Let's Get this Straight....

Serenity24's Avatar
What race card? Smh she said sistas...could that not mean sister whores. Chillllll serenity, this to shall pass. (Got all holy on ya lol) Originally Posted by AngeLisa
Sistas which meaning any race but they so negative!!!
Super Head 713's Avatar
When you post in an open coed forum hun it becomes everyone business ijs.
Minding your business is first and about Houston Hun that's something u know nothing about!!! Originally Posted by Serenity24
Lmfao when you make a thread it becomes everyones Buisness.... Houston wishes they never knew about you... If you want to keep people out your Buisness get you a diary & stop posting useless threads about why you keep providing shitty service...
albundy's Avatar

It really is so nice to have you back, Dorfy.
Super Head 713's Avatar
Dorothy shoulD come play with me on my next visit to Louisiana !!!