Some good movies in theatre right now.

CG2014's Avatar
Murder On The Orient Express (2017)

If you read the book or have seen the 1974 excellent movie adaptation, you already know how this movie ends.

But like most things in life, it's not the destination, it's the journey and in both the book and the 1974 movie, the journey is filled with suspense and tension accompanying a great build up prior to the big reveal.

In this 2017 remake, nothing like that.

This could had been a made for TV/Cable TV/NetFlix movie.

All the characters [or suspects if you will] are not given much to do, and seeing that the movie is produced and directed by Kenneth Branagh, with him starring in the main role of Hercule Poirot,

I think this was a case where the producer/director/main star was given too much Carte Blanche to do everything he wanted:

the opportunity to show himself off and make the entire movie about him while forgetting the source material and neglecting the rest of the cast.

It's a damn shame too because the cast is composed of some great actresses and actors including Dame Judi Dench, Michelle Pfeiffer, Daisy Ridley, Willem Dafoe, Derek Jacobi and many others.

I had high hopes for this movie when I saw the first trailer for it months ago.

Now I can't find words to describe how disappointed I am by this final product without venturing into 4 and 8 and 13 letters profane words.

I will leave it to my friend to put my disappointment into words for me:

Agatha Christie has got to be rolling in her grave!!

dallasfan's Avatar
Murder on orient express was ‘tupid. One of the worst movies of last year. Waste of money making that money.
CG2014's Avatar
Murder on orient express was ‘tupid. One of the worst movies of last year. Waste of money making that money. Originally Posted by dallasfan
It's a shame. Could had been great.

The 1974 version is on my personal list of what I think are the 20 best movies ever made.

I have never cared for or liked or thought much of Kenneth Branagh.
corona's Avatar
I didn’t think Matt Damon could make a bad movie but downsizing was shit. How do you mess up that movie. The concept was great. Script and plot were terrible. Originally Posted by dallasfan
honey i shrunk Matt Damon?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Best two movies I've seen lately are Darkest Hour and The Post. Both excellent, though I prefer the former.
butterfryman's Avatar
IF you reduce The Shape of monster sex you are likely the typical American moviegoer...and only go to be entertained (no crime there)

However...if you go for the ART (like me)...this movie is AWESOME
* it is a FOREIGN flick...just no sub-titles
butterfryman's Avatar
IF you reduce The Shape of monster sex you are likely the typical American moviegoer...and only go to be entertained (no crime there)

However...if you go for the ART (like me)...this movie is AWESOME
* it is a FOREIGN flick...just no sub-titles
Saw "12 Strong" yesterday. It thoroughly amazes me what some in the military do in service to this country. I have always thanked them for their service when I meet or see people in our armed forces.
Last weekend, while out to dinner with my wife", we saw a young couple having dinner with a WW2 veteran (wearing the hat) next to us. We overheard him tell his stories of his time in combat and found that this couple was not family members that were taking him out for dinner. Choked me up to see such good hearted young people doing such a good thing. We quietly finished our dinner and located the manager who retained my credit card to pay for their outing. While I'm not trying to toot my own horn, I think we should always take the time to thank these people who give so much of themselves for us to live the lives we do.
dallasfan's Avatar
It is a movie and dramtized. Reality was probably a little different.

I’d imagine reality was a lot less planet of the ape type battle scenes and a lot more bombing from above. Especially since no one died as they ride their horse through rpg, tanks and a shit load of machine guns.

Mission accomplished but we are still in a war and will always be in a war in Afghanistan.
It is a movie and dramtized. Reality was probably a little different.

I’d imagine reality was a lot less planet of the ape type battle scenes and a lot more bombing from above. Especially since no one died as they ride their horse through rpg, tanks and a shit load of machine guns.

Mission accomplished but we are still in a war and will always be in a war in Afghanistan. Originally Posted by dallasfan
I get the Hollywood dramatization and our being stuck in situations from leaders. My perspective is the guys that have to do the jobs they are directed to do wheather they like it or not.
CG2014's Avatar
I couldn't find anything good on TV to watch so I ended up watching this turkey with Denise Richards.

