What's the strictest screening you've seen?

FYI: Gina has indicated many times over the years that it's best that ladies follow up with the references.

Hobby safely & wisely! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
Agreed!!! Ladies who are safe make the hobby safe for men. It's a two way street.
It's understandable for established hobbyists to not be obligated to the full litany of the screening process as a newbie. With an established and busy hobbyist, a couple of provider references and PM's from the sites where you have reviews should be enough. Someone completely new to the hobby doesn't have that luxury. They will have to succumb to a lady's screening practices, or narrow his interests on ladies who don't screen or have minimal screening.

I would agree with contacting P411 contacts for the same reason. You don't get the full perspective of a potential friend with P411. Also, profiles have been hacked to aid in police investigations. And depending on the rabbit-hole you fall down, despite your best efforts you can get busted. The only way is to do your best to feel secure in the appointment.
Still Looking's Avatar
It's understandable for established hobbyists to not be obligated to the full litany of the screening process as a newbie. With an established and busy hobbyist, a couple of provider references and PM's from the sites where you have reviews should be enough. Someone completely new to the hobby doesn't have that luxury. They will have to succumb to a lady's screening practices, or narrow his interests on ladies who don't screen or have minimal screening. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
My new provider hero!
I do believe you missed an important word.. I'll high light it RED for you!

"What happens if we lie about our age and send pictures taken years ago?"

The "we" references Hobbyist rather than providers where much discussion has taken place! I'm certain if you read back to Boemech post (Directly Above Mine!) he delineated a provider requesting a picture! I hope that clears things up dude! Originally Posted by Still Looking

Ah, that does clear it up. I breezed over the fact that you were male because of your avatar. I do like when a man has a picture up on P411. I know not all people can do that, but even having a headless photo helps me get a feel that the person who's profile it is is the person who I'm actually meeting with-- though with hacked accounts, that can certainly be changed really easily.

That's why I like hearing back from my references what a hobbyist looks like in as clear a detail as possible, especially if they have tattoos that help identify them specifically Because anyone can say, "oh, he's tall, dark, and handsome" but it's even better to say, "he's about six feet two, muscle-y with a scar on his arm and a tattoo of betty boop on his butt cheek" (and yes, I made that up

Another thought... certain providers take note that published pictures that might be a little old is not appreciated by some hobbyists more than others. This can some times explain to no response. I once received a PM from a provider telling me she was not interested because I tend to frequent younger providers! He age published was 27!? Think that’s her real age? I'm betting not!
Originally Posted by Still Looking

Shit-- if that was her real age, if I was in her spot, I would have taken that as a challenge to make sure you were less likely to favor younger women after I got through with you!
Still Looking's Avatar
Ah, that does clear it up. I breezed over the fact that you were male because of your avatar. I do like when a man has a picture up on P411. I know not all people can do that, but even having a headless photo helps me get a feel that the person who's profile it is is the person who I'm actually meeting with-- though with hacked accounts, that can certainly be changed really easily.

That's why I like hearing back from my references what a hobbyist looks like in as clear a detail as possible, especially if they have tattoos that help identify them specifically Because anyone can say, "oh, he's tall, dark, and handsome" but it's even better to say, "he's about six feet two, muscle-y with a scar on his arm and a tattoo of betty boop on his butt cheek" (and yes, I made that up Originally Posted by SugarBeth
Its on my LEFT butt check! And its Irish Vixen not Betty Boop! (How did she know?)

Shit-- if that was her real age, if I was in her spot, I would have taken that as a challenge to make sure you were less likely to favor younger women after I got through with you! Originally Posted by SugarBeth
Now I know why you can stay busy while traveling with only one picture! So your the kind of gal that’s up to a challenge are you? Where is your next stop? How do we get to see a few more pictures of SugarBeth? Inquiring minds want to know (And see!)
atlcomedy's Avatar
I might eventually just have my assistant just send a quick email saying, "Hey, SugarBeth will be in your town these days. If you have any specific availability, or questions, let me know, and she will be the one to get back to you."

. Originally Posted by SugarBeth
Don't do that unless the client has explicitly permitted you to solicit their business in the future.

Only problem I see with the whole approach on your screening is using an assistant. I for one won't book with someone who uses an assistant. Especially one that doesn't take the time to do there own email or following up with a potential client. An assistant to me sounds like another term for Management/Pimp. Originally Posted by shorty
Yep....too many bad apples have ruined the entire bunch....

I just really don't like screening. . Originally Posted by SugarBeth
maybe you should work with/for an agency
Still Looking's Avatar
maybe you should work with/for an agency Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Wait for it....
^ Nah. That's not a drama bomb. To each their own. I've only emailed gents to let them know when I'll be back in town typically when they say "let me know when you're coming back!!!" Heck, I've even had guys email me asking me once or twice when I'll be back when they know I won't be back that way for a month or two. Soooo, I must be doing something right.

I get what you say about bad apples, but you can only trust P411 as much as you can trust the people who have access to your information. I know that I screen well and do my best to protect my clients insofar as going to figure out remote databases, and trying to implement a way to protect my P411 if, God forbid, a bust occurs.

