Post your infractions page and prove you didn't get points. Otherwise, shut the fuck up, faggot. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Provided it is not a rules violation for me to do so, I would be more than happy to openly post my infractions page. I have nothing to hide or to be ashamed of. But, in order for me to do so, you will first have to agree to the friendly wager (found below).

To make it interesting, I am willing to bet $500 - $1,000 (or anywhere in between) that I have not received any points resulting from your recent childish meltdown in post #78 of the "Je Suis Nigeria" thread. If it is in fact a rules violation, I am sure we can find another way for me to provide the necessary proof.

Either put your money where your mouth is, or shut the fuck up.

Do we have a bet?

Let me know if we need to find a mutually agreeable person to hold the wager money! Ya' hear?

By the way, you're a Fuk'n Idiot!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If that fails, BT, you can always offer to meet him at Love Field. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If that fails, BT, you can always offer to meet him at Love Field. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You ran away like the little faggotty bitch you are.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Provided it is not a rules violation for me to do so, I would be more than happy to openly post my infractions page. I have nothing to hide or to be ashamed of. But, in order for me to do so, you will first have to agree to the friendly wager (found below).

To make it interesting, I am willing to bet $500 - $1,000 (or anywhere in between) that I have not received any points resulting from your recent childish meltdown in post #78 of the "Je Suis Nigeria" thread. If it is in fact a rules violation, I am sure we can find another way for me to provide the necessary proof.

Either put your money where your mouth is, or shut the fuck up.

Do we have a bet?

Let me know if we need to find a mutually agreeable person to hold the wager money! Ya' hear?

By the way, you're a Fuk'n Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
I'll take the bet, on the condition IB Hankering holds the money. You will have to show me your infractions page, and I get to inspect it to my satisfaction that you haven't received any points in the last 90 days.
You send him the 500 bucks, and when he confirms to me he has received it, I will send my 500 bucks.
Now go fuck yourself, faggot!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You ran away like the little faggotty bitch you are. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Fuuuuck. YOU stood me up twice!

IBIdiot will confirm that. You were also going to escrow $10,000 on another bet, if I recall. You shrunk from that one too, BJerk!

Actually, the issue here is did JLHomo try and "get someone pointed?" Regardless of his success, the very fact that he sat there pounding the RTM button and then bragged about it indicates how safe your back is with a loose cannon like the Love Field Mauler posting here.

BJerk, you have proven yourself unworthy of anyone's trust, left or fright, and violated the unwritten rules of brotherhood all us whoremongers share.

You're lower than whaleshit at the bottom of the ocean.

Fucking hysterical!

I'll take the bet, on the condition IB Hankering holds the money. You will have to show me your infractions page, and I get to inspect it to my satisfaction that you haven't received any points in the last 90 days.
You send him the 500 bucks, and when he confirms to me he has received it, I will send my 500 bucks.
Now go fuck yourself, faggot!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
IBIdiot? You've got to be kidding? He has even less credibility than you! If that's possible! My $500 would be long gone the moment I turn it over to IB. He would immediately split it with you and the two of you would grab as many Tranny's as you can find, until the money's all gone.

I trust your Brother, IB, less than I trust you. And I have no trust in you whatsoever! You showed you were not trustworthy when you promised to defect to Israel in October of 2013 and returned to the good ol' US of A a month or so later.

Speaking of you not being trustworthy. Why are you now trying to change the time period to 90 days? The proper time period should be from January 18, 2015 to January 28, 2015. That's is only 11 days, not 90. January 18, 2015 was the actual date that you first openly posted that I had violated the rules. Not 90 days ago!

I will counter with dearhunter! He is a Modtard with no dog in this fight. He rarely posts in the Political Forum!

I suggest that you and I both send DH a PM and set up the transfer of funds. Following that, he will let us both know if it is a violation of the rules for me to openly post the infractions page. If he says it is a violation, he should have access to personally review my infractions page and let us both know if I have received any rules violation points between January 18, 2015 to January 28, 2015.

How's that for simplicity?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
IBIdiot? You've got to be kidding? He has even less credibility than you! If that's possible! My $500 would be long gone the moment I turn it over to IB. He would immediately split it with you and the two of you would grab as many Tranny's as you can find, until the money's all gone.

I trust your Brother, IB, less than I trust you. And I have no trust in you whatsoever! You showed you were not trustworthy when you promised to defect to Israel in October of 2013 and returned to the good ol' US of A a month or so later.

Speaking of you not being trustworthy. Why are you now trying to change the time period to 90 days? The proper time period should be from January 18, 2015 to January 28, 2015. That's is only 11 days, not 90. January 18, 2015 was the actual date that you first openly posted that I had violated the rules. Not 90 days ago!

I will counter with dearhunter! He is a Modtard with no dog in this fight. He rarely posts in the Political Forum!

I suggest that you and I both send DH a PM and set up the transfer of funds. Following that, he will let us both know if it is a violation of the rules for me to openly post the infractions page. If he says it is a violation, he should have access to personally review my infractions page and let us both know if I have received any rules violation points between January 18, 2015 to January 28, 2015.

How's that for simplicity? Originally Posted by bigtex
Fuck that! I'll take Whirlaway holding the money and 60 days, as an alternative.
All other terms and conditions apply.
Put up or STFU.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fuuuuck. YOU stood me up twice!

IBIdiot will confirm that. You were also going to escrow $10,000 on another bet, if I recall. You shrunk from that one too, BJerk!

