Drew Brees apologizes for respecting the flag.

HedonistForever's Avatar
are we living in the twilight zone? this is getting weirder by the day.

can't say the truth and you'll get fired? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Not so much "the truth" but your opinion. There was nothing Drew Brees said that was disrespectful to George Floyd, nothing but in this day and age, a script has been written for you to repeat and any deviation will result in punishment no matter how much you may believe that unequal justice may exist. Brees was trying to explain his love of country and how the flag and the anthem represents those feelings. Absolutely nothing wrong with that and for the BLM movement to suggest there was is disrespectful and no matter how much I sympathize with the murder of Floyd and I do, I'll never bend a knee to BLM, those that said "what do we want"? "Dead cops". "When do we want it"? Now. Or "pigs in a blanket, fryem like beacon". That little diddy will never be forgotten or forgiven by me, never.
Not so much "the truth" but your opinion. There was nothing Drew Brees said that was disrespectful to George Floyd, nothing but in this day and age, a script has been written for you to repeat and any deviation will result in punishment no matter how much you may believe that unequal justice may exist. Brees was trying to explain his love of country and how the flag and the anthem represents those feelings. Absolutely nothing wrong with that and for the BLM movement to suggest there was is disrespectful and no matter how much I sympathize with the murder of Floyd and I do, I'll never bend a knee to BLM, those that said "what do we want"? "Dead cops". "When do we want it"? Now. Or "pigs in a blanket, fryem like beacon". That little diddy will never be forgotten or forgiven by me, never. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
it is truth that cant be said

its the truth of one's opinion

you have to hide your opinion and be silenced

sometimes, in addition, it is objective truth that makes you a racist, such as mentioning the real statistics of deaths from police interactions

or pointing out that BLM was based on a lie of hands up don't shoot
  • oeb11
  • 06-08-2020, 03:49 PM
Seems the DPST radicals are succeeding in labeling anything contrary to their narrative of 'Only blacks matter", and rioting nadlooting are not violence - it is wealthy redistribution, etc , etc.

And - conservatives are kow-towing to the radicals - afraid of the "Race Card" they use ar will for any contradiction of their ideology.

It is the radical leftists that enslave the BLM movement - it is their long term Plantation politics.

and Conservatives are bullied into going along - or just afraid of the 'Race Card' of al sharpton and other race -baiters.

How orchestrated is all this Chausin mness - We have One cop in Minneapolois who commits a gruesome crime - perhaps abetted by his 3 partners - which the LSM whips up as a massive crime of all cops and whites in america - and spread the "protests" world wide.

World wide - it is orchestrated from an isolated event - that has been addressed by the Minnesota justice system - and is in process.

The riot fomentors are out in force to take advantage of a manipulated crisis - and foment violence and insurrection.

With the results of the pandering Dems in the House laying down new laws against cops, and cities with stupid democratic leadership planning on firing all police on their forces.

And leaving the population in many of the kalifornia like states bereft of arms to protect themselves from the violent criminals unleashed with no cops and no consequences.

indeed - mark my writing - kalifonria will make it a point under AG becerra to prosecute any citizen who dares defend him or herself against criminals attacking their person or property as a PC response to dissolving their police forces.

I do feel it is an orchestrated LSM and well financed DPST response to an isolated crime in order de-stabilize American representative democracy - and it is working for them.
there is not much worse than the kowtowing required to keep one's job that is happening in corporate America and in sports and television and "civil society" with this BLM nonsense and how its made cowering fools of these people

everyone wants to be nice to people, whether they are white, black, brown or yellow

but to have to kneel before people, wash people's feet in a stolen religious ceremony, be pressured to bow at the anthem, lower yourself because treating everyone equally isn't enough, and do things that are not true to yourself is wrong

the base of it is nothing more than political
HedonistForever's Avatar

indeed - mark my writing - kalifonria will make it a point under AG becerra to prosecute any citizen who dares defend him or herself against criminals attacking their person or property as a PC response to dissolving their police forces.
Originally Posted by oeb11

