NY Attorney General lawsuit seeks to dissolve National Rifle Association

  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2020, 08:47 AM
If BLM broke the financial laws they need to be prosecuted.

If the NRA heads broke financial laws they need to be prosecuted.

Shouldn't be any fucking difference. Originally Posted by sexykarma

Agree - U are correct IMHO.

we should have equal protection and responsibility to uphold the law, and equality for all under the law exposure for criminal prosecution for criminal acts.

That is not the way of the marxist DPST's and LSM - it is a one way street - they want Conservatives prosecuted, an end to the First and Second amendments - and free pass for OBLM and Antifa abuses of the law and rights of others.

EXample - Seattle, Portland, and on and on.
rexdutchman's Avatar
That is not the way of the marxist DPST's and LSM - it is a one way street - they want Conservatives prosecuted, an end to the First and Second amendments - and free pass for OBLM and Antifa
Again 'by any means' just more identity socialism
HoeHummer's Avatar
They do?
People are really losing their minds over nothing.. they'll just re-form in another state. Having said that.. if the evidence matches up with the accusations-- its pretty fucked up that people would still flock to support it. Take what these guys are accused of.. and imagine if it was the American Cancer Society-- because the NRA also runs as a non-profit charter organization. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Remember when the Susan Komen foundation was making donations to Planned Parenthood? Then they stopped. Then the Komen Foundation was boycotted until the started making donations again?

If they re-incorporated in another State, could NY still "disallow" them?

This is straight up political harassment through and through.

Even if officers of the NRA engaged in financial shenanigans, the solution is to indict THEM and let them be replaced by more honest, competent officers.

But what is the logic behind dissolving the entire organization? There is none. She is attacking a political opponent.

Imagine if DNC or Planned Parenthood officials were committing fraud with donations. Would James try to dissolve the DNC or Planned Parenthood?

It's also stupid because the organization will just reform as the National Rifle Organization and resume operations with new officers. What will this dope do then? Originally Posted by Kinkster90210
Seeminly sensical post coming from you.

Heh.. this.

Had a dinner party once.. and a neighbor commented on my collection with "But I thought you were a Democrat!".

This is part of what is wrong with modern politics... everyone thinks in terms of absolutes. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Was reading around Obama's 2nd election that 40% of Dems supported the NRA. Many packed. However, they kept hush about it.

looks like the NRA foundation needs to de-corporate NYC and re-incorporate somewhere else.

the NRA headquarters is in virginia.

btw, isn't what the NY state and NYC doing is vote suppression???? its very similar to the IRS tactic on suppressing 501c tea party spending. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Correct. That's why BLM "donations" are going thru "Act Blue."
Omg n wtf. You Putin trump huggers are funny. Putin knows his idiot in chief is one n done. Mucho bankruptcy coming for the trumps when Putin cut them off. And all the guns will be gone again. That's whAt Obama did smh
  • oeb11
  • 08-08-2020, 06:21 PM
A teacher's Union education - Thank you .

go get a real education.
HoeHummer's Avatar
What is a teacher’s union education? Is that some sort of dog whistle for the right wing elite? Are yous against the public schools because they are accountable to the voters? Or is it because they are pushing back because kids aren’t as immune to the Orange Fever as Trump wants yous to believe.

Yous sure miss a lots of things when on holiday.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What is a teacher’s union education? Is that some sort of dog whistle for the right wing elite? Are yous against the public schools because they are accountable to the voters? Or is it because they are pushing back because kids aren’t as immune to the Orange Fever as Trump wants yous to believe.

Yous sure miss a lots of things when on holiday. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

how long before your next holiday ban, YssupHummer?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The Constitution allows us to peacefully assemble and that includes forming groups and organizations to further peaceful, political ends. The NRA is one such organization. This is an unconstitutional move by someone who should know better but it is a Soros surrogate. Blatant political pandering and harassment of American citizens exercising a constitutional right.
If what she claims is true (nothing proven yet is there?), then this is between the leadership and the supporting members of the NRA. This AG has no legal standing. It would take someone who has been "harmed" by this alleged actions.
For those of you who are snickering in the shadows, this is an attack on free speech and first amendment protections. Is that what you want written on your tombstone...if you get a tombstone?
Someone did bring up the DNC and Planned Parenthood. We pretty much know that they, and the Clinton Global Initiative, are working in criminal enterprises. Would you want a court to force them to dissolve over your wishes?
gfejunkie's Avatar
DemoncRATS have never been very good at foreseeing the unintended consequences of their actions. I'd like to thank her, actually. Because of the publicity around this, no legal gun owner in their right mind will vote demoncRAT this Fall. And, there are more new gun owners every day as a result of the anarchy these dimwit liberal mayors and governors are allowing in their cities and states across the country.

If this state AG had any real evidence she would be handing out indictments. Not lawsuits. That's what prosecutors do.
What is a teacher’s union education? Is that some sort of dog whistle for the right wing elite? Are yous against the public schools because they are accountable to the voters? Or is it because they are pushing back because kids aren’t as immune to the Orange Fever as Trump wants yous to believe.

Yous sure miss a lots of things when on holiday. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
As Trump pointed out and numerous studies have shown, the negative impact on children is so much less than older, sick people such as yourself they are in fact, almost immune.

Per @cdcgov: Since Feb. 1, 45 American kids under 15 have died of #Covid. Since you (Yssup Rider) are a gay person, I do not believe you are more at risk for COVID-19 but HIV might still get you.

13,088 have died of all other causes.

Since Feb. 1, 11,371 Americans under 55 have died of #Covid (most with serious comorbidities).

189,592 have died of all other causes. Take that Big Shooter.

what makes you think they aren't? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I didn't say they were or weren't, idiot. I'm simply naming leftwing organizations as examples of groups that AG James won't touch.

Stop trying to start arguments where there are none.
rexdutchman's Avatar
NY AG will not "look into the corruption inside nyc be the nra yea okay , PS PP is now refusing to return millions of PPP monies