Cases rise sharply in Texas

Chung Tran's Avatar
He does not have an opinion because in his quest for 3 Ivy league degrees he was somehow able to skip both Poly Sci and English Lit. Originally Posted by smokedog01
those aren't Ivy League degrees.. they are 7th grade books that Lucas' Mom kept, given that he was the first in his family to attend Middle School.

oh, and that's moss that grew over the books Lucas never opened. someone told him it was Ivy. he doesn't have 3 degrees, nor does he have familiarity with the Three Degrees..
  • oeb11
  • 06-13-2020, 07:51 PM
CT - LM may not be your favorite poster - neither am I - However - U have posted no knowledge, evidence, nor standing to comment on whether LM has ivy league degrees or not.

Or, do You have factual evidence to support your post????
Chung Tran's Avatar
CT - LM may not be your favorite poster - neither am I - However - U have posted no knowledge, evidence, nor standing to comment on whether LM has ivy league degrees or not.

Or, do You have factual evidence to support your post???? Originally Posted by oeb11
why so serious today? of course I don't have evidence. your posts are evidence of no sense of humor. I bet Lucas would have had a mild chuckle, you are more stuck up about jokes against him, than he is of himself!
  • Tiny
  • 06-13-2020, 08:29 PM
It kills people in high risk groups, such as the aged. Since I am 73, I am in that category.

But using A Pandemic to wreck a Countries economic viability so a certain political faction can have a better chance instituting a Socialist/Progressive/liberal agenda is wrong.

And don’t give me that “you’re just a conspiracy nut”. I trust Peloci, Schumer, Nadler, Waters, Schiff etc about as much as I would trust Socialist Thug. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm convinced if 70% of 80% of the population would wear masks the epidemic would attenuate or die out so that America could get back to work at full speed. The irony is that many Democrats, with notable exceptions like some of the protesters, wear them and Republicans mostly don't. Or at least that's what I get from observing people around me.

Cases in point -- Most of my friends and colleagues are strong Trump supporters. None of them wear masks, except for a few when they're going to the supermarket or the gym. I only know three Democrats well enough to know how often they wear masks. Two are women in their 30's, neither with pre-exisisting conditions, who wear them religiously, not to protect themselves but to protect others, including Republicans. They're also careful about social distancing. The third Democrat, despite being 70 and diabetic, doesn't wear a mask.

Nobody I know in the real world condemns contact tracing. A couple of my Republican friends are skeptical it works. Here on this forum though you have strong Trump supporters who are dead set against it.

So what I'm getting at, say what you will about Democrats desires, that they want lots of deaths so Trump won't get re-elected. It seems they're doing a better job than the Republicans of actually doing what they can in their daily lives to stop the spread of the coronavirus and get America back to work. If that happens before November, it enhances Trump's re-election prospects.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
CT - LM may not be your favorite poster - neither am I - However - U have posted no knowledge, evidence, nor standing to comment on whether LM has ivy league degrees or not.

Or, do You have factual evidence to support your post???? Originally Posted by oeb11
Chung lives in DFW and so do I. He can put a $100K bet on whether I am Ivy League educated and he can take a picture of the cash and put a note on it with his handle and I will meet him wherever to take the money with plenty of proof. That's a horrible bet for him, but an awesome bet for me.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I'll also add oeb11, I highly doubt I am anyone's favorite poster. Hell, I am not even my favorite poster and I am the one typing this shit. I'm just way too honest and I share my opinions just like everyone else. The problem is that I am too honest and it rubs people the wrong way.

Forget my fucking Ivy League degrees, I'm really not that special. I should have just lied and said I only graduated from JUCO so that some of these clowns would simply not focus on my education because it's comical to be called a fraud on a whore board about the degrees I 100% earned.
LexusLover's Avatar
The irony is that many Democrats, with notable exceptions like some of the protesters, wear them and Republicans mostly don't. Or at least that's what I get from observing people around me. Originally Posted by Tiny
The function of the masks is to prevent the wearer of the mask from exhaling water vapor laden with the virus. So, it makes sense for Democrats to wear them and Republicans not. In addition it's the DimOldCrats who are tolerating and facilitating mass gatherings and rioting with looting, burning, and killing while they ignore "social distancing" ... so they are spreading it .... for political reasons.
  • oeb11
  • 06-14-2020, 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by oeb11
CT - LM may not be your favorite poster - neither am I - However - U have posted no knowledge, evidence, nor standing to comment on whether LM has ivy league degrees or not.

