Anyone who believes the election was stolen is a liar or stupid

  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 11:24 AM
Sad to live a life of denial, delusion inculcated by teh propaganda indoctrination of your beloved Big Brother and teh LSM
Of course - fiden and hunter are not corrupt - because XiNN tells you so.

Minion simpleton idiots.

and - when teh books and people go to your AOC DPST ovens - and when they come for You ......

Big Brother will just smile and watch the smoke rise.
Sad to live a life of denial, delusion inculcated by teh propaganda indoctrination of your beloved Big Brother and teh LSM
Of course - fiden and hunter are not corrupt - because XiNN tells you so.

Minion simpleton idiots.

and - when teh books and people go to your AOC DPST ovens - and when they come for You ......

Big Brother will just smile and watch the smoke rise. Originally Posted by oeb11
Go Boris Go. Ты гребаный идиот.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 11:35 AM
hardly 'r' - u do like the standard of Lie first, continually, and last - and your 'big Brother' approved propaganda techniques that the Big Lie will overcome Truth and FACTS.

you have only name-calling and Lies - next is Hitler, then teh 'r' word as One becomes increasingly frustrated with the failure of nonsense posted as cogent and constructive debate - which your posts are definitely NOT!
DPST's live by denial of evident facts and truth.

there are currently 18 cases of organized voter fraud active in teh US - never reported by your

marxist LSM - DPST's
the New 'Voting rights act for illegals and non-citizens 'is prima facie evidence of teh Lies and plans of the DPST marxists in power to maintain permanent control by taking teh vote from citizen taxpayers - and keeping the nomenklatura in power forever. Originally Posted by oeb11

Blah, blah, blah.

This thread is about the presidential election.
Your post is irrelevant to this thread and insignificant to the larger picture of voter fraud.

How many people are involved in those 18 cases?
How many involve repubs?
Why no link? Obviously because it is insignificant.

The only reason your news source published those fraud stories is because that's all they have to pretend there is rampant fraud.
Those cases are all local. Provide a link and I'll prove they were all reported locally by the "LSM".

You are in denial.
About the fact there was no voter fraud significant enough to change the national election.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 11:51 AM
Thank you for the waste of bandwidth -

's invariably accuse their 'enemies' of exactly their own plans and actions.

One used teh word 'Delusions' - look in a mirror, vs.

find One's own links. I serve u not!

Nor yourlord and master Chinese Comrade Xi

U do love Big Brother!
TryWeakly's Avatar
They will hide/bury the evidence by 51 votes.
hardly 'r' - u do like the standard of Lie first, continually, and last - and your 'big Brother' approved propaganda techniques that the Big Lie will overcome Truth and FACTS.

you have only name-calling and Lies - next is Hitler, then teh 'r' word as One becomes increasingly frustrated with the failure of nonsense posted as cogent and constructive debate - which your posts are definitely NOT! Originally Posted by oeb11
Because the guy who can't spell a 3 letter word and who doesn't provide examples says so?
Answering someone who posts something you disagree with by calling their posts nonsense and not worthy of debate?

When have you ever engaged in a valid debate?
You can't because you pretend your talking points are facts.
You are the poster child for the big lie (stolen election) and are projecting your own deficiencies on to others.
Whose fault is it you can't spell? Or why you are too lazy to correct the many misspellings? Or why you aren't smart enough to set up autocorrect for that one word?

Stop being a victim and fix your own problems.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 12:14 PM
Victimology - now I am a victim of teh evil forces of freedom, Facts, and Truth, 'vs'.


Next comes more denial, delusions , and Lies from your LSM.

you, Good sir - of teh marxist ideology - are the victim and slave of a DPST LSM you choose to believe.

And will pay a severe price for that foolishness.

U do love Big Brother

Again, no evidence. Of corruption, him being a puppet, or him being stupid.
But you believe Trump. All you have is your uninformed opinion.

Which means nothing to me.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
The very fact that Biden displays low intellect should be evidence enough. If you can't see that then maybe liberalism really is an affliction.
Thank you for the waste of bandwidth -

's invariably accuse their 'enemies' of exactly their own plans and actions.

One used teh word 'Delusions' - look in a mirror, vs.

find One's own links. I serve u not!

Nor yourlord and master Chinese Comrade Xi

U do love Big Brother!
Originally Posted by oeb11
How much bandwidth do you waste by posting pictures of your hero? And actually it's not wasted. It shows us who you are.

I don't accuse you of plans. I accuse you of what you do.
You frequently reference xi. I don't. He is your plan.
You do everything you complain about.

You posted info you claim is correct. And since you won't cite the source of your info, it's obvious you are misrepresenting that info (at best).

The most telling thing you do is when you rate people's responses. You're trying to show your opinion is relevant.
No one challenges it the same way no one says anything about your inability to spell a 3 letter word or your unwillingness to proof read your posts.
Both are signs of a lazy intellect.
The very fact that Biden displays low intellect should be evidence enough. If you can't see that then maybe liberalism really is an affliction. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You're just another "my uninformed opinion is the basis for my facts" guy.
30000 lies out of Trump and not a peep. I should believe anything you say without a link?
Sorry trumptester.
I wish you were a victim of truth and freedom.
That would mean your desire for civil war, unrest, splitting the country apart, and your spreading of lies etc. would be crushed by the country (and it's freedom, truth, and ideals) that you hate.
Regardless and contrary to your efforts, America will be here after you and your Chinese brethren have collapsed into the dust.
You're just another "my uninformed opinion is the basis for my facts" guy.
30000 lies out of Trump and not a peep. I should believe anything you say without a link?
Sorry trumptester.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
Forget about Trump he's not the President. Concentrate on what's going on with the Biden Administration which is little to nothing unless you think excessive use of Executive Orders is a practical way to govern a country.
  • oeb11
  • 03-16-2021, 03:34 PM
I wish you were a victim of truth and freedom.
That would mean your desire for civil war, unrest, splitting the country apart, and your spreading of lies etc. would be crushed by the country (and it's freedom, truth, and ideals) that you hate.
Regardless and contrary to your efforts, America will be here after you and your Chinese brethren have collapsed into the dust. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

VS - You present the precise narrative and platform of beliefs of your very own marxist dictatorial DPST /ccp Party.

Look in a mirror and read Ur post.

You are just deflecting your own XiNN propaganda and beleifs on 'Unbeliever" Conservatives - and your 'FACTS and Truth" are no more than your own marxist party fantasies and narrative,.

the foolish will bow to Xi and his dictatorial control.

Get in line to kowtow -vs.

you do love Big Brother!
  • eyefo
  • 03-16-2021, 04:23 PM
I'd suggest that anyone who believes the election was fair and square watch the many hours of testimony given by citizen poll workers in the five swing states to their respective state legislators last January and February.

These eyewitnesses -- from various types of life experience and occupation -- had quite similar stories from different points of view about misconduct and tampering by Democrat workers.

Anyone with fair and critical thinking will realize there was a great deal wrong with the election and the tactics used by the Democrats were very successful.

So before you simply claim there was no fraud, watch the 40+ hours from these swing state jurisdictions and then lets talk about it.