Cold Calling Madams

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  • WTF
  • 03-07-2010, 02:32 PM
Your lack of logic is legendary.
Originally Posted by terbul
Now that does not appear to be playing very nice.

How about I just forgive you right now.

The false belief you’ve exposed is “.. believe there is some danger in visiting an agency..”?

Are you saying now there is no danger in visiting an agency?
Originally Posted by terbul
I SAID that there is a small danger in visiting a agency AND (note AND) an Indy.

I said that they are both so incredible fucking small that I compared it to earth being hit by a meteorite.

What part of that do you not understand?

1/10,000,000, or 1/20,000,000

If I said to you "If you fuc that have one in ten million chance of becoming Tiger Woods"....."but that one over there drops it down to one in twenty million."

Would you really believe that you had a chance of becoming TW ?

In your previous post you stated that “ are TWICE as likely to get busted working for an agency as an independent…”

Is there any semblance of a point you are trying to make here? Originally Posted by terbul be able to read statistics. Once read to actually comprehend just what was meant. If you do not understand. Ask nicely. I promise not to laugh at you. There is plenty of things that I am not versed on. You just so happened to pick one , where I am.

Once you are able to do that , you will not have to ask such rudimentary (and rude assumptions) questions on the internet,
atlcomedy's Avatar
opcorn: opcorn:
Now that does not appear to be playing very nice.

How about I just forgive you right now.

I SAID that there is a small danger in visiting a agency AND (note AND) an Indy.

I said that they are both some incredible fucking small that I compared it to earth being hit by a meteorite.

What part of that do you not understand?

1/10,000,000, or 1/20,000,000

If I said to you "If you fuc that have one in ten million chance of becoming Tiger Woods"....."but that one over there drops it down to one in twenty million."

Would you really believe that you had a chance of becoming TW ? be able to read statistics. Once read to actually comprehend just what was meant. If you do not understand. Ask nicely. I promise not to laugh at you. There is plenty of things that I am not versed on. You just so happened to pick one , where I am.

Once you are able to do that , you will not have to ask such rudimentary questions on the internet, Originally Posted by WTF

Read your own post (#40)

"True...but again, I did not mistreat you. I corrected a false belief for others to either believe or not. If they want to believe there is some danger in visiting an agency, then LE has done thier will be the independents and then there will be no one to protest! LOL.. sorry, wrong genocide "

You claim the false belief is that “there is some danger” then your version of the true belief is (based on this post) “there is a small danger”.
wtf logic at it’s finest
But at the end of the day, you never see (Elliot excluded) police making public, names of johns. Just doen not happen. Originally Posted by WTF
O rly?

Also, though I'm too lazy to go look up the link, in the aftermath of the Houston social raid, one of the hobbyists arrested had not only his name but his photo in an article.

Interesting. P411 has a form to request a provider OK. In the form, it says, "don't expect the lady to remember you" or some such language. Then it asks for details that might help her remember. It always gave me the impression that to providers, we all look alike. Just a hard-on with a wallet. LOL. Before anyone gets their nose out of joint, I say that semi-facetiously. I don't think it is true for most providers, but wouldn't put it past a limited number.
I certainly never thought it would happen to me. A lady asked for a reference. The number was not in my contact list and I had absolutely no recollection of the name and handle she gave. I was just putting the finishing touches on an alert in Ladies Only about a fellow using me as a fake reference when the lady called back with the guy in question on the line. The second he said where we met for an appointment, I knew exactly who he was. I had seen him two months before, for a one-hour appointment. It was the only time we met, and we had talked on the phone twice, and briefly.

I'm low-volume, and that's the only time I'd ever forgotten a client. Perhaps I'm getting old.
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  • WTF
  • 03-07-2010, 02:56 PM
Read your own post (#40)

"True...but again, I did not mistreat you. I corrected a false belief for others to either believe or not. If they want to believe there is some danger in visiting an agency, then LE has done thier will be the independents and then there will be no one to protest! LOL.. sorry, wrong genocide "

You claim the false belief is that “there is some danger” then your version of the true belief is (based on this post) “there is a small danger”.
wtf logic at it’s finest Originally Posted by terbul
Please re write that. I could not follow just WTF you are trying to get at. Maybe.....

There is a danger that earth will be hit by a meteorite.
There is a danger that if you see an Indy or use an agancy that you will become entangled with LE.

If you think there is a huge difference between 1/10,000,000 and 1/20,000,000 as it pertains to this discussion.....then you are just to sharp for me.

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  • WTF
  • 03-07-2010, 03:00 PM
O rly?

Also, though I'm too lazy to go look up the link, in the aftermath of the Houston social raid, one of the hobbyists arrested had not only his name but his photo in an article.
Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
Can we blame this on indy's or agency's?

In Houston they went after spa's , then agency's, now indy's.

So to the point of my point of posting in this thread....was not that you would NEVER get arrested but that the odd's (when looked at objectively) are about the same. Depending of course just where LE is in their roundup game. Right now, in Houston, it is on Indy's.

But my point from the start (No matter what Summerhill protests) was that there is no tangable difference in your odd's of being busted. It is very random in the overall scheme of things.


This is a tough class to reach! Ya'll have your party pants on last night?
But my point from the start (No matter what Summerhill protests) was that there is no tangable difference in your odd's of being busted. It is very random in the overall scheme of things. Originally Posted by WTF
Obviously you missed my risk assessment post.
WTF, I think it was more than clear which of your points I was addressing. You perceive, it would be the point I quoted before typing my response to it. Claiming that I have somehow misunderstood your point about the odds of arrest is obfuscation to the point of ad hominem. Going so far as to claim I misunderstood so thoroughly I must be hungover is just disgusting.

John Bull's Avatar
Enough of this personal back-biting. You folks don't look very erudite to me now.

Thread is closed. If this keeps up, points will be issued.