GOP meltdown

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Here are two bills proposed in Texas that promote religious intolerance.

Public schools would have to display Ten Commandments under bill passed by Texas Senate

New Texas law deprives families of religious liberty rights

Texas Voter Suppression law on trial.

5 ways Texas suppresses the vote.

I’m not even going to list the ways Texas restricts abortion care. What I do know is that Texas politics is rife with white christian men. Gerrymandering is blatant and pervasive. They complain incessantly about the federal government’s ability to override state law but have no interest whatsoever in giving local government any authority at all. Our attorney general is an admitted criminal and our governor is actively courting succession from the United States of America.

I could go on about the other ways that Republicans want to take us back to the 1950’s except for the fact that they want to remove us from NATO, appease Putin and curtail our ability to stabilize the world order. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
None of that tripe makes the statement hypocritical.
txdot-guy's Avatar
None of that tripe makes the statement hypocritical. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Your statement was

“ Every piece of legislation passed removes another piece of freedom. A much more accurate measure of how well a politician/party served the people is what they’ve ~prevented~ from happening.”

The Republican party seems fine passing legislation that limits freedoms they disagree with but whine and complain about laws limiting freedoms they want.

That’s hypocrisy. The only way our society can work is if we are capable of sitting down and compromising with each other.

That’s the way our constitution works. I don’t stomp on your freedoms and you don’t stomp on mine. If there is a difference of views we compromise and we both get some of what we want. It seems that the republican party has decided to jettison all of its historical values in favor of a win at all costs attitude.

Why do you think that they scuttled the border bill, they wanted to give the base something to latch onto and passing legislation that they could point to as a win wouldn’t do that. Because compromise is a dirty word in republican circles now.

God help you if you’re a republican pushing back against your own party. It leads to anger, attacks, censure. Just look at Senator Lankford of Oklahoma or Speaker Dade Phelan of Texas. Both attacked and censured for daring to work with the other side.

The GOP is currently in a state of meltdown. It’s burning up all the rational members of the party in an orgy of anger and fealty to a totalitarian and authoritarian ethos. Good luck to us all. I have a feeling things are going to get worse before they get better.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
That’s special, but the statement you quoted makes no mention of any particular political party.
txdot-guy's Avatar
That’s special, but the statement you quoted makes no mention of any particular political party. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Of course not but it’s obvious if you follow the thread. Not to mention the subject of the OP post. “GOP meltdown”. But kudos on your effort to try and deflect.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Keep trying, or man up and admit you made an assumption without actually reading or understanding what was written. It’s ok, we all fuck up sometimes.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Keep trying, or man up and admit you made an assumption without actually reading or understanding what was written. It’s ok, we all fuck up sometimes. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
After your comments I went back and reread the original post. It appears that I have inferred something from the post that wasn’t intended. If so my apologies. That being said I still find many of the Trump inspired Republican party to be quite hypocritical.
... TX-dot is fair-minded enough of a fellow to correct things
when need-be... That said, it's not the "Trump Republicans" that
are hypocritical - it's the RINO Republicans who are.

Perhaps THEY are the "meltdown" Repubs who are of issue here.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Well well well,

the deep subject besides a supposed deep state: the GOP melts one more down.

Democratic former Rep. Tom Suozzi is heading back to Congress after he won the special election in New York's 3rd District to replace former GOP Rep. George Santos.

Hate to say we told ya guys about this, but even in an affluent area of NYC, and in a supposed heavy R district in the city- the Democrat candidate wins!

I guess the folks of NY have seen the fun that the R's have been bringing along and let their voices be heard and at a higher than expected margin. Poor RINOs and GOP'rs are feeling the wrath of constituents who have enough of sitting on hands, telling women that their bodies are allowed to be dictated as to what happens inside them, that TRUMP has nothing to do with EVERY district.

Donnie shit his diaper when he heard the news

"When republican candidates run on the extreme Trump agenda, even in a republican held seat, voters reject them."

On the other hand, Souzzi said that the Border is a hot issue and that the choices of POTUS are too old, so there was that little bit of a hissy thrown in for good measure!

I think in general, DEMS are poised to do more GOP housekeeping, and cleaning up the other 4 or 5 NY seats that are up for grabs.

Imagine a world where Trump perhaps would win the presidency and then lose both the house and senate!?!

HOLY Shit.

He'd be MR. 3x impeached by the end of 2025

That would surely be the MELTDOWN of the rest of the GOP.

I'll go as far as to guarantee a third or more impeachment for Trump if re-elected. And it will be because of his own inability to lead, vs. doing dumb ass EO's and general fuckery. But that is merely an educated guess at this point. LOL "woo...owning the libs is great- till you get impeached".
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They won’t impeach him because he’ll be rejected by voters for the third time.

And a convicted felon