Rent houses

This is the exact reason why the op has abandoned the thread perhaps. Everyone wants to be Eddie Murphy at his height. Op if you are still there Brooke gave the best answer. If all else fails be a gentleman and put their place in your name. Originally Posted by ScroogeMcduck
Bad idea for obvious reasons.
NordicJag's Avatar
This is the exact reason why the op has abandoned the thread perhaps. Everyone wants to be Eddie Murphy at his height. Op if you are still there Brooke gave the best answer. If all else fails be a gentleman and put their place in your name. Originally Posted by ScroogeMcduck
If you were the OP, would you be willing to put it in your name?
Michael8219's Avatar
This is the exact reason why the op has abandoned the thread perhaps. Everyone wants to be Eddie Murphy at his height. Op if you are still there Brooke gave the best answer. If all else fails be a gentleman and put their place in your name. Originally Posted by ScroogeMcduck
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-01-2023, 10:00 PM
I just had a idea, maybe a fellow established hooker can help her out?
The girls in need hopefully have a current bank account or income tax returns from this or previous year which can prove income, the trick is to get creative as how the money is earned.
Michael8219's Avatar
^ “the trick is to get creative”…I am as creative as the next guy but public nudity is frowned upon.

When I had a rent house, one prospective tenant wanted to give me three months rent in advance in cash. Sirens went off in my head as I said no.

In hindsight I may have then become a tri ola or sands stone like landlord.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
The girls in need hopefully have a current bank account or income tax returns from this or previous year which can prove income, the trick is to get creative as how the money is earned. Originally Posted by araņanegra
Before I came up with this trick, the only time I had ever been denied by a private landlord is when I said I was self-employed & showed him my bank statements.

He said he would not rent to anyone that is self-employed due to the income ups & downs.
Op my OG patna got like 7 rent houses. I asked him and he said he would be willing to put them up in one of his houses. They would have a great support group of guys and we would even be willing to help them with their business. You know security and help them manage their money. Have them message me for details. It's a beautiful home in the heights. Hope that helps
Op my OG patna got like 7 rent houses. I asked him and he said he would be willing to put them up in one of his houses. They would have a great support group of guys and we would even be willing to help them with their business. You know security and help them manage their money. Have them message me for details. It's a beautiful home in the heights. Hope that helps Originally Posted by Trillburgers
This is even a worse idea. Sounds more like a takeover, manage their security and money? Sounds like what a P*** would do, girls steer clear.
This is even a worse idea. Sounds more like a takeover, manage their security and money? Sounds like what a P*** would do, girls steer clear. Originally Posted by araņanegra
Please don't be negative and keep your mind out the gutter. I am providing a rent house for them, a support system of guys and a person to manage their money. Last I checked most folks have accountants and money managers. Obviously, they don't know how to manage money if they are in this situation so my people can help them. Please, are you offering them a place. If not why disregard someone who is a long with a healthy support system.
That’s what a pimp would do. That’s the word I censored.
Do you have a solution for them. I do. If you have a better option Sir please add positively to the thread. I'm here. Need help, but I'm not a punching bag or your punchline. Put some respek on my name. I don't do the laughs and giggles. I'm too busy trying to get my EBT card, gold card, plan my party, take care of my OG and all my paid patnas. I literally ain't got time for you. Help, or be quiet, at least be respectful. I only ask once...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Well this thread has been hijacked.
As I said at post 33, be helpful.
As this has gone to troll-land, closing thread