Kanye West For President 2020

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
J.C. Watts was a good wishbone QB at University of OKLA. Seriously, I gave you 4 blacks that go ( I added Rice in post 33)
you could only add three more? Nikki Haley is not AA. You can count on two hands the TOTAL number of black people that go to a Republican convention.

Why would a black person want to be in the party of "Strom Thurman" the Stauch segregationist who was a dixie crat but joined the Republican party. He also fathered a child with a Black woman. But was still a segregationist. The bottom line is there are far more registered black democrats than registered black republicans. Hillary got 88% of the Black vote. Biden will get at least that amount and probably more.

Question for you JD. How many black people went to go see Trump in Tulsa? Herm (999) Cain went and he ended up getting CV19. Was there anyone else besides him? How many black people went to North Dakota to see Trump. Did you see any black people in the audience? I didn't see any.

It's ok JD, you can continue to keep thinking that there is significant number of black people who are registered republicans. Originally Posted by adav8s28

I called Nikki Haley a person of color and all you see is black. You are revealing yourself as a racist you know. How shameful of you.
As for Thurmond, he was the only dixiecrat senator to join the GOP. The rest stayed in the democrat party...does your dick hurt now. Step lightly when stepping on your own dick. Of course he had a conversion unlike Mansfield, Faubus, and Byrd. Thurmond had a biracial daughter.
As for numbers, we in the republican party don't count people like animals. More of your racism showing. Suffice to say, the real people are walking away from the democrat plantation.
  • oeb11
  • 07-08-2020, 11:17 AM
TRBC - agreed - the 'racism' is OBLM DPST institutional and systemic racism

Time to call it out for what it is.

And vote Republican - equal opportunity for all.
Vs DPST plantation special groups only. Populated by race-baiters and racists.
adav8s28's Avatar
I called Nikki Haley a person of color and all you see is black. You are revealing yourself as a racist you know. How shameful of you.
As for Thurmond, he was the only dixiecrat senator to join the GOP. The rest stayed in the democrat party...does your dick hurt now. Step lightly when stepping on your own dick. Of course he had a conversion unlike Mansfield, Faubus, and Byrd. Thurmond had a biracial daughter.
As for numbers, we in the republican party don't count people like animals. More of your racism showing. Suffice to say, the real people are walking away from the democrat plantation. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I used Thurmond as a Dixiecrat who joined the republican party. Thurmond happened to be a senator, using Thurmond as an example was not meant to limit Dixiecrats who joined the republican party to senators. You did that. Just what party is David Duke the former grand dragon of Louisiana clan in? Answer, that would be the republican party. You should follow your own advice, step lightly when stepping on your own dick.

I am for equal opportunity for all. There are fractions of the republican party who do not believe in that. To be fair would the Rhinos of the republican party want to get rid of the those who are segregationist or who still believe or belong to the Klan probably, but there has not been any pushback on them to get them out of the republican party.
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 08:18 AM
Republicans are for equal opportunity for All - regardless of race, color , creed
"a' - u are free about accusing others of 'systemic racism' - please define who of the republicans oppose equal opportunity for all citizens, and document the proof.

1948 speeches are not relevant.

As opposed to the DPST's - who are a marxist organization dedicated to equal outcome for all- and government ownership of all property, all means of production, and complete confiscation of weapons from all Americans.

KKK p the last KKK was Democrat Byrd - seen kissing H... in a widely distributed pic.

No republican or Conservative has any use for KKK ideology and racism.

anyway - look at it - there are more FBI undercover agents in teh KKK than straight up nut case members.

Better focus on the DPST Plantation group OBLM - and demands for reparations and a segregated marxist state for blacks. After all the civil Rights Acts of the 60's - OBLM is not a controllable plantation group - they are out of control in their marxism and demands for 50 million white deaths in reparations.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Right now the radicals see "equal opportunity" as the perpetuation of White privilege. No my friend, make no mistake, the radicals like in the BLM movements, think Whites must be completely eliminated from power because after all, all Whites are racist or haven't you heard.

I imagine that if these radicals take over, the White people that help put them in power will be forced to identify themselves perhaps with a particular piece of clothing or perhaps just a sign around their neck identifying them as one of those that voted for "the change" but then it will be asked by the new leaders, "can we really trust a White person" and the answer will of course be no.
I think Kanye brings some important points of view to the race - mainly how he characterizes the Democrats are racists taking advantage of blacks.