12 Things we learned yesterday

LexusLover's Avatar
Did we ever get the " final " list from shrilLIARy of all the people, organizations ( the DNC, et.al ) and things that " cost her the election " ? Can we expect daily updates fro Mr. Doty 4 Times and the rest of the Austin reach-around crew ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
One I haven't seen on THIS LIST is ...

... "A Great Right-wing Conspiracy"!

When roughly 85% of the people in this country lean toward Christian beliefs and principles, which includes an even higher percentage of Hispanics, it seems political suicide in today's environment for Liberals to defend those who prefer Sharia based beliefs and principles over those upon which our Government, Constitution, and Bill of Rights were founded ....particularly when many of those Sharia Law lovers are not legally able to vote.
bamscram's Avatar
Rachel Madcow, et al, tell you what to think and say, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, and you regurgitate on command. You regurgitated a lying talking point you heard on the boob-tube, and you stupidly repeated it, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. You're nothing but a puddle of bubbling shit with no original thoughts of your own,
Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hey ekim the inbred chimp, what happened on Jan 7th?
Jump bitch jump Trump says so.
If you are watching Rachel Maddow you are probably her girlfriend.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
One I haven't seen on THIS LIST is ...

... "A Great Right-wing Conspiracy"!

When roughly 85% of the people in this country lean toward Christian beliefs and principles, which includes an even higher percentage of Hispanics, it seems political suicide in today's environment for Liberals to defend those who prefer Sharia based beliefs and principles over those upon which our Government, Constitution, and Bill of Rights were founded ....particularly when many of those Sharia Law lovers are not legally able to vote. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your ignorance and bigotry is beyond belief. I defend the right of any individual to practice the religion as they so choose. Christian. Jewish. Hindu. Islam. The many Muslims who have emigrated to the U.S. follow the laws of this country.

"The Quran repeatedly commands Muslims to keep promises and uphold covenants. That includes treaties among nations and extends to individuals living under non-Muslim rule. Muslims have lived as minorities in non-Muslim societies since the beginning of Islam -- from Christian Abyssinia to imperial China. And Fiqh scholars have always insisted that Muslims in non-Muslim lands must obey the laws of those lands and do no harm within host countries.

If local law conflicts with Muslims' Sharia obligations? Some scholars say they should emigrate; others allow them to stay. But none advocate violence or a takeover of those governments."

Source: https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/c...hs-shariah-law
Apparently, there are Trump supporters on this board who disagree with the president regarding Russia's tactics. That's refreshing to hear. I wish our president understood and acknowledged the threats posed by the Russians, as Lexus Lover and Waco Kid do. We need our president to endorse and support the investigation into Russian tactics and their effort to misinform Americans and influence public opinion. The misinformation campaign is likely only one aspect of what the Russians strive to accomplish, but an investigation that is aggressive and thorough will help us understand what we do not now understand. President Trump dismisses the influence of the Russians, and he seems to dismiss their interest regarding the manipulation of information made available to the American public. This is not a partisan problem. This is an American problem. I applaud the "America First" approach when it comes to this problem. I'd like to see some follow-through on that concept.
You stupid SOB's, the investigation is in it's infancy.

If Trump had nothing to hide, why'd he lawyer up?

Really, some of you dimwit who act on here as if you know the law and or politics, forget, the Clinton investigation with Ken Starr started out as a Whitewater investigation.

This may wind up as a nothing burger as some of you seem to think... but you are discounting who is doing the investigating. A FBI man.....a Coney FBI acquaintance. There is not love for Trump in the GOP establishment. This keeps Trump on a leash. imho of course. Originally Posted by WTF


Senate begins Clinton criminal investigation

by Walter W. Murray, reporter

Looks like the old adage is true: Be careful what you wish for.

Failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, victim of the most shocking upset in modern political history, has been wishing desperately to get back into the spotlight.

She’s been trying to get attention in the worst way. Well, that wish has finally come true: She now has some attention… in the WORST way!

Very quietly, the U.S. Senate has opened a new investigation into the Clinton family’s corruption — and this could be the one that lands her behind bars.

Clinton is now under investigation all over again, accused of abusing her power as secretary of state by ordering State Department officials – including career diplomats – to pressure foreign officials to help a Clinton Foundation donor.