If Biden is elected, we'll probably have Keith Ellison as Attorney General of the United States, sorry, the Islamic States of America and he will be sworn in using a copy of the ANTIFA handbook.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison’s son declares support for ANTIFA
Endorsements, contracts, $$$ meant more to him than his values. Sure-fire way to lose the respect of everyone.
bambino's Avatar
Endorsements, contracts, $$$ meant more to him than his values. Sure-fire way to lose the respect of everyone. Originally Posted by SecretE
I’m not sure about the money. He’s a very wealthy man already. He was sucking up to his teammates. They pretty much blasted him. He wants to win another Super Bowl before he hangs it up. Maybe he should have asked for a trade. Let Micheal Thomas catch balls from brother Jamis Winston. See how that works out.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Endorsements, contracts, $$$ meant more to him than his values. Sure-fire way to lose the respect of everyone. Originally Posted by SecretE
His contract is guaranteed I believe, but he definitely had to walk his comments back for endorsements and the city where he makes his living. I'll never have a problem with the man but words are easily misconstrued. He realized that and was probably like "fuck this hassle for being honest with my beliefs" and changed his tone.

I lost no respect for him. He plays with black teammates. He plays in a city and a state with many black people. He was smart to do what he did during trying times. He's a good man. Now is certainly not the time to add to drama and he realized that and he apologized. I highly doubt he meant it but make life easy on yourself to avoid the overly sensitive crybabies. I didn't hear anything wrong with his comments but I am hardly a sensitive person unless you are one of my children or my dog. LOL
  • oeb11
  • 06-09-2020, 03:18 PM
Liberal DPST's love to demonize white folks - regardless of reality!
Tomorrow’s Headline........

“Drew Brees Apologizes For being Born”.
His contract is guaranteed I believe, but he definitely had to walk his comments back for endorsements and the city where he makes his living. I'll never have a problem with the man but words are easily misconstrued. He realized that and was probably like "fuck this hassle for being honest with my beliefs" and changed his tone.

I lost no respect for him. He plays with black teammates. He plays in a city and a state with many black people. He was smart to do what he did during trying times. He's a good man. Now is certainly not the time to add to drama and he realized that and he apologized. I highly doubt he meant it but make life easy on yourself to avoid the overly sensitive crybabies. I didn't hear anything wrong with his comments but I am hardly a sensitive person unless you are one of my children or my dog. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
I mainly meant his endorsement contracts, but I gotta think the Saints would have tried to enact a "morals clause" to get them out of paying the rest of his contract, if he didn't kowtow like he did.

I now have more respect for an outright racist and seditionist like LeBron James than I do for Drew Brees...because even though I don't like what LBJ stands for, he's honest about it. Drew Brees is the epitome of a sellout.

And, let's be frank, if he waited to say what he said for a couple of months from now, when the NFL season began, the same cry-bullies would still want to "cancel" him, even after this "drama" dies down.
I’m not sure about the money. He’s a very wealthy man already. He was sucking up to his teammates. They pretty much blasted him. He wants to win another Super Bowl before he hangs it up. Maybe he should have asked for a trade. Let Micheal Thomas catch balls from brother Jamis Winston. See how that works out. Originally Posted by bambino
Do you think another team would have signed him without an "apology"? I don't, in this charged environment, no matter how much he has left to give.
Ripmany's Avatar
Use the flag to put down before you do her on her period.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Or maybe he reconsidered what he said and changed his mind.
How does he change from one kind of guy to another because he refuses to define someone else's level of respect? Because y'all don't like a comment he made backing away from your points of view.
He wouldn't have apologised unless he felt he should have.
That's his business.
James and Co can point something out but they can't force an apology he doesn't feel he needed to make.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Or maybe he reconsidered what he said and changed his mind.
How does he change from one kind of guy to another because he refuses to define someone else's level of respect? Because y'all don't like a comment he made backing away from your points of view.
He wouldn't have apologised unless he felt he should have.
That's his business.
James and Co can point something out but they can't force an apology he doesn't feel he needed to make.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

or maybe he realized all the political shit over this and made it go away by apologizing like some white privilege punk.

thank yous valued poster