What's up with guys asking for face pics??

Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
I don't see anything wrong with a guy asking for a face picture. Escorts are running a business and one of the prime selling points is her looks. So, it's entirely understandable that a guy would want to see a face pic before setting an appointment. On the other hand, I completely understand an escort's desire for privacy. So, just as the guy should not get upset if she declines to show a face pic, she should not get upset if she's asked for one.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Reading further down the line, some man stated that women who don't show their face in pics are just ugly. I said that is the case. Many women hide their face due to privacy reasons. I never said the fellas privacy wasn't important. The main topic here is providers hiding their faces.
So to answer your question, yeah, I understand you guys' privacy is important, again, I never said it wasnt. This thread is mainly about providers hiding their face in pics. Do you understand that? Originally Posted by incognito isis
Got all feisty again while you were gone too!

First off, CrazyTrini85 statement is naive at best and inflammatory at worst. I would guess not the majority opinion here or anywhere else. But like all of us he is entitled to express his opinion within the rules here.

I'm glad we are on the same page on equal anonymity then...I only brought it up because you did not.
Of course the topic is exposing face pics, I haven't seen this thread veer off that topic.
As I said early on in this thread
Some will be ok spending money sight unseen, others won't. Its going to matter to some guys and won't be as important to others.
Why get so worked up about it, just tell them you don't disclose pics. The chips will fall where they may, and it will either work for your business or it won't.
If it works for you not to show your face pics, then Awesome. Quite honestly, that policy doesn't and won't work for everyone. Clearly it is very important to some guys and others not so much. If the lady is happy with her level of business and income, then don't change a thing. That's not the case for everyone here and they may have to look at their current business practices if they wish to survive.

It all boils down to the same thing, across a variety of topics. Everyone (men and women) is going to be different on what they require (or put up with). We can debate all there topics endlessly, but in the end everyone is going to do exactly what they are comfortable with. End of story.

But bitching about it IS fun! There is two sides to every coin and I'm just the guy to flip it over to point out and discuss the other side when others won't.
I don't see anything wrong with a guy asking for a face picture. Escorts are running a business and one of the prime selling points is her looks. So, it's entirely understandable that a guy would want to see a face pic before setting an appointment. On the other hand, I completely understand an escort's desire for privacy. So, just as the guy should not get upset if she declines to show a face pic, she should not get upset if she's asked for one. Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
Dearest Waldo, why would a man ask for a face pic when it is obvious she doesn't want to show her face? If she wanted to show her face wouldn't she already do so in her pictures. I think the annoyance comes from the obvious. Why ask for a vegetarian dish at a prime steak house? Why bother asking a lady for face pics when she blocks it in her pictures? It certainly isn't a crime to ask for it, just annoying because it's obvious she is ultra protective of her privacy. If your that hung up on someones face and her reviews don't sway you, then find someone less protective of their privacy. You don't ask for a vegan tofu dish at prime steak house, right? Same concept.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
For the same reasons some ladies don't put a number up on the net but give it in private after screening...

Just because someone won't do it in the open does not mean they won't do it privately. Isnt that what ymmv is about....
whitechocolate's Avatar
This is another of one of these issues where there is no right or wrong like size of her donation, etc. The provider can do what she desires and the client can take it or leave it. Gals have every right not to want to reveal there face to a stranger. My personal view as stated above is that I see no harm asking after screening and the appt has been set as part of any pre-session info exchange. I am a eyes kind of guy. Gals can refuse. To many guys. as discussed above, the paying of hundreds of dollars entitles them to see the entire provider's body and face before the session. Again, the gal should respect that view but still do as she desires and, again, it is take it or leave it. There just isnt a right or wrong here.
Dearest Waldo, why would a man ask for a face pic when it is obvious she doesn't want to show her face? If she wanted to show her face wouldn't she already do so in her pictures. .... If your that hung up on someones face and her reviews don't sway you, then find someone less protective of their privacy... Originally Posted by incognito isis
If you need to see the face, pick someone that shows it or roll the dice and see it in person - It might work out great or be a horrible nightmare.... either way!!

Isis baby, great new avatar of "you" (Gia)....Hey, can I get a face pic??
CrazyTrini85's Avatar
How about Green Eggs and Ham? Since you have no clue, you should start from the beginning. Originally Posted by incognito isis
A Dr Seuss fan, huh? Maybe you should check out the Star-Bellied Sneetches, a book more relative to this thread. Its a story about social acceptance, superficiality, trends, and how tattoos are bullshit. All the "cool" sneetches had retarded star tattoos. Then those without got them. And then some other creature kept charging them money to put them on and remove them and made a fucking fortune.

