Weiner is a modern human being (by Alec Baldwin)

Spoken like a true attorney. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I think it is interesting that you and I Nina can't seem to discuss this topic without those (who have political agendas) chiming in and carrying on that we are somehow pro weiner, pro clinton. This is more about a human being who is being prosecuted by people with political agendas and using the media to bash the crap out of him because of his private sexual acts. I would rather have a meaningful discussion on this without bringing politics into the picture.

Edit: He hasn't done anything illegal, and has not impacted anyone's life negatively (other than his personal relationship with his wife), it is not his fault that the media is obsessed with reporting on this type of stuff instead of doing real journalism on real issues. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I wholeheartedly agree. Difference is the Spitzer case who was making a stATEMENT politically against escorting etc. and whatnot, and then doing that same thing. That is the same like being a feminist and totally dependent on male`s attention :-). Here its important to make a distinction of hypocrisy. You can`t be anti gay and bash gays and then go in the toilet and get your cock sucked by a male being one either.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I think it is interesting that you and I Nina can't seem to discuss this topic without those (who have political agendas) chiming in and carrying on that we are somehow pro weiner, pro clinton. This is more about a human being who is being prosecuted by people with political agendas and using the media to bash the crap out of him because of his private sexual acts. I would rather have a meaningful discussion on this without bringing politics into the picture. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
The OP posted an article written by a liberal political pundit (MEANING: he has a political agenda in writing the article) about a liberal politician. If you really wanted a truly ‘apolitical’ discussion, this was certainly the wrong author to cite.
The OP posted an article written by a liberal political pundit (MEANING: he has a political agenda in writing the article) about a liberal politician. If you really wanted a truly ‘apolitical’ discussion, this was certainly the wrong author to cite. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I agree, but being sexpositive is also a political agenda and i assume its part of iberal politics or at least should be. I am not sure if there is any apolitical discussion possible anyhow, i just wanted to put the topic back to the politics of "good vs bad" sexual behaviur instead of what else of politics this guy has done.
I will come back later to your other very interesting and thought-triggering posts , loved to read them, especially the one about clinton. Thanks for them. I am currently busy and scatterbrained so i can`t quite gather a logical and reasonable thought at the moment but i wanted to let you know i value your insights very much.
I agree, but being sexpositive is also a political agenda and i assume its part of iberal politics or at least should be. I am not sure if there is any apolitical discussion possible anyhow, i just wanted to put the topic back to the politics of "good vs bad" sexual behaviur instead of what else of politics this guy has done.
I will come back later to your other very interesting and thought-triggering posts , loved to read them, especially the one about clinton. Thanks for them. I am currently busy and scatterbrained so i can`t quite gather a logical and reasonable thought at the moment but i wanted to let you know i value your insights very much. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Hi, Nina darling! I've missed you so...

It's a sad state of affairs here in the US, Nina. Sexpositivity loses in the end in America...the problem with most US citizens is that they're creatures of habit. You got people who only vote Republican because they come from a long line of Republicans. The way they keep people voting this way is because of the Moral issues. Because very few populations in the US are forward-thinking, and the majority of the total populations are religious people with issues with sexuality, they vote for the party they think feels the way they do. But if they really knew about the REAL issues, that the laws they pass are not for the benefit of anyone making less than 60K a year, they would change their vote.

People think that morality is a direct correlation with corruption as a whole. In religion and politics, we hold our leaders to a higher standard than the normal man. The man who can withstand temptation in his home life is incorruptible and has the people's best interest at heart, and transversely makes him a good candidate to lead the people. And for the Democratic party to jump on the sexpositive bandwagon wholeheartedly would mean a big migration of voters to the republican party. The Weiner's Weiner scandal will keep quite a few from voting Democrat next year.

But it's a damn shame a man can't Twitpic his genitalia without getting flack for it. I'm glad he's standing his ground, though.

As usual, great post, Nina!
There are a shit load of right leaner's on this board that are kinda two face about sex and politics. Even if they apply the no sex rule across the board , I think it bad policy.

We wind up with a bunch of lily white fuc's who have never lived life except to others expectations. I don't want a leader that hasn't raised a little hell and knows how to drink and fuc. I don't want a preacher for President or any other office.

