What If The Young People "Just Say No"

Oh I see, working to pay my way through college means somehow I don't understand the real world, and that somehow I am spending someone else's money... LOL

Oh let's not forget the little detail that I am having to pay monthly for the ACA health insurance I just applied and qualified for.

Yes, I am a real Slacker according to an anonymous poster who thinks people like me are getting everything for free! Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Well, I screwed the pooch on that one. I made an assumption that you were a spoiled brat who was being brainwashed in some liberal arts enclave.

You have my apologies.
kinda like driving 100 in a 65 and getting busted ... your breaking the law, and you know it Originally Posted by CJ7
Basically the fines are bogus. The ACA states there would be a penalty/Fine for non compliance to obtain Health Insurance. Well it's pretty hard for the Fed Gov't to collect a fine on a Mandated Law like the ACA. So they shifted that power over to the IRS, but the IRS doesn't have the authority to collect fines or penalties on something unrelated to income so they made it a Tax. In order for the IRS to collect the "Tax" the only way is through deducting it through a Tax Refund. If an individual has no refund coming to them but still owes the ACA penalty the IRS has very few legal avenues in collecting it.
Basically the fines are bogus. The ACA states there would be a penalty/Fine for non compliance to obtain Health Insurance. Well it's pretty hard for the Fed Gov't to collect a fine on a Mandated Law like the ACA. So they shifted that power over to the IRS, but the IRS doesn't have the authority to collect fines or penalties on something unrelated to income so they made it a Tax. In order for the IRS to collect the "Tax" the only way is through deducting it through a Tax Refund. If an individual has no refund coming to them but still owes the ACA penalty the IRS has very few legal avenues in collecting it. Originally Posted by acp5762
True, but we know them rats have a plan...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You are correct, ACP. Only those poor enough to qualify for refundable tax credits, or those stupid enough to over-withhold will pay the fine. Others will be able to avoid it. Obama attacks the poorest, again.

And StanDope, why should I be forced to help you pay for your health insurance?
True, but we know them rats have a plan... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I would suspect you are correct in that assumption. After all does anyone really think it took, what 2000 pages of legislation to enact this Law in the manner in which it has been handed down. There is more than meets the eye with all this.
  • Laz
  • 10-25-2013, 09:49 PM
Yea, well I am one of those young people JackieS.

I finally applied and got my insurance. A lot of my college buddies are doing the same. Young people, Jackie, don't like having to go broke from paying out of pocket costs associated with every damn doctor visit. We get the flu, allergies, bad colds, and mishaps like a broken leg, arm, etc. Not too mention our parents are damn tired of paying for our medical bills. Not one of my classmates has said they wouldn't get the insurance through the ACA and most are excited they are finally getting a chance at affordable health insurance. I qualified for a major subsidy btw. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Glad you are happy but would the insurance have been affordable without the government subsidy? Would all your friends be signing up if they had to pay the full premium?

As for having the coverage what are the copays? If you paid the Dr in cash would his cost be much higher than the copay? Insurance is great for those that have major problems but it is a terrible way to pay for routine health care.
I would suspect you are correct in that assumption. After all does anyone really think it took, what 2000 pages of legislation to enact this Law in the manner in which it has been handed down. There is more than meets the eye with all this. Originally Posted by acp5762
10,500 pages...
10,500 pages... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That's a lot of reading isn't it. When I was in College the largest text book I had was from a Public Health Class on Epidemiology, it was over 3000 thousand pages, there was a lot of illustrations but still a lot of reading. The ACA over 10 thousand pages they should still be reading it, but they didn't read it they just signed it and had a brief discussion of what was in it and moved on. So the rest of us just learning about it through osmosis. Some of the information we hear is true, some of it isn't. It's hard to tell, the thing is too vast.
LexusLover's Avatar
Oh let's not forget the little detail that I am having to pay monthly for the ACA health insurance I just applied and qualified for.
Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
You may think you meet the criteria according to the questions, but ..

#1 you are NOT "having to pay monthly" ... because the premiums have not started.
#2: one of the "flaws' currently being resolved is the ability to review apps.
#3: the process has not been in place to approve apps that are reviewed.
#4: there is no such thing as "ACA health insurance."