Or, do You have factual evidence to support your post????

CT-why so serious today? of course I don't have evidence. your posts are evidence of no sense of humor. I bet Lucas would have had a mild chuckle, you are more stuck up about jokes against him, than he is of himself!

Classic Liberal displacement - Cannot defend Lies posted about a topic - so it is then denied as "Humor".

take it up with the poster You accused of Lying.
  • Tiny
  • 06-14-2020, 08:55 AM
The function of the masks is to prevent the wearer of the mask from exhaling water vapor laden with the virus. So, it makes sense for Democrats to wear them and Republicans not. In addition it's the DimOldCrats who are tolerating and facilitating mass gatherings and rioting with looting, burning, and killing while they ignore "social distancing" ... so they are spreading it .... for political reasons. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, I drove by a group of about 20 protesters the other day. They looked like mostly kids in their late teens and 20's. None were wearing masks. I was tempted to stop and pass some out but was in a hurry. Maybe for the best, a couple of the petite black girls were holding posters that said fuck you. I imagine they might not have appreciated the middle aged white guy with the PPE. On the other hand maybe I would have found my next sugar baby.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah, I drove by a group of about 20 protesters the other day. They looked like mostly kids in their late teens and 20's. None were wearing masks. I was tempted to stop and pass some out but was in a hurry. Maybe for the best, a couple of the petite black girls were holding posters that said fuck you. I imagine they might not have appreciated the middle aged white guy with the PPE. On the other maybe I would have found my next sugar baby. Originally Posted by Tiny

next time you see some "woke" snowflakes throw them a couple boxes of condoms so they can't procreate ...
Chung Tran's Avatar

CT-why so serious today? of course I don't have evidence. your posts are evidence of no sense of humor. I bet Lucas would have had a mild chuckle, you are more stuck up about jokes against him, than he is of himself!

Classic Liberal displacement - Cannot defend Lies posted about a topic - so it is then denied as "Humor".

take it up with the poster You accused of Lying. Originally Posted by oeb11
Damn it Man.. get that bug out of your butt.

Forget my fucking Ivy League degrees Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
how? you won't let us
Yeah, I drove by a group of about 20 protesters the other day. They looked like mostly kids in their late teens and 20's. None were wearing masks. I was tempted to stop and pass some out but was in a hurry. Maybe for the best, a couple of the petite black girls were holding posters that said fuck you. I imagine they might not have appreciated the middle aged white guy with the PPE. On the other maybe I would have found my next sugar baby. Originally Posted by Tiny
Even outside of the protests and rallies, masks are rapidly being abandoned here in PA. And I've been in my area and to both Philly and into the Burgh in the last two weeks.

People have just tired of wearing them is the general consensus I'm encountering. And with all the politicization, hype, and outright misinformation being passed around it's no wonder.

All the counties that have gone green have basically switched to Masks recommended but not mandatory.
  • Tiny
  • 06-14-2020, 09:21 AM
Even outside of the protests and rallies, masks are rapidly being abandoned here in PA. And I've been in my area and to both Philly and into the Burgh in the last two weeks.

People have just tired of wearing them is the general consensus I'm encountering. And with all the politicization, hype, and outright misinformation being passed around it's no wonder.

All the counties that have gone green have basically switched to Masks recommended but not mandatory. Originally Posted by eccielover
Yes, they are a bit of a hassle, so when people hear conflicting information it's easy to blow them off. Too bad they've become politicized.
  • Tiny
  • 06-14-2020, 09:22 AM
next time you see some "woke" snowflakes throw them a couple boxes of condoms so they can't procreate ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, that combined with my business card might be a more effective way of finding my next SB.
LexusLover's Avatar
... a couple of the petite black girls were holding posters that said fuck you. Originally Posted by Tiny
Need to carry a sign with you: "ok!"