That is the problem here in the states, most folks worrying about private matters while the politicians are letting corporate America rob us blind. Originally Posted by WTF
I like you more and more WTF.
I B Hankering's Avatar
If you wouldn’t accept this type of behavior from a public school employee where your children go to school, why would you accept it from this so called statesman? Mediocrity begets mediocrity.

“Ms. Pelosi called for Mr. Weiner to resign on Saturday, shortly after he said he was entering a psychological treatment center and seeking a leave of absence from the House to deal with a pattern of reckless online behavior with women.

“Her statement was followed by ones from Representative Steve Israel of New York, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

“Ms. Wasserman Schultz reiterated her position on Sunday, and was joined by Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 House Democrat. Speaking on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Mr. Hoyer said Mr. Weiner’s “bizarre and unacceptable behavior” in texting suggestive photographs to young women would make it “extraordinarily difficult” for him to continue to represent his constituents effectively.

“On Sunday, the entertainment Web site TMZ released 11 photographs of Mr. Weiner, taken from what it said was the House gym, raising new questions about his use of Congressional facilities during his online exchanges. One photograph showed Mr. Weiner posing with a towel covering his crotch.”


“Several [pictures] show Weiner showing off his naked body holding only his camera and his privates. In others, he is clothed or draped in a white towel, flexing his muscles as he holds a camera up to his reflection in a locker room mirror.”

In 2007 Weiner helped sponsor the Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators Act. "Sadly, the Internet is the predator's venue of choice today," Mr. Weiner said at the time. "We need to update our strategies and our laws to stop these offenders who are a mere click away." Mr. Weiner, who over the weekend asked for a leave of absence and announced he was seeking treatment, says the women who got his racy photos and online chats were adults, "to the best of my knowledge."
John Bull's Avatar
But we know at least one was 17. Last I heard that was close to adulthood but close still gets you jail time.
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  • WTF
  • 06-13-2011, 09:30 AM
In 2007 Weiner helped sponsor the Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators Act. "Sadly, the Internet is the predator's venue of choice today," Mr. Weiner said at the time. "We need to update our strategies and our laws to stop these offenders who are a mere click away." Mr. Weiner, who over the weekend asked for a leave of absence and announced he was seeking treatment, says the women who got his racy photos and online chats were adults, "to the best of my knowledge." Originally Posted by pjorourke

But we know at least one was 17. Last I heard that was close to adulthood but close still gets you jail time. Originally Posted by John Bull
Not if you have not sent anything improper to them.

Nobody has accused him of that including the 17 year old or her parents.

Damn you guys sure jump the gun.

He sent his dick pic to women of legal age.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Not if you have not sent anything improper to them.

Nobody has accused him of that including the 17 year old or her parents.

Damn you guys sure jump the gun.

He sent his dick pic to women of legal age. Originally Posted by WTF
What did he send you one? A special one?

Seiously I do think we are jumping the gun on anything criminal here.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2011, 09:54 AM
What did he send you one? A special one?

Seiously I do think we are jumping the gun on anything criminal here. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I don't need a weiner pic, I got my own!
Huma Weiner and the voters are the worst players in this little drama.....

Anthony was a liberal sexually liberated man before he married his wife....how foolish of her to assume he's not going to remain sexually liberated after they married.....why should marriage magically change everything?....so what if he vowed to be faithful to her and promised to make her the most important person in his life.....he's sexually liberated and she's a sucker for relying on his sworn promise......it's unfair to expect him to change......

the citizens who are upset with Weiner are also foolish....sure Weiner took an oath to uphold the Constitution, be honest and do his best for the voters, but how can one be so foolish to rely on his promise and assume Weiner will be faithful to his oath of office if he can't be faithful to the one person who is suppose to be the most important to him? Why should he? You expect too much from him and you people should be ashamed of yourselves for being so unfair! Where do you get these outdated-old-fashioned notions? This is the modern age, update yourselves people!

Everybody gets what they deserve...........
Weiner reminds me of the guy that used to get stuffed in a gym locker in high school.

First rule of politics: When the other team is committing suicide, don't kill them.
Weiner reminds me of the guy that used to get stuffed in a gym locker in high school.
Originally Posted by pjorourke

Did you guys talk politics while you waited to be released?