THE: Ya Can't Make This Shit Up Repository

Great point Tim, been wondering when someone was going to bring this up.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
LOL Peanut and Fred just keep getting in the news
they did not have rabies

the warrant was to take both and KILL
and it seems was more about all the "trump" signs in the front yard
who started and what Judge signed it is being looked into
elghund's Avatar
LOL Peanut and Fred just keep getting in the news
they did not have rabies

the warrant was to take both and KILL
and it seems was more about all the "trump" signs in the front yard
who started and what Judge signed it is being looked into Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
It’s a fucking squirrel. Who cares.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Plastic Man's Avatar
It’s a fucking squirrel. Who cares. Originally Posted by elghund
uh maybe free peoples ...who donts wants the boot a government pressin down ...ons their necks
elghund's Avatar
uh maybe free peoples ...who donts wants the boot a government pressin down ...ons their necks Originally Posted by Plastic Man
The problem with people like you is that you want freedom without responsibility.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
[QUOTE=elghund;1063640256]The problem with people like D#M'er's is that they want freedom without responsibility.

fifu Sir
The problem with people like you is that you want freedom without responsibility.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
yahdefund the police!

Cockula can raise money to

bail out rioters

its ok to steal under 1k
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-14-2024, 06:58 AM
The problem with people like you is that you want freedom without responsibility.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
You are having quite a meltdown.
Just shave your head get a blue bracelet blue ink and stop having sex.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'll say it again,
Bit? through gloves?
WTF, those disposable thin plastic/rubber crap medical gloves?

Handling critters I wear heavy gloves. Even with cattle and horses.
Back when I had a federal permit for raptors, we wore welders gloves.

And, another again, both critters were already in quarantine, the guys apartment, and had zero exposure to "the wild"

I'm going along with that the idiots had a snuff intent from the start.
Yes the guy was in violation. Take the guy to court for the violation first, not just grab and snuff the critters.

Of note is that NYS Assemblyman Jake Blumencranz has proposed a new law that modifies animal seizures in NYS.
I suggest that folks get vocal supporting that.
elghund's Avatar
You are having quite a meltdown.
Just shave your head get a blue bracelet blue ink and stop having sex. Originally Posted by R.M.
Am I? Nope…..just having fun trolling the retards……

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-14-2024, 08:24 AM
Am I? Nope…..just having fun trolling the retards……

elg…….. Originally Posted by elghund
Looks like you're being trolled. Heh.
Am I? Nope…..just having fun trolling the retards……

elg…….. Originally Posted by elghund

you and your party are so successfull

y'all "trolled" Super Trump back

into the Whitehouse

in an electoral landslide

and Popular vote