We don't know each other. I don't expect a guy to implicitly trust me because that's as foolish as the guy who says, "I'm a nice guy. Really. You can trust me." It's just such a HUUUUUGE red flag. But, essentially, when it comes to a man's P411 info, I'm thinking there's a few untrustworthy females on the site (though I don't know any personally, I'm just guessing.) I feel so long as I hold myself to a high professional standard, the best the guys can expect is that this professionalism is going to carry over to who I choose to have help me maintain high standards and minimizing burnout (and all the dang paperwork and being tied to my computer has been the sucky part making me less likely wanting to work, that and the stupid Plants vs. Zombies game on my computer

But guys should definitely have standards that make THEM feel comfortable. The more comfortable both of us are going to hang out, the better off we are.

And maybe I won't always have an assistant. I'm trying it out because I know how I was managing my references was wearing my ass out. And I'd rather save my energy for more fun activities.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I want to KNOW whom I'm going to spend time with and thus I will always contact references! NO if and or buts about it. If men on p411-d-ck don't like it. There's a easy solution. Go see someone who doesn't screen nor give a hoot about their safety.

FYI: Gina has indicated many times over the years that it's best that ladies follow up with the references.

Hobby safely & wisely! Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
What guy here has complained about it on this thread? Like I said earlier, my appt request will have my entire profile and references. Contact as many or as few as makes you comfortable. Why would I care if you followup with some, any or all of them? Thats why we are members there to begin with.
uh oh...the secret is out now.....
Its on my LEFT butt check! And its Irish Vixen not Betty Boop! (How did she know?)

Now I know why you can stay busy while traveling with only one picture! So your the kind of gal that’s up to a challenge are you? Where is your next stop? How do we get to see a few more pictures of SugarBeth? Inquiring minds want to know (And see!) Originally Posted by Still Looking
If the hobbiest has a few P411 'OKs' or has a couple references that does get back with me, then screening is done.
For a total newbie, my screening is invasive and personal. Once he sees me, and gains my reference, he shall never have to go through it again, and I give great references!
atlcomedy's Avatar
^ Nah. That's not a drama bomb. To each their own. I've only emailed gents to let them know when I'll be back in town typically when they say "let me know when you're coming back!!!" Heck, I've even had guys email me asking me once or twice when I'll be back when they know I won't be back that way for a month or two. Soooo, I must be doing something right.

. Originally Posted by SugarBeth
That is fine when they have explicitly requested them or explicitly said they are ok. If not you are crossing a line. Many men want to inititiate any contact with you. Just as you wouldn't pick up the phone and call a guy, "Hey Joe this is Tammy, I'll be back in Tulsa on the 10-12th." the same should apply to other forms of communication inculding emails or texts. Again, assuming they have not explicitly opt-ed in for this.

BTW, what is your personal information policy? You obviously keep some client info if you are emailing them....
Mature Companion's Avatar
I didn't make any mention of any guy complaining about it in *this thread*.
I went back and looked again, and nope, no mention of it.

What guy here has complained about it on this thread? Like I said earlier, my appt request will have my entire profile and references. Contact as many or as few as makes you comfortable. Why would I care if you followup with some, any or all of them? Thats why we are members there to begin with. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
That is fine when they have explicitly requested them or explicitly said they are ok. If not you are crossing a line. Many men want to inititiate any contact with you. Just as you wouldn't pick up the phone and call a guy, "Hey Joe this is Tammy, I'll be back in Tulsa on the 10-12th." the same should apply to other forms of communication inculding emails or texts. Again, assuming they have not explicitly opt-ed in for this.

BTW, what is your personal information policy? You obviously keep some client info if you are emailing them.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Their hobby email is on their P411 profile. If it's a board member, I message them through the board.

If the gentlemen does not mind receiving texts (and it's pretty clear when they text me a bunch) I keep their text messages for a week or two until I know I'm not going to be in the area again anytime soon. If they're playing UTR, after the meeting, I usually send them a thank you note by email, and tell them I'm deleting their phone number so though they are welcome to call or text me again, they will have to identify themselves. Occasionally, I might enter in a phone number in P411 notes, but that's pretty rare and I'd like to get a remote database to put all that info into so that I can have nearly zero information on my P411 account.

I guess I disagree with you. Certainly, I feel a phone call or a text message can be intrusive coming out of the blue. 99% of my guys are P411, so emailing them through the P411 website (except a thank you card that gets sent to what is hopefully their hobbying email) to let them know when I'm going to be in town is not intrusive at all. However, to each their own.

Perhaps it's that I've had pretty good responses to this. When guys ignore it, I'm think to myself, "cool. no worries. don't email that one again."

However, I would say that in the beginning, I did go back to one gentlemen who had promised a review and I'd asked him via P411 if he could post one, and he never responded except one night when he texted me at like two in the morning, asking if I was in town.

To me, I want the same consideration shown to me: respond to my message even if just to say "hey, I'm too busy at the moment. I'll email you when I think you'll be around." And also, don't ignore a message from me and then take liberties by doing a drunk text late at night.