Tucker Carlson Home Assaulted by AntiFa

Tuckette and his faux news channel lost their fake news status when they inserted their heads so far up trumps azz. I only watch the fair and balanced fake news channels now...they put a trump statement on, out of his own orange mouth, and wow...that's some fake chit
And come on now Texas Lexus....you keep blowing up all over the political page. Don't you think it's finally time you have n encounter in Texas???? Wtf dude
Apparently, a lot of things don't "apply" in D.C.

But I did notice the D.C. police are looking for the hoodlums. Originally Posted by LexusLover

WHy did it take them so long to show up?
LexusLover's Avatar
And come on now Texas Lexus....you keep blowing up all over the political page. Don't you think it's finally time you have n encounter in Texas???? Wtf dude Originally Posted by Tsmokies
"dude" ....
LexusLover's Avatar
A lot of Liberal Know-Nothings don't listen to him (or read him), so their assessment of him is generally based on Fake Opinions ...

... it lost the "News" label long ago. Originally Posted by LexusLover
"dude" .... Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'll repeat what I said.
LexusLover's Avatar
WHy did it take them so long to show up? Originally Posted by garhkal
How long was it after the initial call for assistance?

From what I found they arrived while the mob was still there. The "interesting" question might be why they did not arrest anyone at the time, but they may not have observed any criminal activity upon their arrival .. and the group dispersed before they could adequately investigate.

Unfortunately, in this day and age LE may be hesitant to start halling people in until they have sorted out what's happened, particularly in "politically correct" D.C. The article I saw indicated they were investigating and serious about charges.
themystic's Avatar
How long was it after the initial call for assistance?

From what I found they arrived while the mob was still there. The "interesting" question might be why they did not arrest anyone at the time, but they may not have observed any criminal activity upon their arrival .. and the group dispersed before they could adequately investigate.

Unfortunately, in this day and age LE may be hesitant to start halling people in until they have sorted out what's happened, particularly in "politically correct" D.C. The article I saw indicated they were investigating and serious about charges. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I heard from reliable sources that George Soros payed for the Caravan at Tuckers House
They lack the balls to go to the White House. In fact they probably waited until Tucker wasn't home to harass his family!

They should stick with burning libraries. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'd love to be able to tell Trump or Tucker to go fuck themselves. Originally Posted by WTF
So go ahead and do it!!

Why not tell Tucker you could kick his ass while you are at it, and report back to us what happens.
LexusLover's Avatar
I heard from reliable sources that George Soros payed for the Caravan at Tuckers House Originally Posted by themystic
Somebody had to pay their freight. If they had jobs they wouldn't have time to vandalize people's houses, burn libraries, and declare "wars" they'll never win. At the moment they are an annoyance.

Sooner or later they'll mob the wrong house or invade the wrong restaurant.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm sure (sarcasm) that the DC police have lawyers on staff deciding when to arrest and who to arrest based on political fallout.
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  • WTF
  • 11-11-2018, 09:43 AM
I heard from reliable sources that George Soros payed for the Caravan at Tuckers House Originally Posted by themystic
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  • 11-11-2018, 09:48 AM
So go ahead and do it!!

Why not tell Tucker you could kick his ass while you are at it, and report back to us what happens. Originally Posted by friendly fred
I'd kick his snide ass if I ever come across him. I'm glad they are protesting at his house. The guy is a lying ass flame thrower , he is reaping his just reward.
LexusLover's Avatar
They don't need "lawyers" to guide them on who to arrest "based on political fallout," but I suspect they have departmental policies on officers checking with an "intake" assistant prosecutor before making arrests in certain circumstances based on the "probable cause" they may have and I also suspect there is some concern in the prosecutor's office about "political fallout," either way: arrest vs. no arrest and charge vs. no charge with no arrest. Like many "capitals" politics can play a big roll in how the prosecutors pursue incidents. I suspect they are more concerned about not prosecuting someone than they are prosecuting them.

Can't speak to the DC prosecutions, but I am familiar with the informal "policy" of submitting cases to the grand jury to make that decision (to prosecute or not prosecute) and that gives them the "cover" for those decisions.
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  • 11-11-2018, 09:57 AM

Can't speak to the DC prosecutions, but Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well then quit doing so and then saying you're not...

Tucker keeps spewing hate, maybe he'll wind up like Alex Jones, if we're lucky!