Alot of the messages lately...

Lexieinhouston's Avatar
No need to apologize or feel bad, I always consider what I post and the outcome. I've been around long enough not to want or need to stay quiet, or self-edit my comments in fear of loosing brunch guests. I only want to see people who are gentleman, or at least are capable of faking it for an hr or so, ha.


Guys please don't jump on Lexie. This was my fault for putting this conversation up. She did not do anything wrong . thanks Originally Posted by abeautifulsite
Poppy, your posts here are wonderful and well-written. You make valid points without being incendiary. I enjoyed reading them and agreed with pretty much everything. I've often said that one of the best parts of my job is knowing that I get to be the highlight of someone's day/week/month. It's an amazing amount of pressure, but it's also a huge compliment. I absolutely agree that each and every gentleman that makes it through our doors should be given the best we have to offer. As another lady said (Alyssa, I think?), the best tip is return business.

We charge a set fee. The gentleman bringing only that is enough to earn your best effort. If he feels your best effort was worth a tip, he'll give you one, or better yet, come back to see you again. You're shooting yourself in the foot by being spoiled and expecting (or even hoping) for more. Forget about tips and gifts completely and be super excited that you're getting paid $XXX. If your fee makes you feel like gold, it will come out in your performance. If it doesn't, come back to reality and realize how much money that is, and get excited woman! If it still doesn't, change your business model and raise your rates. Or go wait tables and remember how lucky you've been.

I'm not trying to shame you or lecture you, but expecting more than your fee is ridiculous. I know that's not what you were trying to say, but it IS how it came across, from more than one lady on this thread. You are not making a tip-earner's wage. He absolutely HAS complimented the hell out of you just by wanting to see you for HUNDREDS of dollars.

You are in a service business. He is not. It is your job to spoil him, and if he spoils you back, great, but it's not his job. All you should expect is that he is sweet to you and tries to make himself easy to get along with.

As for trying to explain the concept of appreciation, mutual respect, and mutual spoiling to the gents who have already displayed a bad attitude, you are absolutely wasting your breath. The guys are here for what they consider a good experience. If that doesn't include those things, you can't "fix" them. They don't want to be fixed. They want their available holes (to be bluntly vulgar) and the rest of the experience is completely lost on them. Just avoid them and all is well.
Thanks Caroline- Yeah that was definitely not what I was trying to say that we were entitled to more than what we state. I think sometimes when writing on the internet something's may get lost in translation. I was only trying to give examples but was more making a point about the behavior of some of the posts that have been displayed on here. I am pretty thick skinned though (grew up with 5 brothers lol ) So I kind of expected some back lash. However just to make myself clear... I was NOT insinuating that they needed to do these things ONLY that a little better treatment (in anyway, but mainly on here) goes a long way- Thank you

Poppy, your posts here are wonderful and well-written. You make valid points without being incendiary. I enjoyed reading them and agreed with pretty much everything. I've often said that one of the best parts of my job is knowing that I get to be the highlight of someone's day/week/month. It's an amazing amount of pressure, but it's also a huge compliment. I absolutely agree that each and every gentleman that makes it through our doors should be given the best we have to offer. As another lady said (Alyssa, I think?), the best tip is return business.

We charge a set fee. The gentleman bringing only that is enough to earn your best effort. If he feels your best effort was worth a tip, he'll give you one, or better yet, come back to see you again. You're shooting yourself in the foot by being spoiled and expecting (or even hoping) for more. Forget about tips and gifts completely and be super excited that you're getting paid $XXX. If your fee makes you feel like gold, it will come out in your performance. If it doesn't, come back to reality and realize how much money that is, and get excited woman! If it still doesn't, change your business model and raise your rates. Or go wait tables and remember how lucky you've been.

I'm not trying to shame you or lecture you, but expecting more than your fee is ridiculous. I know that's not what you were trying to say, but it IS how it came across, from more than one lady on this thread. You are not making a tip-earner's wage. He absolutely HAS complimented the hell out of you just by wanting to see you for HUNDREDS of dollars.

You are in a service business. He is not. It is your job to spoil him, and if he spoils you back, great, but it's not his job. All you should expect is that he is sweet to you and tries to make himself easy to get along with.

As for trying to explain the concept of appreciation, mutual respect, and mutual spoiling to the gents who have already displayed a bad attitude, you are absolutely wasting your breath. The guys are here for what they consider a good experience. If that doesn't include those things, you can't "fix" them. They don't want to be fixed. They want their available holes (to be bluntly vulgar) and the rest of the experience is completely lost on them. Just avoid them and all is well. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
poppy71's Avatar
Poppy, your posts here are wonderful and well-written. You make valid points without being incendiary. I enjoyed reading them and agreed with pretty much everything. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
My dear you and the OP just keep putting smiles on my face today. Thank you and I have always enjoyed your posts as well. There is definitely something to be said about the combination of brains and beauty
Well thanks Poppy. You seem like a very sweet person yourself

My dear you and the OP just keep putting smiles on my face today. Thank you and I have always enjoyed your posts as well. There is definitely something to be said about the combination of brains and beauty Originally Posted by poppy71
Wakeup's Avatar

See, y'all do just fine without me...

