Joe Biden wins Georgia, flipping the state for Democrats

Judges want evidence not rumor and innuendo.

Trump lost a lot.

He lost Georgia for God's sake....TWICE!

You're being a cry remind me of the Clinton losers in 2016 but worse. You won't accept the results. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm not crying but it is disheartening to realize a country and its founding precepts are so easily discarded by people

and not by a majority but by cheaters, who will be allowed to win unless brave judges seek the truth

but there are too many things against the truth here

the time remaining, the cover up, the desire to move along, the charges of racism when urban areas are the focus, the media's blind hatred of trump, the knowledge the left will kill people and burn cities, judges who don't want to put themselves at risk, either their livelihood or their security

but there are just too many anomalies and coincidences, that are so obvious

the courts need to allow for discovery

and if you couple that with the scruple less dims, for which winning is the only thing

I mean....

a party that will send blm and antifa thugs to violently attack old people and kids with weapons and then

proclaim, "I didn't see nuthin" ....or worse, they twist it around and blame the old people and kids

or will abort babies up to the moment of birth and even after birth

and with of all the evidence of fraud, we are supposed to think they wouldn't cheat in an election?

you have to realize, leftists in france still love their country, leftists in England likewise

but our Marxists/ leftists do not love America, its constitution or founding
And there's a reason why Trump's lawsuits in all of those states have been thrown out. Zero evidence of mass voter fraud. Trump lost, get over it....seriously!!! Originally Posted by Little Monster
Nope they weren't thrown out. The investigations are ongoing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
President Trump has been the best president in my lifetime

better by far over most, winning like secretariat in the Belmont, what was it 31 lengths?, and even wins by a couple of lengths over President Reagan Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Nevergaveitathought ought to change his handle to nevergaveitarest.

You, sir, are either delusional or a total imbecile. In the spirit of collegiality, I’ve removed total idiot out of the options.

You need more fiber in your diet man.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Nope they weren't thrown out. The investigations are ongoing. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Little Monster's Avatar
Nope they weren't thrown out. The investigations are ongoing. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Um, yes they were. I love to be the one to break it to you...
Little Monster's Avatar
No they weren't. Trump is already making progress. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You're taking loser denial to a whole other level. Zero proof of voter fraud, lawsuits getting shot down left and right, facts right in your face, and the only thing you can do is act like a 2 yo child and scream no no no!! The fact that you think someone would have to cheat in order to beat an incompetent, pathological liar like Trump is laughable itself, but watching you Trumpers act like this is, is the icing on the cake. Keep it up!
"Ten years ago, I was part of the first academic team to conduct a comprehensive security analysis of a DRE [direct-recording electronic] voting machine. We examined what was at that time the most widely used touch-screen DRE in the country, and spent several months probing it for vulnerabilities. What we found was disturbing: we could reprogram the machine to invisibly cause any candidate to win. We also created malicious software — vote-stealing code — that could spread from machine-to-machine like a computer virus, and silently change the election outcome." — Alex Halderman, professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Michigan

"The concerns about possible ties between the owners of Smartmatic and the Chávez government have been well known to United States foreign-policy officials since before the 2004 recall election in which Mr. Chávez, a strong ally of President Fidel Castro of Cuba, won by an official margin of nearly 20 percent." — The New York Times, October 29, 2006

