Yep, you know it's Christmas when....

what does this have to do with JDIdiot's teachers union?

Swing and a miss by the retard. Again. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are right, sorry





You are still a sausage Ninga... Slurp...slurp...slurp... HA! Ha! Ha!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-08-2013, 06:48 PM
Where in the hell did you get that idea?!? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Sorry, COG. That was a poor attempt at humor based upon our discussion about school boards a while back. Given the tone of the rest of my post it was not an appropriate place to put it. Again, my apologies, that was an inappropriate comment.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the fuck is a Ninga?
Which has more basis in fact, the war on women by conservatives or the war on Christmas by liberals and the pusilanimous corporate sector?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Veterans administration has apparently gotten its marching orders from the White House. No "holiday" cards with religious or Christmas greetings will be sent to our troops overseas from school child. Sounds like a war on Christmas, religion, our troops, our children, and our traditional values.

How can Timmie wish anyone a Merry Christmas with a straight face?
The Veterans administration has apparently gotten its marching orders from the White House. No "holiday" cards with religious or Christmas greetings will be sent to our troops overseas from school child. Sounds like a war on Christmas, religion, our troops, our children, and our traditional values.

How can Timmie wish anyone a Merry Christmas with a straight face? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you think Timmy and his miscreants will be up in arms over this?
The Veterans administration has apparently gotten its marching orders from the White House. No "holiday" cards with religious or Christmas greetings will be sent to our troops overseas from school child. Sounds like a war on Christmas, religion, our troops, our children, and our traditional values.

How can Timmie wish anyone a Merry Christmas with a straight face? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Does a blind person read these stories to you and let you interpret them? Even a barely functioning retard like you should be able to read this Dead-Bart story and parse enough details out of it to determine that even at it's most insane right wing whacko interpretation, it does not say what you say it says. You're an outrageous fucking liar and an idiot. I mean....seriously....with all the good material out there that exists to fuck with progressives....this is the best that your half-wit mentality can come up with....the War on Christmas? Poor brain-washed dumbass.

I am also amused that idiots like you and ifffyfuckthewhat act like you speak for the troops. Fucking morons, posting up about your stupid social issues that no trooper humping a ruck that I ever knew gives a fucking rat's ass about. Fuck you both.

Merry Christmas Professor. When you have something worth posting that I can tear up again, you fucking let me know.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-24-2013, 10:01 PM
The Veterans administration has apparently gotten its marching orders from the White House. No "holiday" cards with religious or Christmas greetings will be sent to our troops overseas from school child. Sounds like a war on Christmas, religion, our troops, our children, and our traditional values.

How can Timmie wish anyone a Merry Christmas with a straight face? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You are completely gullable if you believe that lie.

The VA doesn't control cards going overseas.

Yes, I can tell you emphaticly that lots of schoolkids are sending lots of christmas cards to troops. Ones with wreaths, and trees, and angels. Also some from kindergarteners where the pictures are a little harder to figure out--I had to ask about one and was told it was Santa feeding baby Jesus a bottle.

I helped take over 200 christmas cards and boxes tobe mailed back in November.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I think JDIdiot has been hitting the egg nog kinda hard for weeks now...
Army: Don’t say Christmas
By Todd StarnesPublished December 24,
Don’t say Christmas.

That’s the message that was conveyed to a group of soldiers at Camp Shelby by an equal opportunity officer from the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, according to a soldier who attended a recent briefing.

“It’s unbelievable that the Army would ban ‘Christmas’ like it’s a bad word,” said Michael Berry, an attorney with the Liberty Institute, a legal firm representing the unidentified soldier.

Two weeks ago, a routine meeting was held at the Mississippi base with various leaders of the 158th Infantry Brigade. During the meeting, they discussed an upcoming Christmas football tournament. The equal opportunity officer immediately objected to the usage of the word “Christmas.”

“Our equal opportunity representative stopped the briefing and told us that we can’t say Christmas,” the soldier told me. “Almost the entire room blew up. Everybody was frustrated. The equal opportunity rep told our commander that not everyone celebrates Christmas and we couldn’t say Christmas celebration. It had to be holiday celebration.”

The soldier said there was a brief, but heated discussion about political correctness. At one point, the equal opportunity representative tried to deflect the criticism by pointing out it was the Army’s rules – not hers.

