Obama sat on his hands and let them be killed.

how is beans a racial slur? Can't anyone enjoy beans? I have some straws if you want to keep grasping...
If Obaminable were taken hostage by the "jv," what would be the response? Originally Posted by LexusLover
A lot of celebrating. They can keep that sorry mother fucker, pimp him out and let him suck dick for beer money.
LexusLover's Avatar
A lot of celebrating. Originally Posted by Das Riech
The dilemma would be trying to decide if he wanted "boots on the ground."

Certainly would not want to override his strategic operations plans.
A lot of celebrating. They can keep that sorry mother fucker, pimp him out and let him suck dick for beer money. Originally Posted by Das Riech
How is that even a relevant question? More misdirection away from the real topic.
rioseco's Avatar
A lot of celebrating. They can keep that sorry mother fucker, pimp him out and let him suck dick for beer money. Originally Posted by Das Riech

Dass stimmt haargenau !
LexusLover's Avatar
I have some straws.... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
A forbidden topic, but that explains a lot.
A lot of celebrating. They can keep that sorry mother fucker, pimp him out and let him suck dick for beer money. Originally Posted by Das Riech
Thanks for the input, JL!
We've always known it could happen? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Is that a Freudian question mark? The US airlines protocol was to give up the Pilot's chair and "work it out later." It's called "Pre-9/11 thinking" now. John Kerry and Al Gore warned us about it.

I've always known something isn't the same as being able to predict when something will happen. These arguments you're making are so goddamn dumb its amazing. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I await to see what you consider a non-dumb argument "HaventThoughtItThrough."
Quick, someone needs to get in touch with the Nursing Home Attendant.

It's time for another Depend's change in LL's Idiot Ward! Originally Posted by bigtex
Are you thirsty or hungry again Bigkotex? LL keeps feeding you and you keep enjoying it. It's been going on so long its farcical.