Righties can's stand losing, so they start shooting!

TheDaliLama's Avatar
I swear I was just cleaning it and it went off.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
According to RCP, Romney leads in Colorado so once again "off the mark" is wrong again. Winners don't have to shoot offices but losers do in order to get sympathy.
I swear I was just cleaning it and it went off. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I bet the same thing happens to your Dick when you're taking a shower, lol.
markroxny's Avatar
Won't be long now....

DENVER - Police continue to search for the person who shot into a field campaign office for President Obama in Denver last Friday.
According to John White with the Denver Police Department, investigators recovered one round from inside the building.
The original call about the incident came in on Oct.12 at 3 p.m. The bullet shattered a window at the West 9th Avenue office.
People were inside at the time of the shooting, but no one was hit.
Investigators are still looking at surveillance video in the area, but do not have any footage to release yet.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Won't be long now....

http://www.9news.com/news/local/arti...-office-sought Originally Posted by markroxny
Marks-rocks-with-pee, is still FAILING to prove his point in several ways.

First, marks-rocks-with-pee gave this thread a title that is not supported by the very evidence he chose to cite.

Second, marks-rocks-with-pee made a statement embracing an 'absolute' that is not supported by history, e.g., Jared Lee Loughner – a leftist.

Thirdly, marks-rocks-with-pee – who hangs on a corner in his hood in Harlem and has NO personal knowledge of or experiences with Arizona shooter and killer Jared Lee Loughner - a lefty – is of the excessively specious opinion that his opinion some how trumps Parker's years of personal observations of and her experiences with leftist Arizona shooter and killer, Jared Lee Loughner.

Marks-rocks-with-pee failed, and it is his opinion that is entirely irrelevant.

Lee Harvey Oswald -- another notorious lefty-loon with a rifle.
markroxny's Avatar
Oswald? Really??

I B Hankering's Avatar
Oswald? Really??

LMFAO!! Originally Posted by markroxny

Lee Harvey Oswald -- a notorious lefty-loon -- a Marxist communist -- with a rifle.
markroxny's Avatar
If you are going to write Oswald off as a lefty loon and a communist, you need to do a little homework, and read up on his connections to the US govt buddy.

I B Hankering's Avatar
If you are going to write Oswald off as a lefty loon and a communist, you need to do a little homework, and read up on his connections to the US govt buddy.

SMH Originally Posted by markroxny
Oswald was a certified lefty-loon -- a Marxist communist -- and it's you who needs to do your homework if you fantasize differently, marks-rocks-with-pee.
If you are going to write Oswald off as a lefty loon and a communist, you need to do a little homework, and read up on his connections to the US govt buddy. Originally Posted by markroxny
No, why don't YOU tell us about his "connections" to the US government? We know he was a Marine. What else?

Also, why do you imply that "connections" to the US government means he is not a left-winger? The government is and always has been FULL of left wingers of varying stripes - from the light pink to the deep red. Ramsey Clark? Bill-Hillary? Rahm Emanual? George McGovern? Ted Kennedy? Dennis Kucinich? Bernie Sanders? Anyone elected from a San Francisco district in the last 40 years?

In fact, a good case can be made that government connections means you are more likely to be left of center than right of center. Especially if you are in a government employee union.

Oswald dropped out of 10th grade and joined the Marines in October 1956 when he turned 17. He was given a hardship discharge in September 1959.

He fell for Marxist ideology, defected to the Soviet Union in October 1959 when he was barely 20. He got disillusioned in a hurry and came back to the US in less than 3 years (June 1962).

About 17 months later (November 1963) he was dead - barely 24 years old.

But, in the meantime, he tried to assassinate (March 1963) retired US Major General Edwin Walker, a fervent anticommunist who was also a John Bircher and a segregationist. Oswald considered Walker a fascist.

He had psychiatric problems as a kid and even the Soviets had him under psych evaluation in a hospital after he cut his wrist in a hotel bathroom.

He was a pathetic loser with delusions of grandeur.

Exactly who in the US government would have hired such a reject for any important purpose and when would they have had the chance to do it?

I can't wait to see the conspiracy theorist nonsense you post that insinuates some master plan for controlling the world. No doubt Jewish bankers are behind it all.

And I'm not even saying he was a "real" lefty and more that I think Timothy McVeigh was a "real" righty. Narcissistic sociopaths are quite common in society, but they don't rise to the level of true psychopaths that are so obviously crazy to everyone who meets them.