“She said an individual can say Christmas, but as an organization in the Army you can’t say Christmas,” the soldier told me.

So what does the Army have to say about the DEOMI officer’s edict?

“There is no policy at the 158th Infantry Brigade, First Army Division East or First Army that forbids using the word ‘Christmas’,” Public Affairs Chief Amanda Glenn told me.

She confirmed that there was a discussion in the meeting about the football tournament. She said it was meant to be a team building event and it had no tie to a specific religious event or holiday celebration.

“The Equal Opportunity advisor simply stated that it would be more appropriate to call it a holiday football event,” she said.

But Attorney Berry tells me that it was made very clear to the soldiers in the room that the name change was not merely a suggestion.

“She stated that the word Christmas had to be replaced with the word holiday,” Berry said.

The soldier who contacted me said it was just another instance of the military trying to curtail public expressions of the Christian faith.

“Between the Air Force and the Army – it’s like they don’t like Christian values, they don’t like the word Christ or Christmas,” the soldier said. “They don’t like you talking about it.”

Berry said it’s a shame that the Army has implemented word police.

“Are they going to have the ‘Merry Christmas’ police going around issuing citations to an soldier who slips and says the word?” he wondered. “They’re treating Christmas like it’s pornography. As a matter of fact, the Army actually treats pornography better than it does Christmas.”

It’s not the first time Equal Opportunity officers have caused trouble at Camp Shelby. Earlier this year, I reported exclusively about a briefing at Camp Shelby that labeled the American Family Association as a domestic hate group.

After my story was published, the Secretary of the Army ordered military leaders to halt all briefings on extremist organizations that labeled Evangelical Christian ministries as domestic hate groups.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-24-2013, 10:50 PM
Sorry, that says nothing about "no christmas cards".

You seem to be missing the difference between a DoD sponsored "christmas" event and individuals sending cards.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I am actually looking at the response from Timmie. All that hatread and anger for, if we believe him, nothing. I would guess that Timmie has some severe emotional problems that he is being treated for or someone has told him that he should be treated. Don't think it's PTSD so what is it? Maybe he is bi-polar.

As for others, they can continue to deny what is pretty plain and try to argue niggling details rather than the meat of the story.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are completely gullable if you believe that lie.

The VA doesn't control cards going overseas.

Yes, I can tell you emphaticly that lots of schoolkids are sending lots of christmas cards to troops. Ones with wreaths, and trees, and angels. Also some from kindergarteners where the pictures are a little harder to figure out--I had to ask about one and was told it was Santa feeding baby Jesus a bottle.

I helped take over 200 christmas cards and boxes tobe mailed back in November. Originally Posted by Old-T
Breitbart and FOX were merely the first to report on the matter, but here's a report from one of your favorite Kool Aid dispensing, lamestream media outlets, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, that proves you are a congenital idiot:

TX students denied Christmas card delivery to Veterans for writing 'Merry Christmas

When the teacher called the VA to fill them in on what her class was doing, the VA reportedly told her, they were happy to have the cards, except they cannot have the words "Merry Christmas," "God Bless You," or any reference to biblical scripture because of all the "red tape."

Sorry, that says nothing about "no christmas cards".

You seem to be missing the difference between a DoD sponsored "christmas" event and individuals sending cards. Originally Posted by Old-T
But this article does say something about Christmas cards, and you, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, seem to desire to remain willfully ignorant on this matter. But alas, Old-Twerp: the Prophylactic Man, your desires don't change the facts:

Students, parents upset that Christmas cards won't go to local veterans due to policy

They thought it was a kind holiday gesture, but dozens of Prosper students didn't get to deliver the Christmas cards they made for local veterans because of a VA policy against specific religious cards and phrasing.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 12-26-2013, 05:23 AM
They thought it was a kind holiday gesture, but dozens of Prosper students didn't get to deliver the Christmas cards they made for local veterans because of a VA policy against specific religious cards and phrasing. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Interesting. My father's in a VA Nursing Home, and i gave him a card that said Merry Christmas on it.

The wrapping paper i used said Merry Christmas too. Didn't have a problem.

But since you're dumb enough to let it piss you off...

JD and IB both get their info from