Moral of the story; tattoos and other attempts at social seals of approval are a bunch of shallow bullshit. For a children's book, its lessons are timeless.

Look at this stuck up sneetch, and the bummed out sneetch that doesn't have a retarded star tattoo:

Samantha- no way I need to see your face- I know you are beautiful- if you can't tell from those pics then... please.
btw I can make you a MUCH better tennis player!!- I made the national 18 year/under national semifinals..
Samantha- no way I need to see your face- I know you are beautiful- if you can't tell from those pics then... please.
btw I can make you a MUCH better tennis player!!- I made the national 18 year/under national semifinals.. Originally Posted by nosweat
Nosweat, when did you make national 18 year/under semifinal?? Last year? LOL! I'm afraid you're too young. Sorrrrrryyyyy!!! Kidding!

To conclude this topic, I'm not mad anymore if someone asks me for a face picture, I'll just politely say no like I did before (without the emotional outrage LOL) and won't go through with the appointment. Correspondence is a part of screening and if something doesn't feel right during the beginning correspondence, then either party has the right to not go forward. It's ok. We don't have to see EVERYONE that contacts us. Actually that applies to everything in business, you don't have to sell to everyone. Only those who have the wants/needs for your goods/services. :-)
For the same reasons some ladies don't put a number up on the net but give it in private after screening...

Just because someone won't do it in the open does not mean they won't do it privately. Isnt that what ymmv is about.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Ok after screening MAYBE I can see a lady giving a face pic if it's requested, but really, isn't it obvious in the beginning if a lady really wants to or not? Some men ask immediately after contacting a lady. Thats stoopid. Going back to the steakhouse example, it's simply common sense. If you want to see the face of a provider, why would you contact one who clearly isn't comfortable with showing hers? Why ask for a vegan dish at the prime steakhouse? Common sense tells you it's stoopid to do that. Maybe they will give you the tofu vagan dish, but why even go there to begin with if you know thats not what they do?

As a side note: you really can't trust anyone in this biz. I've been burnt recently by a regular client turned stalker weirdo. I regret all the things I told him, all the pictures I let him take of me/us together. He has contacted my family and told them what I do because I won't date him. Stoopid me, I told this creep everything about myself over time. For safety reasons, not trying to be a snob, but you MUST seperate church from state. AKA keep bizness seprate from personal life. The more you give out, the more people can use to hurt you in the future. Sad but true.
A Dr Seuss fan, huh? Maybe you should check out the Star-Bellied Sneetches, a book more relative to this thread. Its a story about social acceptance, superficiality, trends, and how tattoos are bullshit. All the "cool" sneetches had retarded star tattoos. Then those without got them. And then some other creature kept charging them money to put them on and remove them and made a fucking fortune.

Moral of the story; tattoos and other attempts at social seals of approval are a bunch of shallow bullshit. For a children's book, its lessons are timeless.

Look at this stuck up sneetch, and the bummed out sneetch that doesn't have a retarded star tattoo:

Originally Posted by CrazyTrini85
I wish I could adopt one of thise creatures. They're cute!
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Dearest Waldo, why would a man ask for a face pic when it is obvious she doesn't want to show her face? If she wanted to show her face wouldn't she already do so in her pictures. I think the annoyance comes from the obvious. Why ask for a vegetarian dish at a prime steak house? Why bother asking a lady for face pics when she blocks it in her pictures? It certainly isn't a crime to ask for it, just annoying because it's obvious she is ultra protective of her privacy. If your that hung up on someones face and her reviews don't sway you, then find someone less protective of their privacy. You don't ask for a vegan tofu dish at prime steak house, right? Same concept. Originally Posted by incognito isis
I wouldn't agree that it's obvious that she'll refuse the request or is ultra protective of her privacy. In fact, experience says that many of the women who do not show their face will in fact send a face picture if politely asked. To me, it also makes sense if I try to look at it from an escort's perspective. The risk of having face pics in ads is much greater than the risk of sending a face pic upon request. One is seen in the first instance by thousands of people, the other by only the very few who request it. So, if she's concerned that he ex, or her neighbor, or whoever sees that she's an escort, one is much, much dangerous to her than the other. There's also better plausible deniability for a pic sent by email if it gets passed on an published somewhere on the internet versus having your pic directly in an ad for escort services. Of course, sending a pic on request is still more risky than not sending a face pic, so I completely understand those who decline to do so. Only they can judge their personal risk-benefits.

