How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?

eyecu2's Avatar


From that post then, are we to understand that you stand for, support or endorse nothing except the ouster of all Republicans?

Is there no other reason for me or anyone currently non-Demorat to come over to the liberal progressive left way of looking at the world?

Consider that there are folks who lurk on these boards without posting who may be susceptible to converting to your way of thought if only you would explain it to them.

I would suggest avoiding vitriolic name calling (on `both sides) as being unhelpful to one's point of view. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Ok, I'll stop derogatory terminology when others stop using the same for Dems. TDS, DDS, and false conclusions that are just attempts to derail or obfuscate the topic dilute the message in posts, so point taken.

My biggest concern about Republicans currently is that they are so obsessed with retribution, or non-related /relevant outcomes that the house should be focusing on, and then you have DJT on the sideline putting his thumb on a scale for what should be voted on or not.

The house when it's under the control of the GOP, seems to not be working at all, let alone working well. I just don't understand party faith continuing in a party that doesn't seem to know how to get anything done. With a majority, they should be putting out a steady stream of ideology and bills to get the supposed "bad policies" corrected or changed. Yet they do nothing. I'm tired of do nothing politics and a complaint factory of finger pointers on both sides. It's as if they have resorted to be the housewives of Washington DC, and everyone is grabbing their 15 mins of fame...vs. really adding an ounce of true attempts for what they were elected to do.

But that's all we got.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
- coming SOON! .... Just wait! ...

... A Vote for Trump is to reduce the downward spiral and
get the country moving forward and Make America Great Again!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Don’t you get tired making of that same comment n every post Salty?

So far, we’ve seen NOTHING to prove your endless MAGA conspiracies are true.


Time to put up…
ICU 812's Avatar
I understand that the Republican controlled House of Representatives is dysfunctional at the moment and at times in the past.

Now please, explain to me and others, why we should come over to the liberal progressive side. What would the immediate and near future of the country be with everyone supporting the Democrat's progressive view of life in America?

What policies and administrative actions would enhance and improve the lifestyle of working class Americans who have fallen behind the inflation curve in the past three or four years? What progressive programs would return our cities to their former prosperity and promote them as an attractive place to live?

Hating Mr. Trump cannot be the only reason to turn to the progressive way.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I understand that the Republican controlled House of Representatives is dysfunctional at the moment and at times in the past.

Now please, explain to me and others, why we should come over to the liberal progressive side. What would the immediate and near future of the country be with everyone supporting the Democrat's progressive view of life in America?

What policies and administrative actions would enhance and improve the lifestyle of working class Americans who have fallen behind the inflation curve in the past three or four years? What progressive programs would return our cities to their former prosperity and promote them as an attractive place to live?

Hating Mr. Trump cannot be the only reason to turn to the progressive way. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Wages in the last year have outpaced inflation.

You ask what would make you and others move to the left.I could ask the same question of you as to why Trump's policies would make a person want to move to the right. I agree with those who understand and analyze the actions of the 44 men who have held the office of POTUS and consistently rank Trump in the bottom 3 or 4 of those men. And before you shout "BIAS", 4 of the top 10 in the rankings are Republican and 4 are Democrats. And the bottom 3 are Democrats. Trump was a way below average POTUS. It is possible Biden might fall below him but I doubt it.
This problem goes a lot deeper than who is POTUS, and predates Trump by a couple decades, at least. Although it is true that it has become much worse lately, with pro crime agendas, etc. But it really traces back to a decline in personal responsibility. No one is responsible for their own lives and actions any more. It's all someone else's fault and responsibility to fix it. Where I do put some blame on Democrats is that they USE this, intentionally, to their advantage; rather than trying to do something about it, they actively encourage it, for their own gain. They even openly admit it. "Never let a good crisis go to waste" ring a bell?
This problem goes a lot deeper than who is POTUS, and predates Trump by a couple decades, at least. Although it is true that it has become much worse lately, with pro crime agendas, etc. But it really traces back to a decline in personal responsibility. No one is responsible for their own lives and actions any more. It's all someone else's fault and responsibility to fix it. Where I do put some blame on Democrats is that they USE this, intentionally, to their advantage; rather than trying to do something about it, they actively encourage it, for their own gain. They even openly admit it. "Never let a good crisis go to waste" ring a bell? Originally Posted by BigDog63

If a good crisis doesn't happen they'll make one up, lol.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
"Never let a good crisis go to waste" ring a bell? Originally Posted by BigDog63
That is a quote by Winston Churchill.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If a good crisis doesn't happen they'll make up one. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Ahem.., pot meet kettle
- coming SOON! .... Just wait! ...

