LexusLover's Avatar
..out of ammunition! Originally Posted by bigtex
That's a different thread.

Do you ever have any original thoughts on the thread topic to offer?

Notice the two "terms" and "conditions" ...

...."original" and "on the thread topic"!

You were actually more "interesting" when you cut and paste Chronicle op-eds.

At least it was shit .... which has a little substance.

Do you ever have any original thoughts on the thread topic to offer?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Nope! I am too busy laughing my ass off at Lexi the Pompous Idiot's "original thoughts on the thread topic."

Perhaps, you should consider delivering your pompous thoughts to Mrs. Clinton yourself! After all, why send a lesser Idiot to deliver the Patriarch's words?

I feel quite certain Mrs. Clinton will also get a laugh out of it!

For credibility purposes, be sure to tell her that your highly personal pompous thoughts are "hot off the (hooker board) presses."
LexusLover's Avatar
Nope! Originally Posted by bigtex
I sort of figured that to be the case. Thank you for the momentary honesty.
I sort of figured that to be the case. Thank you for the momentary honesty. Originally Posted by LexusLover

I realize that honesty is a foreign subject to you. Isn't that why you are known far and wide as LexiLyingIdiot?
  • shanm
  • 03-06-2015, 02:20 PM
Thanks LLIdiot!

Now that he has shared his infinite words of wisdom, who is going to volunteer to let Mrs Clinton know that the Patriarch of the Notorious Idiot Klan, errr Clan (LLIdiot) has finally laid out the specific terms and conditions for Hillary to move forward with a Presidential run?

REMINDER: If there is any deviation from the above, Patriarch Idiot will NOT (special emphasis on the NOT) approve!!!!!

Please remember the following prior to actually speaking with Hillary: She "has really only two choices if she is serious about running, and actually, IMO, only one .... immediately."

Patriarch Idiot has now spoken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks once again, Lexi the Pompous Idiot? Originally Posted by bigtex

Please excuse LLIdiot. Online is the only place where he can claim some semblance of authority in his life. Its really not his fault. He was dropped on his head as a child. Multiple times.
Hillary Clinton’s Emailgate scandal is becoming more problematic by the day. Turns out she exclusively used a private email account while personally prohibiting other State Department employees from doing the same.

One other State Department official evidently violated this policy: Mrs. Clinton‘s deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin.

Her emails are of particular interest insofar as Ms. Abedin has extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. That’s the Islamist organization whose self-declared mission is “destroying Western civilization from within.”

Read more:
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LexusLover's Avatar
One other State Department official evidently violated this policy: Mrs. Clinton‘s deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin.

[B]Her emails are of particular interest insofar as Ms. Abedin has extensive ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. [B/] Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Is that the beginning of a Jobs Program? Or is Huma strictly contract labor for fund raising.
Hillarious has really only two choices if she is serious about running, and actually, IMO, only one .... immediately ...

1. disclose ALL OF THE CONTENT of the private file serverS AND computers to which she has access AND

2. the DOS disclose ALL OF THE CONTENT of any computer/file server to which she had access while SOS to Congress.

3. disclose the email addresses of ALL THOSE PERSONS and ENTITIES with whom and which she had contact while she was SOS

4. disclose ALL HER PASSWORDS for all electronic/data/communication accounts

5. disclose ALL THE IDENTIFYING information on all cell phones, lap tops, and "pads" along with the service providers for those instruments AFTER they are all scanned and copies of the content made.

Her propensity to lie and deceive is sufficient to establish probable cause...for any action take to explore her "electronic history"!

The second thing she MUST DO is to shut her mouth, and Bill needs to sit down and be quiet. Originally Posted by LexusLover
What? There are no new 'pompous' demands for Hillary to adhere to this morning from Lexi, The Pompous Idiot?

Apparently, the Nursing Home attendant gave Mr. Pomposity his Meds on time.

They obviously were late attending to him yesterday!
LexusLover's Avatar
I notice that BigTits and his lap dog, Shammooo, have no substance to contribute today either.
I notice that BigTits and his lap dog, Shammooo, have no substance to contribute today either. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I would first like to personally thank LLIdiot's Nursing Home Attendant for forcing him to take his meds on time this morning.

The quote found above was obviously a more tempered, medicated response. it's not much better than yesterday's unmedicated response but it is the best we can ever hope for from Lexi the Lying and Pompous Idiot. It also proves that LLIdiot had nothing of substance to contribute yesterday, when he made his unmedicated, pompous demands to Hillary. As if she would actually listen to LLIdiot!

What a lying, pompous Idiot that he has repeatedly shown himself to be! And even more so on the unmedicated days.

LLidiot's a real chip off of the ol' Idiot block!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typical SLOBBRIN comment.

Off topic, stupid and misogynistic.

Typical SLOBBRIN comment.

Off topic, stupid and misogynistic.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Shit Eater, Why do you steal other members avatars?

Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy: “There are months, and months, and months of gaps In Clinton email”… (Video)
Posted on March 8, 2015 by sundance

Hillary has deleted her now infamous avatar showing her on board a military plane en route to Libya.

The picture was taken in 2011 by Time Magazine and titled “Clinton checks her PDA in sunglasses upon departure in a military plane from Malta, bound for Tripoli, on October 18, 2011.” She claims the removal as part of a campaign to raise awareness of women’s rights. However, given the nature of this Gowdy revelation it’s easy to see the real motivation.

(Via Daily Signal) During an appearance on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” today, Rep. Trey Gowdy said there are “huge gaps” in the emails he has received from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton related to the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012.

[…] Gowdy mentioned the “iconic” photo of then-Secretary Clinton during that trip, looking at her “handheld device.”
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why does it bother you so much, SLOBBRIN?

I think everybody knows...

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We know corruption and dishonesty in government doesn't bother you, AssupLiar. But some of us would like to have government officials who are honest.