Don't shoot the messenger..!

Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
So, then we are in agreement that ... When "A Provider" might be part of an ethnic group that kind of description would narrow her down to just a few in this town.

When "A Provider" with stats are so far out of norm that it would distinguish her to just a few in this town.

If "A Provider" is Asian, African, American Indian, or she is 6'7" or 5'1", or if "A Provider" weighs 500lbs, simple description following the format of ethnicity, approximate age, height and weight would be a security concern. Originally Posted by M!NT
Oh we are in absolute agreement about "general description" that you have so far deemed not a security concern is now a security concern.

Is it also agreed that if said provider is advertising, that information is no longer personal and the provider has made that public?

Answer this, and STOP avoiding the question...We are talking about "General Descriptions" How much more remedial can i make this for you?

Rand Al'Thor, if you spend time with a noobie provider, and it turns out to be a disaster...
Simple question, what do you do?

A. Wait patiently til she joins a board before posting a negative review.
B. Write a review with out her consent and include contact info and a general description.

Do you need me to give you examples of girls that have never joined eccie however, have reviews that includes contact info and a general descriptions? Again, it is pretty clear that "Most" agree this does NOT infringe on anyones security or real world identity. -M Originally Posted by M!NT


If you can't infer my answer from my posts, then I'm not sure if it will help you understand if I answer directly, but here you go: I post a review of the disaster. Now what does that have to do with this discussion? Do you not see that it is relevant factor that the providers are advertising? Those ads include such basic information as ethnicity, height, weight, bust, waist, hips measurements, hair color, phone number, email address, and pictures.

When you can show me a client who has posted ads with that kind of information, this will be an apples to apples comparison. When the profiles that are contained on your site are limited to clients who post such ads, then it is fair game. Am I making that remedial enough for you?

PS, the RISQUE Blackbook™ will honor, and "Everyone" is eligible, (including the troublemakers) a private feedback policy with a few exceptions. Email for details.
Now you STOP dodging MY questions and answer them.

"Will honor what, a no review policy or a private feedback policy? Why do we need to email twiggy for RBB's site policy? Shouldn't your site policies be outlined in public?"

"Also, "publish" is a very specific word. Do you have any plans to distribute, advertise, share with limited audience any of this information?"

When you can stop sleezing past others' questions, come back and try to type something intelligible.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
Why is Kelli allowing this guy to speak for RBB? I find it amusing that he says that we can contact the girls directly but we all know that it's just him impersonating the girls. Originally Posted by txAustin202
I get the feeling that kelli is not fully informed of extent of marco's involvement with RBB.
M!NT's Avatar
  • M!NT
  • 11-03-2011, 06:55 PM
i tried...with or without input development will continue our way, or my way. I like my way the best. -M
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
i tried...with or without input development will continue our way, or my way. I like my way the best. -M Originally Posted by M!NT
Yeah, keep asking for "input", even though it's going your way anyway. You're an idiot for thinking that you're going to get honest feedback when you fail to outline what the feedback is for.

And yeah...keep dodging those questions!

You didn't try shit, you arrogant sociopath. You gave lip service thinking that we would buy your bullshit because you used lots of colors. In the end, you delivered nothing but to refute anything Kelli accomplished for the site by showing us how much you're invested in RBB and how much control you seem to have.
You are always so angry Althor. Why does this matter to you? You are not a patron of any of these business.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
You are always so angry Althor. Why does this matter to you? You are not a patron of any of these business. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
There is no anger, Zeta.

I'll be nice and answer your question. It matters to me because I dislike people who misrepresent themselves. This is a business that is already tagged with a social taboo, people like this just make it worse. How do you know I'm not a patron of these business? I have been and will probably deal with an agency again.

So let me turn this around, what does it matter to you if I'm angry or why this matters to me when you don't even live here so you'll never see or deal with me, and it's unlikely that you'll deal with this guy?
Whispers's Avatar


Do you intend to run a reverse profiling of clients allowing physical descriptions to be tied to ECCIE Handles?


YES Originally Posted by M!NT

That is REALLY the only question that needed to be answered to show this represents an EXTREME Security Concern to Clients of ANY lady affiliated with RBB...

Why is Kelli allowing this guy to speak for RBB? Originally Posted by txAustin202
Maybe because Kelli is a piece in a chess game. A Pawn that was sacrificed?
Whispers's Avatar
You are always so angry Althor. Why does this matter to you? You are not a patron of any of these business. Originally Posted by LaredoZeta
Did you miss where Marco acknowledges he will allow ANY girl to post a review of a client on the board whether that client is a member of the board or not?