Thanks Caroline- Yeah that was definitely not what I was trying to say that we were entitled to more than what we state. I think sometimes when writing on the internet something's may get lost in translation. I was only trying to give examples but was more making a point about the behavior of some of the posts that have been displayed on here. I am pretty thick skinned though (grew up with 5 brothers lol ) So I kind of expected some back lash. However just to make myself clear... I was NOT insinuating that they needed to do these things ONLY that a little better treatment (in anyway, but mainly on here) goes a long way- Thank you Originally Posted by abeautifulsite
I understand completely, love. I'm constantly frustrated by the limitations of written communication.
poppy71's Avatar
Well thanks Poppy. You seem like a very sweet person yourself Originally Posted by abeautifulsite
I try my best

Hey dear and thank you also
Wakeup's Avatar
So Caroline, can I contact you to schedule an appointment?
I have a Poppy crush...
As you were kind enough to troll me in my thread, please let me return the favor.

First let me say that in regards to placing me on your DNS list, I'll be kind and not list all the reasons why this was unnecessary. You would never have made the bucket list. IJS.


1). We are not going to tip you as a default. You are not some single mother scraping by on a shit $2/hr+tips wage. Unlike said waitress, you have the ability to set your own rates. Want more money because of lack of tips? Raise your rate.

2). We will tip, but you need to so something that is above the normal call of duty. If my clients jack me around and I have to reschedule on you at the last minute, and you have to jump through hoops to still fit me in later? You're getting a tip from me.AMen! Do something other than the norm


Don't know what to say here. Saying something nice doesn't cost a person anything more than breathing out over your vocal cords. Even horrible people like me are kind to providers. Which by the way, is why you didn't see any providers coming forward and backing Ruby up by saying I am rude in person.

Positive Reviews:

Either earn it by blowing a guys socks off so much he just can't wait to tell everyone, or pay for it by offering discounts or free kitty. Originally Posted by citizen44
To add to this. Tipping, like in a restaurant is based on service... if the wait staff does not pay attention to my drink glass, or when I am done with the meal and I have to wait for my check, thus wasting my time do you think I want to tip them? NO! I have even walked on a check because I waited 20 minutes at my table for the check, decided I would go up front and wait there thinking they would see a "new" customer and I could then get my check and pay.. NO.... I waited another 20 minutes... so I walked.

Fact is that if you have "Game" then your game should be good enough to garner a good review, which usually means others will want to see you after reading it. (case and point I saw Starving Artist, had a WONDERFUL time, posted a review and shortly thereafter 4-5 others saw her and posted reviews.)

It is not you blowing your own horn that brings us to you.. it is the horn blowing of others and their experiences.

You can have a killer body, be flexible as a gymnast and have a great place to operate from, but if you are just going through the motions then we tend to notice that and feel we got cheated out of the 200 or more an hour you charge when we can get that same "lack luster" performance from a spa or such...

If a guy wants to see you again and does so, even if its once a month, you might want to up your game with the repeaters but your basic "game" should be good enough to garner praise.

Never expect nor ask for a Tip..... leave that to the guy.... as long as he does not short you on the donation then what you offered is what he paid for.
Wakeup's Avatar
Fact is that if you have "Game"... others will want to see you after reading it. (case and point I saw Starving Artist, had a WONDERFUL time, posted a review and shortly thereafter 4-5 others saw her and posted reviews.) Originally Posted by Mr. GPop
That's what you think happened huh?
some are taking out their hostility towards their ex, SO, or just women in general. Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

I have had that experience as well…

My comments are not directed to the true gentlemen that visit me and listen, I'm just not flying off the handle here like some bitter person who doesn't enjoy cooking anymore. I actually enjoy someone coming in and putting me in my place now and again, but it's very easy to determine those who like bashing women and those who are respectful of ALL ladies regardless of their background, body type or what they wear when they open the door. I have clear cut reasons for EVERYTHING I do.

Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston

I actually quoted the OP, so my comment was directed at what she said and not anything you said. Forgive me for the miscommunication.

As I said, I couldn't agree more that we love and expect to be treated respectfully ( tips or gifts do not =respect) by the gentlemen who see us. Luckily, we get to make the final decision on who we spend time with and hopefully, we use every avenue to ensure that we are treated the way we deserve. Again, it is our responsibility to make our clients happy…not the other way around.
Wow, this was a long thread! Keep it going!