So.... you are misrepresenting your status with regard to ACA.

BTW: Even community colleges have group/student insurance available, and colleges with health care facilities associated with the campus have "student health plans"! So if you are actually a student in college you would already have access to health care coverage. So in the past you were one of those intentionally uninsured.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-26-2013, 03:53 AM

And StanDope, why should I be forced to help you pay for your health insurance? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

We are ''forced'' to pay for people's ER visits now you dumb shit.

btw , we are not forced to, you can move. I'm staying.
LexusLover's Avatar
We are ''forced'' to pay for people's ER visits now you dumb shit. . Originally Posted by WTF
How much do "we" pay annually "for people's ER visits" ?
LexusLover's Avatar
He's an addled Medicare recipient who is so old he was eating burgers in AUSTIN when Harry Truman was president. or else he's a fucking liar... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

"ENFIELD DRUG" .... not ..... "CLARKSVILLE DRUG"!!!!!!

Get it?
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
You may think you meet the criteria according to the questions, but ..

#1 you are NOT "having to pay monthly" ... because the premiums have not started.
#2: one of the "flaws' currently being resolved is the ability to review apps.
#3: the process has not been in place to approve apps that are reviewed.
#4: there is no such thing as "ACA health insurance."

So.... you are misrepresenting your status with regard to ACA.

BTW: Even community colleges have group/student insurance available, and colleges with health care facilities associated with the campus have "student health plans"! So if you are actually a student in college you would already have access to health care coverage. So in the past you were one of those intentionally uninsured. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, monthly payments have not begun, but when they do I will pay for it out of my own pocket, just like working and paying for my own tuition.

Yes, I have applied online, took me multiple times and clearing my cache to get it done.

Anyone can calculate what they are going to pay based on the plan they pick by going here:


In addition, not all colleges offer health insurance to their students. Some colleges might provide health insurance themselves. These student health insurance plans are offered to their students directly, without a private insurance provider as the middle man.

Although some of these plans are less expensive than traditional health insurance plans, and some may even come free with the cost of tuition they are far and few between. Not all colleges offer this.

These plans also contain some restrictions. An example of a restriction would be that coverage only continues as long as you are a full-time student. You would not have health insurance coverage over the summer under such a plan.

It is comparatively rare for colleges to offer health insurance directly, and this is typically only found at larger schools, or those with more resources.

A college student (especially one who is strapped for cash) will not get expensive insurance through the colleges because the ones who do offer it usually charge a hefty premium. The ACA plan I picked is far less in cost than that of the limited plans my college has tried to sell me. I wouldn't be able to afford insurance if it were not for the ACA subsidy bringing my cost down.
LexusLover's Avatar
Anyone can calculate what they are going to pay based on the plan they pick by going here:

Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
What ever plan you selected the premiums can (and will increase). Just be ready. The one thing that ObaminableCare does not do is restrict premiums or restrict costs charged by providers. The subsidies have to be vetted, just like they are with any "entitlement" program, and that takes the process some time for the personnel to review each and every applicant for a subsidy. You will also need to be prepared for the "home visit" to assure you are who and what you say you are, as well as assure "that you have a livestyle that lends itself to better health and therefore lower health care maintenance costs" .... you will see the phrase "healthy environment" in the tag line when you get your notification for the date of your visit. They will have your medical background and scholastic performance to review.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
What ever plan you selected the premiums can (and will increase). Just be ready. The one thing that ObaminableCare does not do is restrict premiums or restrict costs charged by providers. The subsidies have to be vetted, just like they are with any "entitlement" program, and that takes the process some time for the personnel to review each and every applicant for a subsidy. You will also need to be prepared for the "home visit" to assure you are who and what you say you are, as well as assure "that you have a livestyle that lends itself to better health and therefore lower health care maintenance costs" .... you will see the phrase "healthy environment" in the tag line when you get your notification for the date of your visit. They will have your medical background and scholastic performance to review. Originally Posted by LexusLover

LMAO... whatever old man...