A bombshell report by The Daily Caller revealed accusations that U.S. diplomats, under orders from Clinton, pushed Bangladesh to drop its corruption investigation into Muhammad Yunus, a longtime Clinton friend and controversial Nobel laureate behind the “microloans” aimed at low-income people in Third World countries.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-10-2017, 09:46 AM

Senate begins Clinton criminal investigation Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Iffy, wtf does this have to do with the Trump investigation?

Are you pointing out that Trump can be investigated years after he leaves office?

Good point if so.

Do you not think I want both Clinton and Trump in jail?

Trump by holding onto his property is doing the same thing Clinton tried to do. Trump by firing the FBI director imho is doing wtf Clinton is accused of. Throwing around his influence to effect an outcome.

Jesus you are one hypocritical loon.

Trump has not drained the swamp. He just invited all them to his his pool. He golfs more than Obama and cries like the Clintons about the media....and you seem to love the parasite.
Iffy, wtf does this have to do with the Trump investigation?

Are you pointing out that Trump can be investigated years after he leaves office?

Good point if so.

Do you not think I want both Clinton and Trump in jail?

Trump by holding onto his property is doing the same thing Clinton tried to do. Trump by firing the FBI director imho is doing wtf Clinton is accused of. Throwing around his influence to effect an outcome.

Jesus you are one hypocritical loon.

Trump has not drained the swamp. He just invited all them to his his pool. He golfs more than Obama and cries like the Clintons about the media....and you seem to love the parasite. Originally Posted by WTF


"Really, some of you dimwit who act on here as if you know the law and or politics, forget, the Clinton investigation with Ken Starr started out as a Whitewater investigation. "

I never got an answer, WTF... are you a burnout or a steinwhinner?

anyway enjoy...







LexusLover's Avatar
Apparently, there are Trump supporters on this board who disagree with the president regarding Russia's tactics. That's refreshing to hear. I wish our president understood and acknowledged the threats posed by the Russians, as Lexus Lover and Waco Kid do. We need our president to endorse and support the investigation into Russian tactics and their effort to misinform Americans and influence public opinion. The misinformation campaign is likely only one aspect of what the Russians strive to accomplish, but an investigation that is aggressive and thorough will help us understand what we do not now understand. President Trump dismisses the influence of the Russians, and he seems to dismiss their interest regarding the manipulation of information made available to the American public. This is not a partisan problem. This is an American problem. I applaud the "America First" approach when it comes to this problem. I'd like to see some follow-through on that concept. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
For starters ... what Russian newspapers and magazines do you read, and what Russian radio and television stations do you listen to and watch?

I'm asking so I can find out where you're getting the "manipulation of information and the "misinformation" being published by the Russians in their "campaign" to "misinform Americans and influence public opinion."

If you would just give me the media sources you rely upon, I will "worry" about the interpretation of the "misinformation"!

After which we can have an enlightened interactive discussion on counterintelligence and the role of providing one's opponents with "fake" information to determine how they will respond and to confirm the conduit they use to acquire the misinformation so that source will not be available when the "real" information is released.

Oh, and let me correct something you said about me ... because you are wrong.

I don't consider any of this bullshit to be "threats posed by the Russians." In fact the bullshit being floated by the Liberal/Naive/Hysterical media in this country remind me of the grade school drills in the 50's during which students were instructed and trained to crawl under their desks in the event of a nuclear attack!

So don't be putting words on the screen for me!

The only thing I saw/heard from the Russians that had any "influence" on my vote decision in the fall election was ..

.. and do you know about what he was laughing?

The Court Jester cackling to his immediate left while breathing through her mouth and soiling her depends....because she fucked up yet again! She made Trump look like the genius he is!
We learned that Christie and Ryan gave Trump the stupid defense. Said he was a outsider, and didn't know the nuances of Washington. A politician would have known better and not done what Trump did.
I do not rely on the "media" for primary information.
Typically, they're interpreting the same stuff I am. But their interpretations are almost always more sensational, and less restrained.
There are other sources, as you well know.
In the case of Russian interventions, I look to experts in appropriate government agencies.
There are some reputable and thoughtful think tanks and foundations out there, too.
They're the ones who inform me in this particular matter.

