shhhh i am huntin wabbits
You say that you tried to give him the best advice possible.Covered HJ with no cutsies?
What advice did you give to "this" clean cut, HIV carrying, herpes infected, full of welts on his dick & face Mexican wearing a business suit, sitting alone with his head down on the corner of a bottom floor Starbucks at the Marriot in Bellevue Washington, whose wife and premature daughter both tested positive for HIV and herpes that he decided to take his own life?Originally Posted by Mexxxican Warrior
good lord... this is 15 minutes of my life I won't get back....
your reviews sound shitty.... have NO pics in your showcase... don't list ANYTHING of what services you provide..... ...then you come on here with this crap.... may want to re-think your profession. Originally Posted by charcoal