US Ambassador, 3 Other Staffers Killed in Libya by the People We Helped

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You only like free speech when it agrees with you, don't you, WDF?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-12-2012, 02:43 PM
we go play war in rag head land for over a decade and get pissed off when someone gets killed ...

I cant imagine how something like that could ever happen. Originally Posted by CJ7
They shit their pants when a couple of folks get killed over there but sat on their collective asses when our troops were dying daily in Iraq....Ya'll remember Iraq, the place that started the drive for "Freedom in the Middle East''

Now that they are getting more freedom, they are not exactly in our corner as Bush and the neo-cons said they would and you stupid SOB's believed.

Now you bitch about Obama because somebody in Cario said something that sounded like an apology to try and curtail more violence over there.

What a shift in POV's you Tea Nuts have had.
It worked with the Japs. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Think it was a declared war not a riot,but wtf ..
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-12-2012, 02:56 PM
You only like free speech when it agrees with you, don't you, WDF? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Well I like it a whole lot more when it agree's with me....

...but I have not problem with you lying SOB's abusing freedom of speech. Makes rational people's job a bit harder but we can flush out the caca flowing from your mouth...

I was talking to LK btw. She asked a question. Can have a civil conversation with her without you trying to get you lil cock sucked?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Now you are calling me a liar. Interesting. Seems to me I was asked . . . nah. Never happened.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-12-2012, 03:07 PM
Now you are calling me a liar. Interesting. Seems to me I was asked . . . nah. Never happened. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I used to think you had some God Damn common Sense.

You have shown that not to be true and you have fallen into the Tea Puke's pool of caca. I would have to wash you off at afire hydrant before buying you a drink...

Carry on with your nonsense.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-12-2012, 03:10 PM
I used to think you had some God Damn common Sense.

You have shown that not to be true and you have fallen into the Tea Puke's pool of caca. I would have to wash you off at afire hydrant before buying you a drink...

Carry on with your nonsense. Originally Posted by WTF

take him to the car wash, you'll need a power wand
Think it was a declared war not a riot,but wtf .. Originally Posted by ekim008
If you think this is not a declared war on the United States, you are deranged.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WTF has his head rag tied too tight I expect.

ABC used to run a commercial using a clip from 9/11 and at the end " the end of they day we knew we were at war". It took ABC all day to figure out what was so damned obvious after the second plane hit. Now we have officials saying that it is possible, maybe that the two attacks were maybe related. What a bunch of idiots.

Who is the ambassador to Egypt? Her name is Anne W. Patterson.
Are the democrats dismissing this entire thing? Did I read this thread right? I'm open to the possibility I didn't. What about what I said rubbed you so wrong my dear? And Sensia I've thought the same of you many times, but I've never dogged you on here. I try not to keep notes but you are making it difficult.

Edit to add:

Explain to me what I said, that is so stupid. Really. I'm offering myself up for the slaughter. I sincerely want to know and understand the other side (I wasn't even aware America had another side on this). Originally Posted by LovingKayla
these people never cross the aisle Kayla
theyll goin maken their mess and well step in at some point and pick up the pieces
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Mohammed, the pedophile, be praised.

My Muslim friend Mohammed Masajmahrod is running a special on burkas, buy one black one and get a black one for free. Ones size fits all.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
What does Romney care what he says about what goes on abroad to Americans...Cripes, he didn't even mention our brave troops fighting for our freedom in Afghanistan and around the world during his convention speech...And he's running to be their "Commander-In-Chief"!!!
This guy doesn't get it..
This isn't about the stupid movie. This was a planned attacked to coincide with Septeber 11th. We could stop all foreign aid to any and all countrys who don't support our interests!
If you think this is not a declared war on the United States, you are deranged. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Silly, there is no official declared war with armys,just radical conservatives hating us for messing in their world.But you are just a girl..