Actually, the issue here is did JLHomo try and "get someone pointed?" Regardless of his success, the very fact that he sat there pounding the RTM button and then bragged about it indicates how safe your back is with a loose cannon like the Love Field Mauler posting here.

BJerk, you have proven yourself unworthy of anyone's trust, left or fright, and violated the unwritten rules of brotherhood all us whoremongers share.

You're lower than whaleshit at the bottom of the ocean.

Fucking hysterical!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're a fucking hypocrite, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.

IBIdiot? You've got to be kidding? He has even less credibility than you! If that's possible! My $500 would be long gone the moment I turn it over to IB. He would immediately split it with you and the two of you would grab as many Tranny's as you can find, until the money's all gone.

I trust your Brother, IB, less than I trust you. And I have no trust in you whatsoever! You showed you were not trustworthy when you promised to defect to Israel in October of 2013 and returned to the good ol' US of A a month or so later.

Speaking of you not being trustworthy. Why are you now trying to change the time period to 90 days? The proper time period should be from January 18, 2015 to January 28, 2015. That's is only 11 days, not 90. January 18, 2015 was the actual date that you first openly posted that I had violated the rules. Not 90 days ago!

I will counter with dearhunter! He is a Modtard with no dog in this fight. He rarely posts in the Political Forum!

I suggest that you and I both send DH a PM and set up the transfer of funds. Following that, he will let us both know if it is a violation of the rules for me to openly post the infractions page. If he says it is a violation, he should have access to personally review my infractions page and let us both know if I have received any rules violation points between January 18, 2015 to January 28, 2015.

How's that for simplicity?
Originally Posted by bigtex
You are an idiotic simpleton, BigKoTex the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
Fuck that! I'll take Whirlaway holding the money and 60 days, as an alternative.
All other terms and conditions apply.
Put up or STFU. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Trending Idiot?

How about we let Yssup hold the money. Surely he can be impartial!

As for Trendy, I have a strict no Idiot's allowed policy in place.

Fuel for thought: How am I supposed to prove something that has never occurred?

The burden of proof, is yours. Not mine!

Put up to STFU!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Trending Idiot?

How about we let Yssup hold the money. Surely he can be impartial!

As for Trendy, I have a strict no Idiot's allowed policy in place.

Fuel for thought: How am I supposed to prove something that has never occurred?

The burden of proof, is yours. Not mine!

Put up to STFU!

Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
Look turd for brains - you made the assertion you weren't pointed for a carefully carved out set of circumstances. I see from casting a wider net you probably have been pointed in the last 60 days.
You're busted.
As for Assup holding the money, that is a no go. That tightfisted old bastard is a one way street when he gets his hands on filthy lucre. That sumbitch tried to charge me 5 dollars per instant message he answered, then threatened to complain to the management when I refused to pay!
If you can't trust Whirlaway, fuck you. He was an officer and is still a gentleman.
I don't know if it would be against board rules, let a mod hold the money plus he/she could verify the bet.
I don't know if it would be against board rules, let a mod hold the money plus he/she could verify the bet. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Let's take it from the top. Shall we?

JLIdiot's initial recomendation was for his fellow Idiot (IBIdiot) to hold the money. He soon followed that highly questionable recommendation by going after another Idiot, this time TrendingIdiot. (We all know how quickly either of those dubious selections would have become a clusterfuck).

On the other hand I'va's suggestion was actually my first recommendation. That being an impartial Moderator, in this instance dearhunter. My suggestion quickly fell upon deaf ears!

JLIdiot has clearly shown that he is not searching for impartiality. Instead, he wants a deck stacked full of Idiot's. The more the merrier!

How fuk'n convenient!

How about it JLIdiot? Assuming it is not a violation of Board Rules, shall we try to find a mutually agreeable, impartial Moderator to hold the money and sort out the gory details?

I'm all for it!
roaringfork's Avatar
Because America is just tired of being race-hoaxed?

The word got out early that the movie unjustly portrays LBJs position on civil rights. And after two dreadful years of Obama, Sharpton, Democrats and the media race-hoaxing America with Trayvon and Ferguson and Oprah’s comparing Trayvon shooting to the killing of Emmett Till, we are exhausted by audacious lies and emotional blackmail. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Two dreadful years? More like four dreadful decades. For much of that time I've been wondering: how can twelve percent of the population account for ninety percent of the media noise, and still manage never to have jumped the shark.
Once again, the RWWipes don't quite grasp the entertainment industry.

"Selma" isn't running for office. It's a fucking MOVIE.

"American Sniper" is a fucking MOVIE.

The "Ten Commandments" is a fucking MOVIE.

"Blazing Saddles," on the other hand...

These aren't public service announcements, fellas. They'll sell you a ticket, no matter who you are. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
IMHO, movies influence culture. Culture influence politics. Movies influence the under-informed in particular. They vote. That sux.

I have to agree wholeheartedly. Blazing Saddles... Beyond reproach.

Just FYI. I got to play golf at some celebrity fund-raiser. That dude in B.S. that now does the FORD commercials was in my foursome. Guy is funny as hell. I think he's in the old Pace picante sauce commercials. The one that says, "NEW YORK CITY". My one brush with fame. Ha!
Honestly guys, sounds like a bunch of junior high "Meet me after school in the parking lot" kind of thing. Really? Sounds like an UBER cyber pissing match. I though I would find interesting sword play. Oh well.