Help me to understand this!!!!

adav8s28's Avatar
The majority of people that have money to throw around are nearing the age where their body wont cooperate with them anymore (ED, joint problems, back pain, etc). On top of that, as Testosterone drops, frequency declines. There will be a drop off in demand at the high end gradually as the boomers age out. Couple this with an impending recession (huge rise in unemployment) as the zombie companies finally bite the dust and rates should fall dramatically. Originally Posted by GuyEatingRice
Most cases of ED can be fixed with Viagra, Cialis or Levitra. Yes, Testosterone drops as men age. Over the counter supps like Tribulus, Tongkat Ali, Maca, Horny Goat Weed, Ashwagandha and Fenugeek will increase desire. You can find all of these things at your local GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. A couple years ago the Rhino 5000 pills from worked great. Amazon stopped selling them for some reason.

You are not the first person to predict a severe recession. I would be surprised if unemployment rates go back up to 7 or 8%. If that did happen it would effect the demand curve for sure.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Dallas, and Texas in general, does also tend to have a bad reputation among a lot of independent ladies who travel as being difficult to tour. Those of us who do consistently tour the area do so because we have enough regulars to sustain our trips. I can't tell you how often ladies in the northeast are shocked that I come to Texas at all because it does have a reputation. Its really hard to convince some ladies to try out Texas when they can make their money far easier in the northeast. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Well Said @ Those of us who do consistently tour the area do so because we have enough regulars to sustain our trips. I can't tell you how often ladies in the northeast are shocked that I come to Texas at all because it does have a reputation. Its really hard to convince some ladies to try out Texas when they can make their money far easier in the northeast.

This is why I keep coming back to Dallas, is for my long Establish Regulars who show up and pay my rate
And know they get the same great BCD service I alway's give with each appt and TCB and that I take care of myself and know I'm in a nice incall . And I don't NS for my tour or cancel on them!
And I don't see rates going down- With well Establish Providers!
GuyEatingRice's Avatar
Vascular issues are progressive and eventually the ED drugs stop working. Especially the way most people eat
suiram77's Avatar
Well Said @ Those of us who do consistently tour the area do so because we have enough regulars to sustain our trips. I can't tell you how often ladies in the northeast are shocked that I come to Texas at all because it does have a reputation. Its really hard to convince some ladies to try out Texas when they can make their money far easier in the northeast.

This is why I keep coming back to Dallas, is for my long Establish Regulars who show up and pay my rate
And know they get the same great BCD service I alway's give with each appt and TCB and that I take care of myself and know I'm in a nice incall . And I don't NS for my tour or cancel on them!
And I don't see rates going down- With well Establish Providers! Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Donation rates are going to continually rise with all providers, established or starting out. I see several well established providers who have almost doubled or more their rates they started at, but I do not pay those escalating prices as I have been grandfathered in at the rates I originally met them at. And, I see them regularly and often.

Any fool can see that regardless of how much money a guy has, it all boils down to ROI. While different guys have different opinions on what ROI of a provider is, I am pretty sure that of the many, the three factors most looked at are the first contact (length of time she get back to his first time inquiry and the impression left during and after that initial inquiry), the history of drama on the boards (always talking negative/shit about one or more hobbyists instead of simply ignoring their posts) and last but certainly not least, their TCB/BCD skills, reported by trusted hobbyists or first hand knowledge/experience, then you get a clearer understanding of the ROI picture.

So, even if her donation prices are at $200/hour let alone $400+, if she will not get back to you, has a crappy disposition and her BCD skills are lacking emotion, she is catatonic with their eyes closed most of the time and makes a hobbyist feel that he is no more than an ATM machine that needs to hurry up and get on, off and out, then her ROI is not worth it and that is why guys continually start threads of this nature.
Donation rates are going to continually rise with all providers, established or starting out. I see several well established providers who have almost doubled or more their rates they started at, but I do not pay those escalating prices as I have been grandfathered in at the rates I originally met them at. And, I see them regularly and often.

Any fool can see that regardless of how much money a guy has, it all boils down to ROI. While different guys have different opinions on what ROI of a provider is, I am pretty sure that of the many, the three factors most looked at are the first contact (length of time she get back to his first time inquiry and the impression left during and after that initial inquiry), the history of drama on the boards (always talking negative/shit about one or more hobbyists instead of simply ignoring their posts) and last but certainly not least, their TCB/BCD skills, reported by trusted hobbyists or first hand knowledge/experience, then you get a clearer understanding of the ROI picture.

So, even if her donation prices are at $200/hour let alone $400+, if she will not get back to you, has a crappy disposition and her BCD skills are lacking emotion, she is catatonic with their eyes closed most of the time and makes a hobbyist feel that he is no more than an ATM machine that needs to hurry up and get on, off and out, then her ROI is not worth it and that is why guys continually start threads of this nature. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

Much of this is spot on. But this board is simply no longer an important factor in the hobby. Especially at the higher end. Not sure where the well healed guys goes to find those $500 + gals that are worth it. But This is far from a major resource any more.

