compare Trump and George Washington

sportfisherman's Avatar
Trump is yesterdays news.

He has been rendered impotent.



Had his wings clipped

He is similar to Hitler in that he Demonized a segment of the population to divert and focus the dissatisfaction of the populace onto them.Gave a face or cause to the nation's ills.
ICU 812's Avatar
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd prefer Biden as president to Carter or Johnson. And also Biden to FDR if we're not engaged in a world war. Originally Posted by Tiny

I am not a Democrat either, and I did not vote for Trump in 2016. Never the less, I think you may have missed my point. I will state it more explicitly; This is less about which Democratic becomes president and more about who the Democrats of today are and what they, as a party, stand fort.

The Democratic party of today is not the party of yur Fathers. The Democratic Party of 2020 is different from what we remember from the past . . .even the recent past.

It is not the party of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman who lead us through WW-II. It is not the party of President Kennedy or President Johnson. It is not the party of George McGovern or Hubert Humphrey. It is not the party of President Carter who brokered a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt. None of these leaders would support or endorse the Democratic Party of today.

It is not today the party that sought to remake America through legislative programs such as The New Deal, The Great Society or The War on Poverty'. It is not the party that said, " . . .ask not what your country can do for you . . ."

This is not the party of Barbara Jordan or Caesar Chavez, both of whom championed minority rights and opposed illegal immigration. The Democratic Party in 2020 is not the party of Viola Liuzzo or Medger Evers, who each died alone in the cause of civil rights. It is no longer the party of John L. Lewis who lead the march over the bridge at Selma. Nor is it the party of Ralph Abernathy, Andrew Young or Jessie Jackson, all of whom knelt over the bleeding body of Martin Luther King as he lay dying of an assassin's bullet.

This is not the party that demanded that the protections and freedoms of the Constitution and Bill of Rights be applied for all persons regardless of their point of view or the color of their skin . . . . and then amended The Constitution to explicitly ensure that universal application of those rights occurred. No longer.

Now, as we stand on the threshold of the third decade of the 21st Century, Democrat mayors and governors have implemented policys and taken actions that discriminate against or suppress Christian and Jewish worship; in effect suspending multiple provisions of the First Amendment.
The Democratic Party has moved away from its' liberal roots of the late 20th Century, to become the party of avowed Marxist-Socialists such as Bill de Blasio, Alexandra Ocassio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. The Democratic party of 2020 has endorsed and given massive financial support to violent radical groups, such as Back Lives Matter and Antifa: organizations or grpups whose announced intention and goal is to dismantle our society . . . . through violence if necessary.

The Party has turned its back on its 20th Century liberal ideals and has instead embraced the radical legacy of Angela Davis, Stokley Carmichael and H. Rap Brown along with Bobby Seal, Abby Hoffman and other domestic terrorists of the 1960s and '70s. This is no longer the party of Head Start or The Peace Corps. The Democrat Party has turned away from the non-violent principles of Gandhi as embraced by Dr. King. It has rather turned to the examples of the Weather Underground.

If a person is a life-long Democrat, a committed liberal, a passionate libertarian or a centrist-independent; a re-examination of what the Democratic party has demonstrated itself to stand for today is in order. They should then determine if that is what they themselves actually stand for today.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
He is similar to Hitler in that he Demonized a segment of the population to divert and focus the dissatisfaction of the populace onto them.Gave a face or cause to the nation's ills. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
They've been saying shit like that since forever. It's bull crap. First it was with Muslims. Then it was with illegal immigrants. Now, I guess it's the radical left and Antifa. Maybe, there actually exists groups of people that want to do more harm than good.

H I M is H I S own thing. I don't think H I M is like Hitler. Hitler was definitely a lot worse. H I M didn't start any more wars. H I M brought peace to the middle east. H I M is withdrawing our troops. H I M was a peace maker among all nations, except maybe China.
  • Tiny
  • 11-24-2020, 08:11 AM
I am not a Democrat either, and I did not vote for Trump in 2016. Never the less, I think you may have missed my point. I will state it more explicitly; This is less about which Democratic becomes president and more about who the Democrats of today are and what they, as a party, stand fort.

