NY Times " Obama Not Up To The Task"

  • MrGiz
  • 08-09-2011, 07:12 PM
.... Seems you don't know the difference between a fact and a position that's based on an individual's interpretation of facts. . . . Originally Posted by Doove
It's both, a position and a fact! * It cannot continue to happen!

Unless you simply do not give a dying rat's ass about the future!

I am not arguing against smart! revenue increases.... but this over-spending of imaginary money has to stop.... NOW!

I know , I know... that is too profoundly simple for many to wrap their brilliant minds around... including our Nobel Prize Winning President!!
Obama simply doesnt get that those before him made this country the best place to be. From the get go he apologized for America and embraced concepts that feel so foreign . How come not one girl friend has come forward from his past. How come you know nothing about him. If it doesnt feel right its not right to just let it go. Does this president feel like he is here to you is the real task at hand.
I take it you did not vote for this CLOWN and I agreed with you lets make him a one term president
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Interesting article. Obama is really quite amazing though. He's one of the most unassuming presidents in history. His background is unlike other presidents. He didn't come from a wealthy family. His mother was white and his father was black. His mother was quite young when he was born she was 18. He was not born in the United States so he is not a natural born U.S. citizen which is a requirement to gain the office of President of the United States. Barack Obama was born in the Territory of Hawaii in 1957, which was not a state at the time. Hawaii became the 50th State in 1959. Wrong. He was born there after statehood. To be considered a Natural born U. S. citizen one or both parents must have been born in the Unite states and must have been a resident of the U.S. for at least ten years or at least five years after the age of sixteen. Barack's father was from Kenya and was born there and had never lived in the united states ever. Barack's mother was eighteen when Barack was born and she had'nt live in the United States for the past ten years. Wrong. She lived in the continental U.S. until moving to the state of Hawaii in 1960 Barack didn't meet the Natural Born Citizen criteria to hold the office of President, but yet he is the President of the United States. All other past presidents had to meet that criteria. I wonder why. Originally Posted by acp5762
Ok he was born in 61, my bad. That small trivial fact really doesn't change the meaning of the post. It makes no difference what his political party is either. I am a registered democrat myself. Originally Posted by acp5762
That “small trivial fact” was half your argument. Being wrong about where his mother lived and for how long is the other “leg” of your argument. Now you don’t have a leg to stand on.

In the end you are right. Neither of those legs changes the meaning of the post. Because the meaning is that somehow he is not legally President or that was given something no one else was.

Fucking birthers.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Obama simply doesnt get that those before him made this country the best place to be. From the get go he apologized for America and embraced concepts that feel so foreign . How come not one girl friend has come forward from his past. How come you know nothing about him. If it doesnt feel right its not right to just let it go. Does this president feel like he is here to you is the real task at hand. Originally Posted by niceguy123


You know nothing about him because you don’t want to. Talk about living a life of entitlement. Sitting there in front of your computer, waiting for the knowledge you are owed. Waiting for fox or some other “source” to inform you about a man that has been President of the U.S. for over 2 years.

Get off your ass and go look.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I take it you did not vote for this CLOWN and I agreed with you lets make him a one term president Originally Posted by tex3an6969
I did vote for him. While I'm not pleased with everything he has done, there is no candidate from the republican side that is better. Add to that the fact he will have close to 4 years experience on the job and that settles it for me. If all these candidates can only tell me what's wrong and have no plausible ideas to fix it....and since none will admit that raising taxes is needed just like spending cuts are, the decision looks easy to me.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Obama did a terrific job of selling himself, that wasn't real hard though because of the sentiment towards Republican leadership as "Dubya" was leaving office. Lets not forget that the markets were crumbling as well. 4 years of experience? I wouldn't exactly call it that because there wasn't, "Change we can all believe in!" Nothing has changed since Obama has been at the helm. The Fed has to literally keep this economy afloat because it's collapsing. He's got 1 year left and I just don't see how he can turn things around. No doubt he's still going to get a lot of votes but on what merits? Just because he's the incumbent? Thats not enough to persuade people who want real change.
  • Laz
  • 08-27-2011, 10:07 AM
Obama has failed as president because his core beliefs are not effective in this economy.