Whistleblower Melissa Carone, an IT contractor for Dominion Software, described the massive fraud she witnessed on Election Day in Detroit, Michigan. In a sworn affidavit dated November 8, she stated:
"At approximately midnight I was called over to assist one of the counters with a paper jam and noticed his PC had a number of over 400 ballots scanned, which means one batch was counted over 8 times. This happened countless times while I was at the TCF Center. I confronted my manager, Nick Ikonomakis [former VP of Development at Dominion] saying how big of a problem this was, Nick told me he didn't want to hear that we have a big problem. He told me we are here to do assist with IT work, not to run their election.
"The adjudication process, from my understanding there's supposed to be a Republican and a Democrat judging these ballots. I overheard numerous workers talking during shift change in which over 20 machines had two Democrats judging the ballots-resulting in an unfair process....
"When a worker had a ballot that they either could not read, or it had something spilled on it, they would go to a table that had blank ballots on it and fill it out. They were supposed to be filling them out exactly like the one they had received but this was not the case at all. The workers would also sign the name of the person that the ballot belonged to-which is clearly illegal....
"I was the only Republican working for Dominion Voting, and on the stage there was many terrible comments being made by the city workers and Dominion workers about Republicans. I did not give out any indication that I was a Republican, I have a family at home and knew I was going to have to walk to my car at the end of my shift. If anyone had an American flag on their shirt or mask, they were automatically deemed to be Trump supporters.
"I called the FBI and made a report with them, I was told that I will be getting a call back."
In a November 12 interview with Eric Metaxas, Trump Campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis said:
"What we're uncovering is massive, massive fraud. There will be lawsuits that will be filed within the coming days. For all the American people who are saying, when are we going to see the evidence, when are we going to get to the bottom of this, investigations do take time. We're working as rapidly as possible. What we're discovering, the people who are coming forward as whistleblowers, to explain what they saw, not only at the polling locations, how they were denied access to the polling locations, but even more than that, what we're seeing with this Dominion voting system, this is huge.
"The president has tweeted about this today. Reports are coming out, and what we're seeing is that possibly up to 2.7 million votes were simply deleted, that were for President Trump. How their voting system was able to have users that would log in and see the votes as they were coming in. If it was a Trump vote they could manually change it to a Biden vote. They could duplicate the vote if it was a Biden vote, and have a person cast not one but six votes for Biden. All of this technology, we really need a forensic audit, we need to know exactly what happened.... There is no doubt in my mind that the president is absolutely right, this election was rigged. Now it's just a matter of gathering the evidence, filing the lawsuits and getting to the proof in court.
"This isn't just about the 2.7 million votes, which is an astounding number. The mainstream media is trying to use this term 'widespread fraud' to move the goalpost and to basically say 'this doesn't matter, this doesn't matter, Biden is the president-elect. We've coronated him. That's the end of the story.' But even more than that, when you have this amount of intentional malfeasance, when you have this much criminal activity, this is really a disenfranchisement of the entire nation at this point, because when you look at what's going on, this isn't just a mailman who takes a stack of votes...this is such sinister evil conduct that it's an intentionally designed system to have user manipulation so that they can disenfranchise the entire nation....
"If Joe Biden and the Democrats were really concerned about truth and fact-finding, and they actually want to know the truth and get to the bottom of this, they would be okay with that, they would say wait, this is not the American system, we agree that every legal vote should count, we want to make sure that if we win, we want to do so legitimately. But they're not saying that. They want to ignore what is rapidly becoming one of the greatest scandals in American history....
"You have such a systematic, widespread, intentional abuse of our election system because they want to control the system and then, ultimately, dismantle it."
You're taking loser denial to a whole other level. Zero proof of voter fraud, lawsuits getting shot down left and right, facts right in your face, and the only thing you can do is act like a 2 yo child and scream no no no!! The fact that you think someone would have to cheat in order to beat an incompetent, pathological liar like Trump is laughable itself, but watching you Trumpers act like this is, is the icing on the cake. Keep it up! Originally Posted by Little Monster
There is lots of evidence. There is a lot to be discovered before it's officially over.
rexdutchman's Avatar
3 weeks will tell pumpkin, one way or the other
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There is lots of evidence. There is a lot to be discovered before it's officially over. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Will you ever admit at ANY time that Trump lost the election? Assuming all the still pending lawsuits filed by Trump turn out the same as all the lawsuits already presented to various courts, thrown out, will you admit Biden won the election? Or will you be bitching and moaning for 4 years about how Trump was robbed?
Little Monster's Avatar
There is lots of evidence. There is a lot to be discovered before it's officially over. Originally Posted by Levianon17
"Lots of evidence"?? Care to provide some of this evidence. And fake made up conspiracy theories about "Hugo Chavez machines" don't count. I want solid evidence.
Will you ever admit at ANY time that Trump lost the election? Assuming all the still pending lawsuits filed by Trump turn out the same as all the lawsuits already presented to various courts, thrown out, will you admit Biden won the election? Or will you be bitching and moaning for 4 years about how Trump was robbed? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah of course, when the Electoral College announces who officially won the election, that hasn't happened yet. The Main Stream Media doesn't have the authority to declare anyone the winner. It only appears that Biden won and it appears that way through fraud.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-20-2020, 03:41 PM
It only appears that Biden won and it appears that way through fraud. Originally Posted by Levianon17
It does appear Biden has won.....only the Trump lovers see fraud.

Biden flipped back "Blue Wall" states. Nothing suprising there. He didn't have the negatives Clinton had.

He won Arizona because Trump continually trashed their hometown hero. No big suprise there.

Georgia has been trending blue...Stacey Abrams did a great job of get out and vote.

So even though it was a suprise...was it really?

The fraud is built on your subconscious.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yeah of course, when the Electoral College announces who officially won the election, that hasn't happened yet. The Main Stream Media doesn't have the authority to declare anyone the winner. It only appears that Biden won and it appears that way through fraud. Originally Posted by Levianon17
So you waited until after the Electoral College voted before you declared Trump the winner in 2016?

Again, absolutely no fraud has been proven despite many attempts by the Trump legal team to do so. They have crap.