back biting

willro's Avatar
Tempus, I love the post.... and how true that is.
Guest022210's Avatar
Finding them is not hard, I stated in the first post of the thread they would show themselves and stick out like sore thumbs, and seems with out hesitations they showed themselves. Those who complain about hypocricy are tipicaly the hypocrits. Originally Posted by hotspringsfairy
I wasnt getting it before, but I am getting it now. Thanks for the headsup Fairy. You are right it doesnt take long to put two and two together. Not much I can do, but I can cross the drama queens off my to do list. Oh the rapture they will miss out on!
Thats okay Lookin because for some reason I am still not getting it at all ugh! maybe I need more caffeine to get it ugh! Why cant we all be a little more blunt , and honest and a little less read between the lines?
LoL @ Tempus!