Rush Slimebaugh attacks the Pope

Nothing pisses liberals off more than success........Rush Limbaugh is the single most successful broadcaster in radio history !

The list of failed progressive radio formats is long; no one wants to listen to that carp if they don't have to.

And left leaning NPR would be an epic fail if it wasn't for substantial government subsidies. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Rush is successful, because he has a bevy of mindless fools following him like lemmings..
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-04-2013, 02:18 PM
Rush is successful, because he has a bevy of mindless fools following him like lemmings.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
stands to reason, low IQ's make up the greatest percentage of people in the world ..

good thing JD is in the upper .02%

Rush maybe successful but that does not make him correct or factional. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Well Rush and Obama have something in common then, don't they.
bambino's Avatar
Rush is successful, because he has a bevy of mindless fools following him like lemmings.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Mindless fools and lemmings being lead around? Sounds like Lenny to me.

Fuckin spell chick
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're insulting people with serious addiction issues in this country. Very vile. Hasa Diga.

Fuckin Idi Ahmin Originally Posted by bambino
I'm not insulting "people with serious addiction issues in this country," you brain damaged shithead. I'm stating the opinion that RUSH LIMBAUGH is more than likely under the influence of prescription painkillers whenever he's on the air. That's been borne out by report after report.

That's not an insult, shit for brains. That's history. Do you have any evidence to the contrary?

In fact, I'd like you to point out the error in ANYTHING I opined about Rush Fucking Limbaugh. You aren't really good at that part, are you? Or are you just too fucking lazy?

You are so quick to stick up for the other guy. It's a pity what's "sticking up" is your little pierogi dick.

And who the fuck is Idi Ahmin?

Go back to Pissburgh, pissant. Oh, that's right. You're "discouraged" from posting your fucked up opinions there.
Mindless fools and lemmings being lead around? Sounds like Lenny to me.

Fuckin spell chick Originally Posted by bambino

Looks like Bimbo is one of Rush's lemmings. He is a mindless fool anyway.
President Obama is successful, because he has a bevy of mindless fools voting for him like lemmings.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Fixed that for you.
BigLouie's Avatar
........Rush Limbaugh is the single most successful broadcaster in radio history... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He is also a drug abuser having purchased 2,000 painkillers, prescribed by four doctors in six months. He paid his way out of that one when he paid $30,000 to defray the cost of the investigation, completed an 18-month therapy regimen with his physician, submitted to random drug testing, and gave up his right to own a firearm for eighteen months. Limbaugh was detained by drug enforcement agents at Palm Beach International Airport when they found drugs in his luggage from a prescription that was not in Limbaugh's name.
I think Rush is the Pope... fuckers
Fixed that for you. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Simple fuck the op was about Rush.
Rush is successful, because he has a bevy of mindless fools following him like lemmings.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That's exactly how Obama got elected.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Success does not make the pope god or any closer to god than the next poor schmuck.
He is nothing more than a man that was elected to a position, sort of like Obama and he is no god either. All he is is a man with an opinion that is the figurehead of a fractured church that pretends to follow the edicts. How any person that can claim they are a Catholic and follow the tenets of the church and vote for any Democrat that supports abortion is a clear indictment of the failure of his holiness past and present.
bambino's Avatar
I think the Pope is a capitalist. I throw money into his basket every Sunday.

Fuckin Pope........ Oops, 5 more Acts of Contrition coming for me.
That's exactly how Obama got elected. Originally Posted by acp5762

Thanks for voting for him, you cancelled out my vote.
Thanks for voting for him, you cancelled out my vote. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You lie, iv'a Obiggen... Don't start that "I didn't vote for him" Bullshit, again... OWN IT...