Regarding the Russians, it is common knowledge they attempt to interfere with public information flow and content at many places around the globe.
The good old USA is no exception.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-10-2017, 01:49 PM
For starters ... what Russian newspapers and magazines do you read, and what Russian radio and television stations do you listen to and watch?

I'm asking so I can find out where you're getting the "manipulation of information and the "misinformation" being published by the Russians in their "campaign" to "misinform Americans and influence public opinion."

If you would just give me the media sources you rely upon, I will "worry" about the interpretation of the "misinformation"!

After which we can have an enlightened interactive discussion on counterintelligence and the role of providing one's opponents with "fake" information to determine how they will respond and to confirm the conduit they use to acquire the misinformation so that source will not be available when the "real" information is released.

Oh, and let me correct something you said about me ... because you are wrong.

I don't consider any of this bullshit to be "threats posed by the Russians." In fact the bullshit being floated by the Liberal/Naive/Hysterical media in this country remind me of the grade school drills in the 50's during which students were instructed and trained to crawl under their desks in the event of a nuclear attack!

So don't be putting words on the screen for me!

The only thing I saw/heard from the Russians that had any "influence" on my vote decision in the fall election was ..

.. and do you know about what he was laughing?

The Court Jester cackling to his immediate left while breathing through her mouth and soiling her depends....because she fucked up yet again! She made Trump look like the genius he is! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I know you do not talk like this in person or somebody would have had you soiling your Depends while whipping your ass.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-10-2017, 01:52 PM

I never got an answer, WTF... are you a burnout or a steinwhinner?

D] Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
English MutherFucker, English.

And yes Trump could easily be investigated after he loses in 2020.
LexusLover's Avatar
I do not rely on the "media" for primary information.

Regarding the Russians, it is common knowledge they attempt to interfere with public information flow and content at many places around the globe. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Well, that's "interesting" ... you do not rely on the media to determine what "misinformation" is being published by Russia for the rank-and-file U.S. voters to ingest in order to be "persuaded" by the Russians' "fake news" in anticipation of voting in the general election ....

.. but (ACCORDING TO YOU) the Russians are "interfering" with "public information flow AND CONTENT" ... "AT MANY PLACES AROUND THE GLOBE" ....

.. but apparently NOT IN THE "GOOD OLE U.S.A" ... for ...

.... the rank-and-file U.S. voters to ingest in order to be "persuaded" by the Russians' "fake news" in anticipation of voting in the general election!!!

Let me guess! Your "opinion" is based on your special knowledge gained from anonymous sources, who prefer not to be identified publicly for fear they will be executed !!!!! ... or worse! They ARE BOTH LAUGHING THEIR ASSES OFF AT YOU!

And Gruber is off-stage rolling on the floor!

And apparently one Little Neophyte What-a-Be KNOW-IT-ALL on here perceives the "investigation" into the "Russian Connection" ... errr.... "RussiaGate"?...... to be in the embryonic stages .... in other words .... ALL THESE YEARS OF INTERFERENCE ... the Obaminable Administration DONE NUTHIN' to stop the Russians meddling in our politics .... except ....

.... tell them he could be more "flexible" after the 2012 elections!!!!!!
I am no deeply knowledgeable expert on this matter, but I do believe those who are experts who say that Russians do attempt to manipulate news content and flow, and they have done so in a variety of locations around the globe, including our country. I understand how easily citizens can be duped -including me. You're not going to change my mind that the Russians are involved in such pursuits. My position is that the evidence is decidedly strong that this is happening. It is a worrisome situation, in my estimation, and a failure to acknowledge it and a failure to work to prevent it from happening would be equally dangerous mistakes.
bamscram's Avatar
I am no deeply knowledgeable expert on this matter, but I do believe those who are experts who say that Russians do attempt to manipulate news content and flow, and they have done so in a variety of locations around the globe, including our country. I understand how easily citizens can be duped -including me. You're not going to change my mind that the Russians are involved in such pursuits. My position is that the evidence is decidedly strong that this is happening. It is a worrisome situation, in my estimation, and a failure to acknowledge it and a failure to work to prevent it from happening would be equally dangerous mistakes. Originally Posted by Muy Largo
Don't worry about LL he is a senile old gas bag. Has a direct line to iffylube where he gets his talking points.