Classified information pertaining to what exactly? I am willing to bet whatever Classified Information the FBI was looking for they aren't going to disclose that information to the public. They have something specific in mind and I seriously doubt it's Nuclear Codes or Classified Documents in general.
Originally Posted by Levianon17
"WHAT" they were looking for is anything they think they can use to prevent Trump from running again. I wrote in another post that only being convicted of insurrection would disallow Trump from running but I just heard Peter Navarro say that he thinks they are concentrated on that part of the warrant ( statute 2701 ) that says "willfully removed documents", which is the same as "intent", could disqualify Trump from running again but another legal scholar just said that "qualifier" is not part of the original law and the law says nothing more can be added to that law so if Garland was thinking he had Trump on that, looks like he was wrong.
It seems to me, believing that somebody in Garlands office has a brain, that they HAVE TO find something other than "he removed classified documents" and as of tonight, from what I have just listened to, it sounds like they are going to try and convict Trump on the "Espionage Act" which might be one of those "qualifiers" being discussed. Not being an expert on any of this by any measure, I can only repeat what I am hearing and I am not presenting anything as fact that I don't label "as fact". I wonder how many more times I'll have to write that after being attacked for saying something is a fact when I did not. I don't know why I have to keep repeating that anything I write is an opinion unless I state in big bold letters "THIS IS A FACT" and do that very rarely because that can come back to bite you in the ass, which it has.