... A Vote for Trump is to reduce the downward spiral and
get the country moving forward and Make America Great Again!

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
List a key macro indicator that isn't showing the country is moving forward.

Record breaking stock market.
Strong GDP.
Low unemployment.
Hundreds of 1000s of jobs created each month.
Interest rates falling.
Gas prices normalized to pre pandemic levels.
Oil production at record levels.
Wages are up.
Inflation rate returning to normal levels.

Trump would surely fuck all that up.
List a key macro indicator that isn't showing the country is moving forward.

Record breaking stock market.
Strong GDP.
Low unemployment.
Hundreds of 1000s of jobs created each month.
Interest rates falling.
Gas prices normalized to pre pandemic levels.
Oil production at record levels.
Wages are up.
Inflation rate returning to normal levels.

Trump would surely fuck all that up. Originally Posted by royamcr
Why would he fuck it up? The country was quite stable when he was president definitely before the Pandemic.
And he fucked it up. He rode on Obama's coattails through the first part of his term.
... "Hundreds of 1000s of jobs created each month"??

So does THAT mean that in January 200,000 jobs were created
and that by the end of February another 200,000 jobs will
also be created?? ... We'll see!

Gas prices "normalised" since pre-pandemic?? ... Or do you
mean since Joe's been President and prices shot up??
Still well-over a dollar more since Trump had them.

... "Oil production at record levels" - in Iran...

And you left out SKY HIGH energy and food prices!

Hmmmm... How are those E-vehicle electric cars selling??

... If Joe is reversing a downward spiral - he might need
to switch gears! ...

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
Q: How does one reverse the downward spiral happening to America?

A: Vote democrat.
... "Hundreds of 1000s of jobs created each month"??

So does THAT mean that in January 200,000 jobs were created
and that by the end of February another 200,000 jobs will
also be created?? ... We'll see!

Gas prices "normalised" since pre-pandemic?? ... Or do you
mean since Joe's been President and prices shot up??
Still well-over a dollar more since Trump had them.

... "Oil production at record levels" - in Iran...

And you left out SKY HIGH energy and food prices!

Hmmmm... How are those E-vehicle electric cars selling??

... If Joe is reversing a downward spiral - he might need
to switch gears! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Gas prices are a little ahead of inflation from 4 years ago, Not $1 more. Depends on where you live though.

We produce 4x the amount of oil than Iran, US is the #1 oil producer, we are at over 13million bbl per day.

E-vehicles aren't a macro economic indicator... Tesla does have over 2 million cyber trucks on backorder.... They sell every car they produce.

Food prices are largely price gouging by companies as they know they can just blame inflation. Some of the prices out there are way higher than inflation % increases. Food/gas can be very inelastic price wise as you gotta buy it no matter the price. Food though has cheaper alternatives if someone needs to cut costs. Food habits have to change though, can't keep going out to eat and then complain about high prices.
ICU 812's Avatar

You ask what would make you and others move to the left.I could ask the same question of you as to why Trump's policies would make a person want to move to the right.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Well yes, that is a valid question, but it is not an answer to my question. We can have a dialog on this, but there must be a back and forth.

My background: I have been a regular5 Republican voter since the 1970s when Richard A Nixon ran against George McGovern. I had turned 21, and voted for the first time. I didn't like Nixon as a politician and wanted to vote for a more liberal candidate. But both McGovern and his Democrst primary opponent, Hubert Humphry presented themselves (in my eyes) to be ass clowns.

All that and my exposure to the radical leftists on campus then lead me into conservative, git-er-dun mindset and that is where I am now.

With that said, I will ask again . . . . why should I or anyone else who is perhaps less set in their ways vote for whomever the Democrats run in the fall? Moreover, why should we vote for the Democrats running in State and local elections?