Highly classified documents removed in FBI search.

You said “Nuclear Codes,” not me.

I’m convinced he improperly took and held classified information. Are
You convinced he didn’t? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Classified information pertaining to what exactly? I am willing to bet whatever Classified Information the FBI was looking for they aren't going to disclose that information to the public. They have something specific in mind and I seriously doubt it's Nuclear Codes or Classified Documents in general.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Classified information pertaining to what exactly? I am willing to bet whatever Classified Information the FBI was looking for they aren't going to disclose that information to the public. They have something specific in mind and I seriously doubt it's Nuclear Codes or Classified Documents in general. Originally Posted by Levianon17

"WHAT" they were looking for is anything they think they can use to prevent Trump from running again. I wrote in another post that only being convicted of insurrection would disallow Trump from running but I just heard Peter Navarro say that he thinks they are concentrated on that part of the warrant ( statute 2701 ) that says "willfully removed documents", which is the same as "intent", could disqualify Trump from running again but another legal scholar just said that "qualifier" is not part of the original law and the law says nothing more can be added to that law so if Garland was thinking he had Trump on that, looks like he was wrong.

It seems to me, believing that somebody in Garlands office has a brain, that they HAVE TO find something other than "he removed classified documents" and as of tonight, from what I have just listened to, it sounds like they are going to try and convict Trump on the "Espionage Act" which might be one of those "qualifiers" being discussed. Not being an expert on any of this by any measure, I can only repeat what I am hearing and I am not presenting anything as fact that I don't label "as fact". I wonder how many more times I'll have to write that after being attacked for saying something is a fact when I did not. I don't know why I have to keep repeating that anything I write is an opinion unless I state in big bold letters "THIS IS A FACT" and do that very rarely because that can come back to bite you in the ass, which it has.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Electing an inept buffoon like Trump was terrible for this country. He has no clue on how to handle classified material. This may end up costing taxpayers billions. Originally Posted by earthlink

I guess it could very well if after this we add up what the government had to spend on all the investigations like Mueller, Inspector General Horiwitz, etc. against Trump so far and add up what this is going to cost to pursue but I get the feeling you had something else in mind. Care to explain how Trump and not the deep state is going to end up costing the taxpayers millions?
Electing an inept buffoon like Trump was terrible for this country. He has no clue on how to handle classified material. This may end up costing taxpayers billions. Originally Posted by earthlink
... How many billions will the War in Ukraine
cost the American people??

### Salty
biomed1's Avatar
To return to the Original Topic . . .
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change it's direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
"WHAT" they were looking for is anything they think they can use to prevent Trump from running again. I wrote in another post that only being convicted of insurrection would disallow Trump from running but I just heard Peter Navarro say that he thinks they are concentrated on that part of the warrant ( statute 2701 ) that says "willfully removed documents", which is the same as "intent", could disqualify Trump from running again but another legal scholar just said that "qualifier" is not part of the original law and the law says nothing more can be added to that law so if Garland was thinking he had Trump on that, looks like he was wrong.

It seems to me, believing that somebody in Garlands office has a brain, that they HAVE TO find something other than "he removed classified documents" and as of tonight, from what I have just listened to, it sounds like they are going to try and convict Trump on the "Espionage Act" which might be one of those "qualifiers" being discussed. Not being an expert on any of this by any measure, I can only repeat what I am hearing and I am not presenting anything as fact that I don't label "as fact". I wonder how many more times I'll have to write that after being attacked for saying something is a fact when I did not. I don't know why I have to keep repeating that anything I write is an opinion unless I state in big bold letters "THIS IS A FACT" and do that very rarely because that can come back to bite you in the ass, which it has. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Which tells me that if the FBI didn't find anything they'll manufacture it. That's what a corrupt Government Agency does when there is a particular goal in mind. That goal is to completely dissolve Trump's chances of running in 2024. Trump will most likely be indicted and they will drag any and all proceedings along to keep Trump ineligible to run for office.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course you’re right.

They’re all out to get Trump.

And they’ll do whatever possible to get him.

Even if it means acting like Trump.
Of course you’re right.

They’re all out to get Trump.

And they’ll do whatever possible to get him.