You mention all these negative things often , for years, as if you have encountered them more than once. Yet you have no reviews of theses women. How is this board meaningful if people like you complain but never share actual information about the specific women? How are we to avoid all these horrible ROI women when you and others never mention their names

Even if I measure factors different from you I agree in theory that the ROI I get is the bottom line. Actually knowing the factors that determine that ROI is where the board lacks now .
I’d be happy to pay $1k for a top shelf woman. Not every week, but sure, I’d love to.
She would have to hit a lot of check marks on my qualitative agenda. And I’m open for suggestions !
I’d be happy to pay $1k for a top shelf woman. Not every week, but sure, I’d love to.
She would have to hit a lot of check marks on my qualitative agenda. And I’m open for suggestions ! Originally Posted by crashkopf
My personal fantasy escort is Aubree Rene. I have followed her on SM for several years. I have even gotten responses to my posts and DMs from her. (Well, her staff anyway). I would drop the 15K for a weekend in a heartbeat if I ever have that much extra to spend :-0
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I would HOPE when you are "GrandFather" in you tip your provider, after all everything is costing more and tiping means you really Appreciate her and the time she set's aside for you.
I would HOPE when you are "GrandFather" in you tip your provider, after all everything is costing more and tiping means you really Appreciate her and the time she set's aside for you. Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Let me save the time for his response back. "The best tip is coming back again".

Which, is indeed a very valid point. It is up to these providers who have grandfathered him (if they exist or not are grandmothers/great grandmothers themselves) to decide if the service they provide is worth what they get in return. A wise man on here once told me "If the fucking you take is more than the fucking you get, it's time to walk away" That applies to both sides. All money is not good money

But, as long as both sides are in agreement with services provided/compensation received then there is no issue.

I agree things are more expensive now than 10 years ago. Your point is valid as well. Look at how rates have increased. But it's up to each provider to decide that. I will note you typically get what you pay for. If the rates he is receiving are that much lower, what is he really getting?
Grace Preston's Avatar
Some of my long time clients that are grandfathered "tip" me up to my current rate. Some tip me, but not up to my current rate. Some aren't able to tip me at all. Some choose not to.

Ultimately, I'm the one who has chosen to grandfather my long time friends. They are the ones who choose whether or not they can or will tip me above and beyond the rate. I appreciate each and every one of them-- regardless of how many bills are set on the nightstand.
Some of my long time clients that are grandfathered "tip" me up to my current rate. Some tip me, but not up to my current rate. Some aren't able to tip me at all. Some choose not to.

Ultimately, I'm the one who has chosen to grandfather my long time friends. They are the ones who choose whether or not they can or will tip me above and beyond the rate. I appreciate each and every one of them-- regardless of how many bills are set on the nightstand. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
And this attitude is why you have friends that love seeing after many years. Well, one reason
Grace Preston's Avatar
Gratitude is a funny thing-- it costs you absolutely nothing to have it... but not having it can cost you everything in the end.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Most guys who hobby can afford to pay today's rates providers charge, but it does not mean that they should have to pay it and quite frankly, most refuse to pay it. Once again, it is ROI. If the old saying of you getting what you pay for is remotely true, I am pretty sure instead of charging $400-500+/hr for a donation, then that means that if they all charged $3000+/hr, then the service is going to match that rate, right? If you believe that, then I encourage you to pay a provider $3000 for an hour and see if you get better service than the guy who pays $300/hour.

I am sure that the ladies I see are not hurting for business or struggling to make ends meet because they charge their longtime clients like myself much less than their newer ones. Grace said it best. And I would love providers who think like Gina to tell all providers what they need to charge for donation and tip per visit or refuse to see them otherwise, no matter who the client is and report back to let everyone know how that went.

Now, as I say in just about every thread I post in, the thread is not about me just because I posted in it, so getting back to the topic, the OP has a valid claim that prices are too high for the same service the ladies did at half the rate. Sure, prices have risen for retail services and goods, but it has also increased for the guys too. Not many people I know make hundreds of dollars an hour and they are doing just fine. They have overhead, families to support, ect. Personally, I do not give a shit what providers who I have not seen BCD nor will ever see BCD charge because I do not have to worry about ROI with those providers.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
@And I would love providers who think like Gina to tell all providers what they need to charge for donation and tip per visit or refuse to see them otherwise
I can care less what other providers do or charge or want a tip or not going to see someone for what ever reson or grandfather rates in , give free P out or go to sporting event's for free.

Providers don't need to tell eacher other what to do or charge , we have hobbyist doing it and I will bet that's why you all don't get your way!