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pfunkdenver's Avatar
not full tilt, they're playing with the idea, particularly in Minneapolis.

They quote some of these cities as sources of inspiration: Originally Posted by GastonGlock
So, no one has actually adopted this policy, correct?
lustylad's Avatar
Has this actually been chosen by any city, or county, government? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Do you even pay attention to ANYTHING?

Last year NYC Mayor Bill de Blows-me-o slashed the NYPD budget by $1.5 billion!

For your homework, pfunk, your assignment is to google "Police budget cuts" for Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and Los Angeles. Then come back and tell us what you find, ok?

"Defund the police"... Left-wing wacko slogans have consequences! Don't say it if you don't mean it! And if you think it's a dumbfuck idea, then don't be afraid to speak up and say that!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Do you even pay attention to ANYTHING? Originally Posted by lustylad
Oh, I've heard about defunding police. I haven't heard anything about replacing them with social workers.

I was responding to this:

Originally Posted by GastonGlock View Post
With the defunding of cops and this naive idea of sending social workers instead,
HedonistForever's Avatar
So, no one has actually adopted this policy, correct? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

Well, yes and no. They have taken the money from the police budget and given it to various groups that will "eventually" solve the problem when they send a social worker to a domestic dispute to make sure the cop doesn't shoot anybody and only the social worker will be shot.

So many of these departments are in limbo with the money gone but no social workers actually making the calls the money was to be used for. It's all a scam.

Meantime, more than 5,000 police have retired, quit or in the process of turning in their papers in New York. 21 people shot last week-end in New York and crime up over 100% in some major cities. And the crime wave will only get worse which is why I predict by 2022, the American people will have had enough of the "New Democrat Party".

Do your own research and you won't have to ask so many questions which only makes you look un-informed.

And guess what some social workers think of the idea?


Since the police killings this year of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and other Black people, more people have begun to confront the harms of policing, and many are imagining for the first time how police might be abolished altogether. One palatable alternative has emerged: Social workers should collaborate with—or replace—police officers.

pfunkdenver's Avatar
[SIZE=3]Do your own research and you won't have to ask so many questions which only makes you look un-informed. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I have zero interest in social workers replacing police, unless it's actually happening.

It isn't.

Glaston peaked my curiosity.
lustylad's Avatar
I have zero interest in social workers replacing police, unless it's actually happening. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Stay alert, pfunk. The left-wing whackos test their whacko ideas before implementing them. The first time you hear them say something completely deranged like "we need to replace the police with social workers" you shake your head and dismiss it as nonsense. When the shit actually starts hitting the fan months or years later, you don't react because the idea was already planted in your brain long enough that you've been desensitized to how stupid and ridiculous it is.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Social workers at the Knife fight
HedonistForever's Avatar
I have zero interest in social workers replacing police, unless it's actually happening.

It isn't.

Glaston peaked my curiosity. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

You voted for the party pushing this idea. To deny it displays a degree of ignorance and denial. It is exactly what they said they were going to do. Maybe you weren't listening.

Florida police department replacing police with social workers on non violent calls.

Citizens of major cities across the United States are urging leaders to defund the police.
St. Petersburg police announced they will forfeit a 3 million dollar grant to hire new officers and relocate funds into hiring social workers to respond to non-violent calls.

Major cities such as Baltimore, Portland, and Philadelphia have set the trend in defunding the police department and investing in community programs.
“What we are in support of is investing in social work, investing in mental health, ” said Thomas P. Felke.
Social workers would respond to:
  • Intoxicated individuals
  • Mental health crises
  • Drug overdose
  • Disorderly intoxication
  • Suicide crises
  • Homeless complaints and panhandling
  • Neighborhood disputes
  • Truancy, or disorderly minors
  • Disorderly juveniles at elementary schools
“The social worker program is good in a medical or clinical environment, not out in the street when the situation is changing rapidly and that situation can turn for the dangerous, ” said Walt Zalisko.

Felke says people are less likely to respond with violence when approached by someone who is not in uniform.

Common sense tells me that one is less likely to shot at someone who can shot back.

I know you have an aversion to answering simple questions but I'm going to try anyway. What do you think these Mayor's are doing with the money they are taking away from the police? Who do you think they are giving it too? They call them "Community Services" or Social Workers.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Lots of young kids with worthless psych degrees out there that would take the job. Thirteen bucks an hour to go, unarmed, into a domestic dispute when he’s stoned on meth and she just swilled down a fifth of Jack Daniels is better than being unemployed, playing Xbox in moms basement.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Lots of young kids with worthless psych degrees out there that would take the job. Thirteen bucks an hour to go, unarmed, into a domestic dispute when he’s stoned on meth and she just swilled down a fifth of Jack Daniels is better than being unemployed, playing Xbox in moms basement. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
You voted for the party pushing this idea. To deny it displays a degree of ignorance and denial. It is exactly what they said they were going to do. Maybe you weren't listening. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
When you guys return to the real world, let me know. We can discuss politics!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
What matters is allegiance to either the republican or democrat party, gender and skin color. Everything else is simply an illusion designed to keep you stupid and distract you from real issues.
HedonistForever's Avatar
When you guys return to the real world, let me know. We can discuss politics! Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

Says the guy who just had his ass handed to him AGAIN! I'm beginning to see a pattern here. You challenge me, I provide the proof and you come up with some lame ass excuse for not continuing the debate when you obviously lose the argument. You can't discuss politics because you don't understand what is going on most of the time.

And once again, you can't answer a simple question: What do you think they do with that money they take from the police force if not give it to "Community organizations" that promote using social workers for some police work?
HedonistForever's Avatar
What matters is allegiance to either the republican or democrat party, gender and skin color. Everything else is simply an illusion designed to keep you stupid and distract you from real issues. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

I can only speak for myself but my only allegiance is to common sense, the Constitution and "textualism", leaving new legislation up to the Legislature where it belongs and the rule of law which includes due process and equal justice under the law. This has become an anathema to the Democrat party so who am I going to side with if not Republicans?

The one strong suit Republicans have since they have completely giving up on reducing the debt, is that when it comes to law and order, especially when it gets out of control like it is now, voters will return them to office like they will do in 2022.

And thanks to the woke Democrats who are literally destroying education in this country, this will be an additional issue that will drive voters back to the Republican party.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I can only speak for myself but my only allegiance is to common sense, the Constitution and "textualism", leaving new legislation up to the Legislature where it belongs and the rule of law which includes due process and equal justice under the law. This has become an anathema to the Democrat party so who am I going to side with if not Republicans?

The one strong suit Republicans have since they have completely giving up on reducing the debt, is that when it comes to law and order, especially when it gets out of control like it is now, voters will return them to office like they will do in 2022.

And thanks to the woke Democrats who are literally destroying education in this country, this will be an additional issue that will drive voters back to the Republican party. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
If you say so.