, the irs could very well tie up his ass(ets) years later, like his 401k, retirement, maybe inherits a house from his mama then loses that to the irs. So this snake is really doing a number on him and putting him at risk. And like I said, men do this too. The person that you are supposed to love deserves better. Man up/woman up and do the right thing! Originally Posted by FatBastard
Gee, FB, tell us what you really think.

@LynnT--you can find moral discussions even on a SHMB. First of all, a lot of folks here do not think they are doing something immoral, and if you look at laws all over the world, there's an argument for that. Second, even the people here are human beings and have political positions, beliefs and believe in certain moral positions. Just because we engage in the demimonde doesn't mean we leave our humanity at the door.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
There's still right and wrong regardless of whether you are on here or not.