Why do so many idiots assume that because I am primarily a Strip Club Guy or Thor a SugarDaddy guy that people like us do NOT see Indies or Agency girls at times? I was with an Indy 3 times last month. I've been a client of AustinGurlz. I just seldom talk about it. I am sure Thor sees a girl here and there when he gets an itch and noone is available to scratch it.

Lots of us cross lines.... Not all of us talk about the lines they cross.

I would like to repeat an earlier suggestion:

I believe people need to start getting this message out and providing "feedback" in a way that RISQUEBB might understand. If people start tagging every review of every girl on the RISQUEBB website or known to be affiliated with Mint or Marco with a comment such as...

" Warning!

To all those that would consider seeing this Provider: This lady is affiliated with Marco/Mint/RisqueBB. An agency that engages in the collection of personal information about clients and republishes that information EVEN when expressly asked not to in an online database easily accessible by your employers, friends and family. You may also find that communications with this Provider via email or text are actually being handled by Marco and when you finally meet her she will know nothing of your messages.Others trying to contact her may find themselves being pushed to see another lady due to her unavailability. Classic bait and Switch.

Please Read for yourself and make an informed decision! "

Then add the links to this thread and the other thread about this situation, I think it will start to deliver a message that these ladies will pass on to the developers of this site.

What do you guys think? It is not at all unlike Marco or any of the girls sending White Knights into Reviews to try to slant some negativity.
Whispers's Avatar
.............development will continue our way, or my way. I like my way the best. -M Originally Posted by M!NT
That kind of answers every question asked to date about involvement now doesn't it?
...with or without input development will continue our way, or my way. I like my way the best. -M Originally Posted by M!NT
And that, my friends, says it all.

And finally, harkontume and kingorpawn, I have no comment on whether Marco is knocking boots with Paprika or not. I don't know and I don't necessarily care. I would venture to guess not as Marco is subpar by her standards. But then again, one never really knows the truth when you play Telephone Originally Posted by K lovve
You have to care. If you want to continue using this thread and site to 'Market' Risquebb then Marco's involvement in anyway is a liability. Whether he's 'knocking boots' with Paprika or not. And you trashing Marco doesn't mean he's no longer involved. As far as we know, all 3 of you could be toasting your new relationship as I write this. If Marco or anybody else involved with Risquebb is guilty of what they are being accused of that is serious business. In my world, it is no laughing matter.

So you expect people to buy that, that you don't care, especially since you are not doing this for 'free' and now you are willing to put your credibility at risk? Just like that?

But I understand that sometimes an offer is made you can't refuse.
Make sure you think this through very carefully. Capiche?
It is not easy to read and appears to be angry. I read much on this wepsite and only see what you rite. Why dos it matter to anybody on the ECCIE? There are many more worrysome things in this world, no?
boobs mcgee's Avatar
and 32 hours later....the attempt to rebrand Risque BB failed. i dont think this board has seen such craziness!
What. A. Disaster this has become. Marco should have stayed in his hovel.

I am going to be brief, I have had a very long day and I am exhausted. Corporate America has been unkind today

From what I gather, the main concern is the matter of privacy regarding profiles and their exposure to public search engines. Now, I am completely illiterate on these savvy Internet tricks so bear with me. If, in fact, an established handle/description/what have you is hidden from the public view, would that alleviate some tension? If the male members that had said feedback were only accessible by providers, not Joe the Internet Schmoe, would that solve this issue of security? Help me out here.

I will close with this: I do not believe that RBB has been designed with malicious intent. I would never have agreed to facilitate conversation if I thought I would be representing a completely corrupt system. Whispers, while I consider you a friend, I think your proposition to impose a warning to every female associate with RBB is not only crass and unnecessary, but it is completely out of line. While I agree that there are kinks to be ironed out, I also believe that women need a board that will cater to their needs. We deal with nonsense and unethical behavior more often than most think. There are many girls in this world that would benefit from a structured community offering both information and support. I DO believe that is the sole intent the RISQUÉ Blackbook came to be. Please keep in mind that while organization within the hobby may come easy to some, it is not the case for everyone.

Let's keep this civil, guys, and I will do my best to keep Marco on his leash.
Kingorpawn....I know you aren't questioning my own ethics or credibility, are you? And to put your mind at ease, I have not been "bought". I stand up for what I believe in, even if I am standing alone.

Who said that first?