Bimix Works Great, Guys Will Love the Effect and Ladies will love the super hard and size

SofaKingFun's Avatar
Bonn, I'm glad for you and your huge, rock-hard cock.

This might come as a surprise to you, but, in spite of what you read in the ladies ads, the majority of these gals really don't want to be pounded with a huge, hard cock for hours on end.

Just curious though, aren't you a little concerned that with steady fucking that you and your huge, rock-hard cock of yours administer to the ladies, that you've got multiple, opened wounds at the base of your cock?

Surely a cock-smith such as yourself should know that when a woman is enjoying herself sexually, that certain fluids are released..and with your huge, rock-hard cock pumping in an out, like a Formula 1 race piston in a cylinder, that these fluids typically are going to work their way to the base of your cock. You realize this, do you not?

Well, surprisingly enough, this area is not only the place where you injected yourself, multiple times and where now reside multiple, open wounds, this is also the area where the condom offers the least amount of protection .

Are you not worried about contracting an STD, or worse, perhaps exposing these ladies to something?

I don't know. but to me, I don't thinck that I'd be too comfortable fucking some gals if I had any sort of open sores on my dick, muchless self-inflicted ones.

Glad to hear that you're able to cleave jumbo-sized diamond with your huge, erect cock, but you might want to give a little more thought to the health and safety aspect of the deal as opposed to the muleing this new wonder-drug has supposedly enabled you to lay on these gals.

...just sayin.



JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Dude, you haven'y been paying attention. Bonn's got a stash of herpes meds. It's all good.
oldtiger's Avatar
Dude, you haven'y been paying attention. Bonn's got a stash of herpes meds. It's all good. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
You owe me a monitor. Mine is now covered in scotch and saliva....
Dice man1983's Avatar
Dude that's a great way to catch a std dude, inject yourself at the base if your wang then play. Open wound dude!! Oh wait your to big to go balls deep. I happy my brain didn't all go to my cock
There is NO open wound.

The needle entry point is covered with a liquid bandage and a condom.

Absolutely no open wound at all.

Try Bimix for yourself and you'll experience the high quality erection first hand.

You're not afraid of a little needle stick at the base of your cock are you??
textodd11's Avatar
Mods, I'm just curious as to why this guy is continued to be allowed to post what I would call "spam"? Once again, just curious because all he talks about are brand-name meds.... Oh and the occasional lecture on how women need to "slay a man's lust."
oldtiger's Avatar
Maybe his Urologist is giving him a referral bonus?
oldtiger's Avatar
There is NO open wound.
You're not afraid of a little needle stick at the base of your cock are you?? Originally Posted by bonn11
It is humorous to see a man who resorts to erectile dysfunction meds to feel sexual empowered calling into the question the masculinity of other members.

Methinks the Smurf doth protest too much.
It is humorous to see a man who resorts to erectile dysfunction meds to feel sexual empowered calling into the question the masculinity of other members.

Methinks the Smurf doth protest too much. Originally Posted by oldtiger
I'm sharing with all the guys what has worked for me to achieve the highest quality erections, near zero recovery time and larger loads.

This should be every guys dream.

I'm sharing the information so all the men and women can experience the same pleasure.

I guess I could just keep the info to myself and then I'll be the guy with the highest quality erection, near zero recovery time between shots and larger loads; but, I wanted to share what worked for me so all of you can experience the same thing.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 04-15-2014, 01:18 PM
bonn needs to provide us more info in the men's lounge
Jet Carson's Avatar
davetheone's Avatar
This should be every guys dream.

I'm sharing the information so all the men and women can experience the same pleasure.

I guess I could just keep the info to myself... Originally Posted by bonn11
A. Its your dream wake the fuck up. Why because its becomming an annoying nightmare to us.

B. Hey. . Are you that delusional and forgetting guys LIKE ME and many others. Don't have your limp dick issues. Not one lady every said my cock wasnt a pleasure. Fukn troll.

C. Now!! I and many others have echoed this at you. So, dont be a DICK and no longer post your Fukn stupid retarded cock comments.

Nuff said..
BONFOmercial... Originally Posted by YummyMarie
hee hee I love a good play on words!