To go to your restaurant analogy, I know vegetarians who ask for a vegetarian meal when they're out with friends. Almost always, the restaurant does their best to accommodate the request and I can't think of once where I heard an annoyed or surly or sarcastic response. Friendly customer interactions is the norm for most service businesses . . . at least the ones I tend to patronize.
I wouldn't agree that it's obvious that she'll refuse the request or is ultra protective of her privacy. In fact, experience says that many of the women who do not show their face will in fact send a face picture if politely asked. To me, it also makes sense if I try to look at it from an escort's perspective. The risk of having face pics in ads is much greater than the risk of sending a face pic upon request. One is seen in the first instance by thousands of people, the other by only the very few who request it. So, if she's concerned that he ex, or her neighbor, or whoever sees that she's an escort, one is much, much dangerous to her than the other. There's also better plausible deniability for a pic sent by email if it gets passed on an published somewhere on the internet versus having your pic directly in an ad for escort services. Of course, sending a pic on request is still more risky than not sending a face pic, so I completely understand those who decline to do so. Only they can judge their personal risk-benefits.

To go to your restaurant analogy, I know vegetarians who ask for a vegetarian meal when they're out with friends. Almost always, the restaurant does their best to accommodate the request and I can't think of once where I heard an annoyed or surly or sarcastic response. Friendly customer interactions is the norm for most service businesses . . . at least the ones I tend to patronize. Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
Yes but after awhile the restaurant will get annoyed from having to constantly deviate from their regular dishes. So as the OP stated, she has grown tired of constant requests from men asking her for face pics when she hides it in. Plus, your missing the point I was trying to make with the restaurant analagy. I was saying, if you were a vegan would the steak house be your first choice to go? Probably not. So if someones face is highly important to you, why would you even contact a provider who is hiding her face in pics? This is about common sense, not about what is right or wrong. There is no right or wrong here. Some may give the pic, some might not. I just think it is common sense that one would know, if the lady is blocking her face, that means she wants to keep it private. I'm a face blocker also, and I get annoyed with the requests. No it's not a crime. It just gets annoying. Face blockers are insinuating they don't want their face known. So when one doesn't realize that, well, it's annoying.
CrazyTrini85's Avatar
Whoops, thought I posted the Sneetch thing in the tattoo thread. Oh well!

I would like a pet Lorax!
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Yes but after awhile the restaurant will get annoyed from having to constantly deviate from their regular dishes. So as the OP stated, she has grown tired of constant requests from men asking her for face pics when she hides it in. Plus, your missing the point I was trying to make with the restaurant analagy. I was saying, if you were a vegan would the steak house be your first choice to go? Probably not. So if someones face is highly important to you, why would you even contact a provider who is hiding her face in pics? This is about common sense, not about what is right or wrong. There is no right or wrong here. Some may give the pic, some might not. I just think it is common sense that one would know, if the lady is blocking her face, that means she wants to keep it private. I'm a face blocker also, and I get annoyed with the requests. No it's not a crime. It just gets annoying. Face blockers are insinuating they don't want their face known. So when one doesn't realize that, well, it's annoying. Originally Posted by incognito isis
I can understand how getting repeated requests for something that you won't do could be annoying. I haven't walked in your shoes, so I don't know how often it happens. Regardless, like I said, I don't begrudge an escort or any business getting annoyed. I do think it's something that should be expected and is an understandable request given that many escorts will send you a face picture. So, I do blame any escort who would respond rudely to this request.

I think your restaurant analogy is off. It's not like a vegan going to a steak restaurant and asking to be served a vegan meal. It's like a vegan calling up a restaurant that doesn't have its menu published and asking if they serve vegan meals. You ask why someone who places importance on facial appearance would contact a provider who's hiding her face. Simple, because he might think she has a beautiful face and want to see her. A vegan knows the steak restaurant is not for him. A guy contacting a provider with no face pic doesn't know that she's not for him until he sees her face. Of course, the escort might prefer to lose the potential business rather than share a face pic and that's perfectly OK.