The government cannot spend this economy into prosperity.

Government making business decisions will not create a more efficient economy.

The government cannot dictate what technology or energy source is best.

Insurance has never lowered the cost of anything. Health care will not cost less because everyone is insured.

Government jobs are a drag on the economy not a benefit.

Government regulations do not always make an industry better.


The total stagnation of the US economy should be enough to prove this.

In Obama's defense he did inherit a pile of crap that was created by both republicans and democrats. My problem is that his policies are not helping at best and making things much worse on the downside.

I really wish someone could effctively state why pushing for a balanced budget is such a radical idea. The Tea Party keeps being demonized by idiots that are willing to spend us into poverty. I just cannot understand why the Tea Party is the one being criticized when simple math shows the financial disaster that is coming.

I really wish someone could effctively state why pushing for a balanced budget is such a radical idea. The Tea Party keeps being demonized by idiots that are willing to spend us into poverty. I just cannot understand why the Tea Party is the one being criticized when simple math shows the financial disaster that is coming. Originally Posted by Laz
here's the reasons:

theres a good percentage of people in this country don't get it they think that taking care of people is a good idea for some wavy, ill-defined, feel good-ism reasons, when the opposite is actually true except those who truly cant take care of themselves.

and theres a good percentage who dont believe in free enterprise or capitalism and want it washed away

throw in power and control while you are at it
If you are into food stamps and welfare, Obama is your man.

If you like to earn a paycheck there are better options out there.

I can't take credit for this statement. Newt said it and I AGREE 100%.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
If thats the case then Obama has 47 million votes! www.usdebtclock.org
Recipients on food stamps on the far right hand side. Out of the 47 million who can vote or will vote, maybe 50%.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I did vote for him. While I'm not pleased with everything he has done, there is no candidate from the republican side that is better. Add to that the fact he will have close to 4 years experience on the job and that settles it for me. If all these candidates can only tell me what's wrong and have no plausible ideas to fix it....and since none will admit that raising taxes is needed just like spending cuts are, the decision looks easy to me. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You couldn't have said it better- I too voted for him and honestly there are some things that I didn't like that he has done, but whose perfect? However, I don't see a viable candidate on the other side that makes me sway away from Obama.
It's very eas for the GOP on the other side to say :"hey if I am elected UE will be back to 4%- if you guys are that gullible than by all means go vote for the other guy. I need solutions and ideas not empty promises- if those GOP candidates can get UE or increase jobs than why aren't they taking their brilliant ideas to their state representatives???
I am one that believes if a Republican get in office- bye bye to entitlement program and hello to bigger tax breaks for the rich and you know what else will happen- no more middle class- it will just be the wealthy and the poor if the republicans have their way.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If you are into food stamps and welfare, Obama is your man.

If you like to earn a paycheck there are better options out there.

I can't take credit for this statement. Newt said it and I AGREE 100%. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
If you are super wealthy or just plain rich the GOP is the person you want to vote for. Or if you are a just racist fuck that loves to watch Faux news and listen to Rush and Hannity and even though Obama's tax policies may help you- vote for the GOP.
If you are middle class- in need of a tax break and don't want your mom, dad, or grandparents medicare to be converted into a voucher than I will strongly advise you to vote for Obama.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If thats the case then Obama has 47 million votes! www.usdebtclock.org
Recipients on food stamps on the far right hand side. Out of the 47 million who can vote or will vote, maybe 50%. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
And do you know a large percentage of those on food stamps are working people who during the Clinton years proudly consider themselves middle class, but due to the fuck ups by Bush they became eligible for food stamps- great going GOP!!!!
  • MrGiz
  • 08-27-2011, 05:37 PM
You couldn't have said it better- I too voted for him . . . I need solutions and ideas not empty promises. . . Originally Posted by wellendowed1911