The Democratic party of today is not the party of yur Fathers. The Democratic Party of 2020 is different from what we remember from the past . . .even the recent past.

It is not the party of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman who lead us through WW-II. It is not the party of President Kennedy or President Johnson. It is not the party of George McGovern or Hubert Humphrey. It is not the party of President Carter who brokered a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt. None of these leaders would support or endorse the Democratic Party of today.

It is not today the party that sought to remake America through legislative programs such as The New Deal, The Great Society or The War on Poverty'. It is not the party that said, " . . .ask not what your country can do for you . . ."

This is not the party of Barbara Jordan or Caesar Chavez, both of whom championed minority rights and opposed illegal immigration. The Democratic Party in 2020 is not the party of Viola Liuzzo or Medger Evers, who each died alone in the cause of civil rights. It is no longer the party of John L. Lewis who lead the march over the bridge at Selma. Nor is it the party of Ralph Abernathy, Andrew Young or Jessie Jackson, all of whom knelt over the bleeding body of Martin Luther King as he lay dying of an assassin's bullet.

This is not the party that demanded that the protections and freedoms of the Constitution and Bill of Rights be applied for all persons regardless of their point of view or the color of their skin . . . . and then amended The Constitution to explicitly ensure that universal application of those rights occurred. No longer.

Now, as we stand on the threshold of the third decade of the 21st Century, Democrat mayors and governors have implemented policys and taken actions that discriminate against or suppress Christian and Jewish worship; in effect suspending multiple provisions of the First Amendment.
The Democratic Party has moved away from its' liberal roots of the late 20th Century, to become the party of avowed Marxist-Socialists such as Bill de Blasio, Alexandra Ocassio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders. The Democratic party of 2020 has endorsed and given massive financial support to violent radical groups, such as Back Lives Matter and Antifa: organizations or grpups whose announced intention and goal is to dismantle our society . . . . through violence if necessary.

The Party has turned its back on its 20th Century liberal ideals and has instead embraced the radical legacy of Angela Davis, Stokley Carmichael and H. Rap Brown along with Bobby Seal, Abby Hoffman and other domestic terrorists of the 1960s and '70s. This is no longer the party of Head Start or The Peace Corps. The Democrat Party has turned away from the non-violent principles of Gandhi as embraced by Dr. King. It has rather turned to the examples of the Weather Underground.

If a person is a life-long Democrat, a committed liberal, a passionate libertarian or a centrist-independent; a re-examination of what the Democratic party has demonstrated itself to stand for today is in order. They should then determine if that is what they themselves actually stand for today. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Yeah, I've replied before. Roosevelt took the highest marginal tax rate from 24% to 94%. Truman gave the high earners some respite, letting it drop down to only 84.4%, before jacking it back up to 92%. McGovern was farther to the left than Biden or Obama. LBJ took us into an unpopular war that we lost. We had record high inflation and insanely stupid regulation of energy under Carter, not to mention the debacle in Iran. JFK, yeah, he did OK. He cut taxes for one thing. As to the other Democrats you mention, how much did they matter in the scheme of things? They were bit players. And I don't buy into the idea that the Democrats are going to unleash violence on the streets. If that happens it won't be because of a conspiracy to control the country, but rather because of their own incompetence.

I'd take the pre-2016 Biden (before he swung to the left) over any of them, save JFK, any day. And I'm hopeful that Biden's sincere about what he's said recently, meaning he's coming back toward the center.

Now as to AOC, Sanders and Warren, if they come to power, I'll likely be in 100% agreement with you.
ICU 812's Avatar
Thanks for that.

What I am fumbling to say is:

While I don't think that highly of many of the people mentioned in my long post, if you do . . .please compare them with the living leadership of the Democrats today. Then decide if THAT is what and who you see yourself to be

I truly do not believe that most who voted in support of the Democrat's agenda really know and understand just what is coming down the road for us as a people and as a nation.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The answer is: The Rooster.
winn dixie's Avatar
The answer is: The Rooster. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
check your pm's bub