Even if it means acting like Trump. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Face it, in the last two years without Trump this Country has become a Banana Republic. America's Government has become corrupt and will stay that way.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It would probably be best to just wait until all the facts come out publicly. You folks can argue all day and night about this topic, but nobody knows jack shit until they disclose what was actually discovered.

Trump is a childish scumbag, so I look forward to seeing just how low that sore loser went after he was fired for being a complete disgrace of a president and a deplorable human being.

Having said that, maybe this is just another witch hunt or maybe it is not. Time will tell either way when the classification level of the documents are disclosed and whether the orange loud mouth dummy is charged with anything.

All I know is that I doubt they wasted their time raiding his mansion because they had nothing better to do that day. We don't have all the facts yet so sit back and wait for the Trump clown show to continue as scheduled. Haha
Jacuzzme's Avatar
"WHAT" they were looking for is anything they think they can use to prevent Trump from running again. I Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yes, the Stasi were there to grab anything they think could cast him in a bad light, an open ended license to dig through anything and everything that would have, and should have, never been granted. They’re scared shitless that to many eyes will be on the ballot boxes this time around. If this desperate attack doesn’t bear fruit, Trump’s life is in danger. They simply can’t let him run again.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I’m particularly impressed by the inquisitors who think one side knows more about what was in those boxes than another. “What classified documents specifically did they find, yadda, yadda, yadda.”

Lucas said it eloquently - nobody knows jack shit until they disclose what was actually discovered. That in a nutshell is where we are. Trump’s bullshit machine has been running at 115% capacity since he first reported the search. The minions are rallying to his defense. Just as planned (orchestrated).

I expect the rage whining, threats of Civil War and denigration of the USA and their fellow citizens (and ECCIE posters) to crescendo throughout the weekend or at least until President Biden farts or something and they can scream bout something else.

The only movement likely to result from why figures to be a bloody ECCIE weekend is that the BAND will grow.

Enjoy your weekend. Patriots. And be careful out there. The “Stasi” is watching. (So dramatic, boyz!)
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Face it, in the last two years without Trump this Country has become a Banana Republic. America's Government has become corrupt and will stay that way. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Case in point.
Yeah the truth is often painful, even to those who are too blind to see it or show they're just beyond stupid by taking that statement and blaming Trump for it .....
HedonistForever's Avatar
Which tells me that if the FBI didn't find anything they'll manufacture it. That's what a corrupt Government Agency does when there is a particular goal in mind. That goal is to completely dissolve Trump's chances of running in 2024. Trump will most likely be indicted and they will drag any and all proceedings along to keep Trump ineligible to run for office. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Just like Kevin Clinesmith, Councel for the FBI did when he purposely falsified an FBI document and then sent it to a FISA court which stamped it's approval to continue investigating a made-up narrative that the Democrats have not given up onto this day with exactly zero evidence if you don't count what Adam Schiff has that he won't share..... STILL!

This FBI and DOJ are biased at best and corrupt to their core at worst.
What they found were more documents clearly marked as different levels of classification. After Trump claimed they had all been returned.
The idea they were planted is a joke.
According to you, all evidence against Trump is questionable. The idea that all the people needed to buy into your claims, of all the conspiracies, all of your bullshit theories that involve tens of thousands of people, none of who have come forward to spill their guts tells me you're out of your mind.
You don't even know what country you live in let alone what the Constitution says. It says innocent until proven guilty. You demand it for Trump but won't give it to others. Your hypocrisy on this basic American value explains everything about you I need to know. I'm not impressed.
You've claimed federal agents have committed multiple felonies with no proof what so ever. Honorable men and women who risk their lives for our country. Of course you would never say that to their faces. And when you say you would it exposes that you'll say anything to preserve your Trump fantasy land.

This comes from the people who claim massive election fraud with no proof.
Matter of fact, it is such such bullshit, that the cases that went to court made no mention of fraud.
Oh well, you are what you are.

PS The person you mentioned gives proof to your bullshit comparison is even more bullshit.
He was tried and convicted of that crime. So you now claim that even though the system worked, it backs your take on things.
It only backs that your opinions lack reason and truth and are worthless.