How much does quality writing matter?

rednecksatyr's Avatar
Have to throw in my $.02 here. I am fortunate to have a BS in Engineering and I have written many reports. Yet I mostly speak the "redneckese" I learned at a young age. I have noted that my lack of correct "english" in conversations has not been well received by a couple of providers. But that is not a problem for me. I think I actually like the idea of maintaining the ways of my youth in the vocabulary department. No offense to anyone - but the providers that try to be grammatically correct but cannot do it are a bit amusing.
quite frankly, I am a grammar / English nerd Originally Posted by MorganAmanda
The hottest thing I have read on ECCIE to date - and I'm not kidding in the slightest. A fellow grammar nerd - be still my heart!
The hottest thing I have read on ECCIE to date - and I'm not kidding in the slightest. A fellow grammar nerd - be still my heart! Originally Posted by Six of Jericho
I am MORE than flattered


P.S. Don't forget to check your inbox. I sent a little note that will make your grammar loving head spin LOL
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-14-2010, 06:10 AM
. No offense to anyone - but the providers that try to be grammatically correct but cannot do it are a bit amusing. Originally Posted by rednecksatyr
You notice that also Good thing they weren't wearing a Confederate flag, that combo get ya hung around here!

Any of you ever heard the phrase, "You can't judge a book by it's cover''?
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-14-2010, 11:20 AM
Well If your not going to read it, don't let what's inside spoil the cover!
Sa_artman's Avatar
Any of you ever heard the phrase, "You can't judge a book by it's cover''? Originally Posted by WTF
Remind me to not go to any bars with you WTF. "I know the toothless grin and track marks should have been a giveaway..."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-14-2010, 01:09 PM
if I threw ya my leftovers!!

You boys ever read Mark Twain?

Kwality scribin is the udmost facktor I look at when choosen a
It shows she can speak well which means a full set of teefths. Nutin' I hate more than a partail set.

Sa_artman's Avatar
if I threw ya my leftovers!!
You boys ever read Mark Twain?

Originally Posted by WTF

See, that's the difference between you and I WTF, I wouldn't have any leftovers.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-14-2010, 05:54 PM
See, that's the difference between you and I WTF, I wouldn't have any leftovers. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
Well I didn't have any leftovers when I ate at Taco Bell either.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 07-14-2010, 06:07 PM
I myself don't eat much bar food accept that which comes out with me.
Have to throw in my $.02 here. I am fortunate to have a BS in Engineering and I have written many reports. Yet I mostly speak the "redneckese" I learned at a young age. I have noted that my lack of correct "english" in conversations has not been well received by a couple of providers. But that is not a problem for me. I think I actually like the idea of maintaining the ways of my youth in the vocabulary department. No offense to anyone - but the providers that try to be grammatically correct but cannot do it are a bit amusing. Originally Posted by rednecksatyr
When I first started I did a ton of internet research and there are the ones that use strings and strings of multisyllabic words and they make NO FUCKING SENSE.

The only thing that kind of irks me is when text speak is used in an email. WUT R U DOING TONITE? And wtf is up with "tonite" that's not even a real word, to me at least.
And wtf is up with "tonite" that's not even a real word, to me at least. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
n.1.An explosive compound; a preparation of gun cotton.Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by C. & G. Merriam Co.
Yeah yeah yeah, I saw that, too. I highly doubt it is used with such frequency in that context.

"Fuck yeah man, TONITE is going to be explosive, yo!" ha ha, that was punny!
How often do you find yourself thinking, "She's smoking hot, but if she can't put a sentence together I'd prefer someone else, particularly if we are spending a couple of hours together...."

The impetus for this thread was seeing some ads on another site (& not BP/CL either) where the spelling and grammar was poor and SOMEONE LEFT CAPS LOCK ON or worse aLtErNaTiOn BeTWeEn CaPs AnD nO CaPs. The ladies placing these ads are paying good money for them. Is it carelessness or not knowing (ignorance) that this is not effective? Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I've seen ads on this site that look those obnoxious BP/CL ads with the aLtErNaTiOn BeTWeEn CaPs AnD nO CaPs in the titles, which are also usually festooned with hearts, stars, and all other sorts of sh**. I immediately judge (rightly or wrongly) that the poster is a "barracuda" who is screaming for my attention or interest to separate me from my cash as quickly as possible in return for as little as possible; I make it a point NOT to contact the poster.

As for misspellings, etc., I realize that we're all from a variety of backgrounds and education levels -- much of which was beyond our personal control --, so I make allowances.

On the other hand, an ad posted in impeccable spelling, grammar, syntax, and style is, to me, a definite attention-getter -- and in a good way. I judge (again rightly or wrongly) that the poster is a lady of class, education, and intelligence -- someone with whom I'd enjoy spending many hours.