She has gotten old!!

Starship Troopers 1997

Wild Things 1998

James Bond #18 Tomorrow Never Dies 1999

I guess also being married to that idiot Charlie Sheen and the way he physically and psychologically abused her for 4 years took a toll out of her.
Red Sparrow- Would have been better in Russian with subtitles but purdy darn good.(and Jennifer shows her tit! Damn that girl has PERFECT JUGS!) I enjoyed it

Darkest Hour- i did enjoy it but honestly if they were going to give Oldman an oscar how about Sid and Nancy....or Dracula.
After seeing Dunkirk Darkest Hour was kind of meh
CG2014's Avatar
I agree with the winners that were chosen for Best Actor (Gary Oldman, Darkest Hour), Best Actress (Frances McDormand, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri), Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri), Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Allison Janney, I, Tonya) but The Shape of Water for Best Picture and Best Director?

What were the Academy members thinking when they voted?

So in The Shape of Water when the female lead character had sex with that acquatic humanoid like creature, whose private parts smell more of tuna? She or it?

Don't tell me I am way off base. The story is set in the 60's when women didn't shave/trim their bushes and I bet many of them had fishy smelling pussies.

Birth control in those days was still illegal in the USA (until 1965 for married couples and 1972 for single people) and Lysol advertised their cleaning products to double as vaginal douche and birth control.
CG2014's Avatar
Annihilation (2018)

Most of the positive reviews I've read online about this movie have one thing in common: it's visually stunning i.e. as in pretty but pretty does not make a movie good.

It's the story that makes a movie good and the story in this movie is asinine right from the beginning part where the government send Natalie Portman and 4 women (a psychiatrist, a physicist, a geomorphologist and a paramedic) to go into an anomaly not from this world and investigate it.

Now keep in mind that several fully trained military teams have entered that same alien anomalybefore and only onesoldier have returned barely alive at first and now in a coma nearing death.

So here we have 5 women, one of them with prior military training having served in the U.S. Army for 7 years and the rest, well no military training at all - and they are all given firearms but not given any military escort or any transports.

The anomaly covers a land mass area of several 100 square miles and these 5 women [and all the teams before them] entered it on foot. Where the APC? The military Hummers? Or even a couple of choppers to fly them in and around?

Plus one of them is a paramedic and how is a paramedic qualified to investigate and research something that's not of this earth?

The rest of the movie and the actions of the 5 characters just makes no sense.

Furthermore the movie ends with nothing explained: what was the anomaly? why were the aliens here? why did they mimic everything they touch? what did the aliens want?

Then there are the plot holes, so many of them you'd wonder whoever wrote the script didn't bother to have anyone read it and check it for continuity and mistakes and logic before the actual filming began.

Some of the reviews online said: amazing, thought provoking, unique.

What the heck? Were these reviewers paid by the studio to said those things?

Yes, it was amazing. An amazing waste of Natalie Portman and Jennifer Jason Leigh.

Yes, it was thought provoking. It provoked me to think of the many different ways the 5 characters on screen could hurry up and die so the movie would hurry up and end.

Yes, it was unique. A unique piece of stupidity that should never had been made.

I can't believe this is from the same director who gave us the great film Ex Machina in 2015.

It's easy to see why this was released to Netflix: the audiences at test screenings didn't like it. The studio wanted the final cut changed with reshoots and rewrites and a new ending. The producer and director refused.

The studio, Paramount, decided to not take the financial risk to give it a wide domestic theatrical release and gave it to Netflix after it was in a limited number of theaters for only 2 weeks.

This movie also reminds me of another recent aliens coming to Earth movie that had gotten good reviews but was actually another piece of you know what.

Even the cute and hot Natalie Portman, who I've always love to ogle at regardless what role she's playing, can't save this movie.

Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 03-16-2018, 11:54 AM
There were some weak points in the story, but overall Annihilation delivered. It's a pretty deep story, actually, about life. What you call aliens, I thought of as a cancer. It's about life dividing and multiplying, and how sometimes it gets out of control (literally and metaphorically).