As the Warren Commission stated:

"It is apparent, however, that Oswald was moved by an overriding hostility to his environment. He does not appear to have been able to establish meaningful relationships with other people. He was perpetually discontented with the world around him. Long before the assassination he expressed his hatred for American society and acted in protest against it. Oswald's search for what he conceived to be the perfect society was doomed from the start. He sought for himself a place in history—a role as the "great man" who would be recognized as having been in advance of his times. His commitment to Marxism and communism appears to have been another important factor in his motivation. He also had demonstrated a capacity to act decisively and without regard to the consequences when such action would further his aims of the moment. Out of these and the many other factors which may have molded the character of Lee Harvey Oswald there emerged a man capable of assassinating President Kennedy.."

So, there is no denying his dabbling in left-wing ideology, as you are trying to do.

But, if not Marxism, I think he would have found some other excuse or ideology to use to commit some heinous act in order to draw to himself the attention he craved.

In our more modern era, he probably would have done something like - oh, I don't know, maybe shot up a theater full of people during the premier of a Batman movie. Just saying.
markroxny's Avatar
You really think there wasn't more to his so called defection to Russia? Really?

I don't see the words CIA anywhere in your little history and any true history of Oswald will include their involvement.

I'm not interested in having this thread derailed into the Kennedy Assasination debate, it's like bringing up Hitler, it kills the discussion.

Stick to the TOPIC!

If you really think a LEFTY took a drive by shot at an Obama head quarters in DENVER, then I have a few bridges to sell you.
You really think there wasn't more to his so called defection to Russia? Really? Originally Posted by markroxny
No, I don't. He was an idiotic, 10th grade dropout, 20 year old failure looking for something different. What don't you tell us all about what great spy material he was. Start another thread if you must.

I don't see the words CIA anywhere in your little history and any true history of Oswald will include their involvement. Originally Posted by markroxny
Really? Why? Did the CIA see some hidden James Bond potential in an unstable, 10th grade dropout, 20 year old failure that the rest of us missed?

I've always read and heard that the CIA (and FBI) was very difficult to get into because they have elite standards for internal employees, and when they recruit an outsider to work for them, they go for competent, intelligent, older people in positions of power (diplomats, foreign spies or soldiers, professors, business people, etc.) or people with some particular set of technological skills (scientists & engineers with advanced degrees).

But maybe I got it all wrong. Maybe there is a whole reservoir of untapped potential in mentally unbalanced, 10th grade dropout, 20 year old failures that I just don't understand.

I mean, wow! Just think of the implications. No longer will the CIA have to recruit at the Ivy Leagues or other major universities. They can just dip into the huge pool of juvenile delinquent talent that gets released from Lew Sterritt every day. Think of the money we will save in the federal budget!

Tell me - are you aware of any other mentally unbalanced, 10th grade dropout, 20 year old failures that barely spoke any Russian that the CIA recruited to go to Russia to spy for them? Can you point me to some website that know all the deep, dark secrets that has all this information?

Start another thread if you must.

Stick to the TOPIC!

If you really think a LEFTY took a drive by shot at an Obama head quarters in DENVER, then I have a few bridges to sell you. Originally Posted by markroxny
I never said that.

But YOU did imply that it is the right wingers that resort to shooting when they think they are losing.

And up above I posted three links that involved someone taking shots at the GOP that you have conveniently ignored.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You really think there wasn't more to his so called defection to Russia? Really?

I don't see the words CIA anywhere in your little history and any true history of Oswald will include their involvement.

I'm not interested in having this thread derailed into the Kennedy Assasination debate, it's like bringing up Hitler, it kills the discussion.

Stick to the TOPIC!

If you really think a LEFTY took a drive by shot at an Obama head quarters in DENVER, then I have a few bridges to sell you. Originally Posted by markroxny
Your thread was 'derailed' when you typed your title, marks-rocks-with-pee. Your title is not supported by the article you cite, marks-rocks-with-pee.

Your train went of the cliff, marks-rocks-with-pee, when you made a statement embracing an 'absolute' that is not supported by history, e.g., Jared Lee Loughner – a leftist.

Your thread is nothing but rubble now that you insist Oswald wasn't a Marxist communist, marks-rocks-with-pee.