Romney Predicted to Win

wellendowed1911's Avatar
[QUOTE=Whirlaway;3100375]Here is what the electoral map blow out looks like according to the U of Colorado prediction....

Sweet, isn't it ?
So are you or Joe Bloe ready to take me up on that offer?
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
responding to the OP, I definitely think the debates will decide a lot of this. The rest of the thread TL;DR
joe bloe's Avatar
responding to the OP, I definitely think the debates will decide a lot of this. The rest of the thread TL;DR Originally Posted by exoticdanceweardealer
Reagan was running behind in 1980, and then he did well in the debates. He beat Carter in 44 states.
The Debates are a factor; look for the debate moderators to carry water for Obama.........

NBC announced they are doing a One Hour Documentary on the Mormon faith, to be aired before the elections...they asked Romney to participate, a sign they intend to make it political.....wonder how that happened ?

Where is the one hour show on Rev. Wright, or Obama's muslim faith ?

NBC has slotted time to do a show on Romney's Moromonism, not Obama's Islam or Liberation Christianity ! But they won't be covering the 1st day of the Republican National Convention...

Tell me the media fix for Obama isn't in.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I already told you it was.
It looks like a blood bath for the Dimos! It's a shame cows can't vote. Originally Posted by joe bloe

If they are in a red state they can.
Squarenot's Avatar
Re the Colorado study:

I really find it difficult to believe that Romney will win Minnesota. I hope that he does, but their brand of donkey politics is very unusual. I also question Pennsylvania. North Carolina should go to Romney and probably Virginia too. But, the Northern Virginia demographics has become very fluid in recent years.
I do believe the Wisconsin trending to Romney is valid and that it will go red in the general election.
To me, the election may well hinge on Florida and Ohio with regard to the voters beliefs over the welfare issue.
The debates may be influential as well. I have no doubt that Ryan will show Joe to be the baffoon that he is.

Did I read somwhere that Biden was to man a "war room" in Tampa? The donkeys should have a JoeB control squad. He is an accident waiting to happen (again) with his stupid rhetoric.
NiceGuy53's Avatar Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7, I am probably wasting my time here, but let me try to explain this you in terms that even you might understand. You appear to be hung up (stuck on stupid) because of the different numbers that your source cites and the numbers that Kayla cited. But take a closer look at those numbers. Your source actually makes a better case that Romney donates more money percentage wise than Obama. Your source shows that Romney donates 15 times more than Obama to charity. Using the figures Kayla cited, it only amounts to 6.66 times and 10 times more that Romney donates over Obama (using her 2 numbers for Romney). And the 3% she uses for Obama also include what Biden donated.

I am trying to work with you here. Earlier, I threw you a life line but you simply refused to grab on it.
chefnerd's Avatar
Ok, just to throw a little more fuel on the fire, here is another view of what will happen in November, which includes references to the UC study mentioned by the OP. Depending on what one looks at, a person can most likely find something for every side and opinion.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Ok, just to throw a little more fuel on the fire, here is another view of what will happen in November, which includes references to the UC study mentioned by the OP. Depending on what one looks at, a person can most likely find something for every side and opinion. Originally Posted by chefnerd
The model you note is interesting and does show a clear contrast with the Colorado study. And your conclusion that you can find whatever it is you are looking for, if you look hard enough is dead on. But let me take this opportunity to challenge this model with polls that still shows states like Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia and Colorado all still leaning to Obama. This author does not cite which polls he is relying on to reach his conclusions here. Is he relying on the Real Clear Politics average, which is not very useful in showing very recent trends? We don't know because he does not tell us. And don't get me wrong here, I am not defending the Colorado study. My point is we need to take all of these "models" or "studies" with a grain of salt. And I think this was what you were saying also. It is still way too early to predict which way this election will turn out. We still have both party conventions, the debates and who knows what else may happen between now and the election that will influence the final outcome. But this model as well as others like the Colorado study does make for interesting reading.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-24-2012, 11:49 AM
CBJ7, I am probably wasting my time here, but let me try to explain this you in terms that even you might understand. You appear to be hung up (stuck on stupid) because of the different numbers that your source cites and the numbers that Kayla cited. But take a closer look at those numbers. Your source actually makes a better case that Romney donates more money percentage wise than Obama. Your source shows that Romney donates 15 times more than Obama to charity. Using the figures Kayla cited, it only amounts to 6.66 times and 10 times more that Romney donates over Obama (using her 2 numbers for Romney). And the 3% she uses for Obama also include what Biden donated.

I am trying to work with you here. Earlier, I threw you a life line but you simply refused to grab on it. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
I understand Romney donates more than Obie, I wanst trying to prove any differences between the two... Obies #'s just happened to be part on the article that offered Romneys #'s ... that article being from fox seems to be less argueable than other sources. I simply offered Kayla a different source for her own knowledge, not to argue with you about something you insist on arguing about that had nothing to do with the point

Mr Romney

Tax year Taxable income Charitable donations Donations as % of income
2010 $21.7 million $2.98 million 13.73%
2011 (est) $20.9 million $4 million 19.14%

Read more:

my darling Kayla stated "between 20-30%

strange you think everyone else is stupid when you toatlly miss the entire point.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Thank you for finally clearing that up. I did ask in my first response if you were agreeing with Kayla that Romney donates more than Obama which was the point that she was trying to make. You responded "not at all". It simply sounded like you were arguing over the different numbers and were missing the point entirely. I am not a mind reader here, so I was simply asking you to clarify this. Peace. Carry on.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-24-2012, 12:24 PM
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Peace. Originally Posted by CJ7
Ok bro. I was just getting ready to respond to your last response before you edited it. I am glad you caught what you were saying and deleted it. So we no longer have an issue here. Peace. Over and out.

Just a note to add here. Most people reading this will not know what I was referring to here. CJ7 edited his last response before I was able to respond to it. And he is certainly entitled to do this (as anyone else is) and I give him credit for doing so.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CBJ7 should do that more often.