I love the BBBJ, but don't care to have HIV infected semen flood my mouth. Just isn't worth it, IMO.Now, a nice big hot load of cum all over my breasts, well that's a different story.
But hey, it's your health, and noone can judge what others care to do in the privacy of their bedroom.....
Bimboknocker's Avatar
From what I've read condoms are about 85% effective, which sounds good if you don't draw the short straw of 15%. So I was worndering how many people that is hobbying do you think has aids. Since your saliva is the suppose to take care of the HIV infected semen, wouldn't it be better with cim than with the 15% chance of a bad condom and cum in pussy?
it simply baffles me at the logic some approach this hobby with..

im sorry, if i had to walk around paranoid about guys being infected, i would be out of the hobby rather quickly.. if i am sincerely gonna post a statement claiming that i don't want cum in my mouth due to aids or stds...yet your willing to risk that same infected person and their cock covered with a thin piece of plastic in your pussy, and that bare cock dripping pre cum into your mouth with infection after infection and their mouth, and their bleeding gums, and their herpes that may just not be active on their lip. And you let them lick you and you stick your tongue or their tongue in your mouth and kiss passionately..bleeding gums and stick their hard pre cum dripping cock into your mouth and suck it without a condom..but letting some guy drop his load just crosses that line of safety.....

why is there really a need for an excuse why a girl won't take CIM or swallow?

why is the most common reason "safety"..because its hard for a guy to bitch about said girls when their are simply claiming to error on the side of safety?

why can't a girl just say "I don't offer it" and that be nuff said about the issue? i mean in the end, no matter the ain't excuse don't make it acceptable or right..but hell girls like so much to demand respect, claim its needed so much in this hobby..yet instead of letting their "menu" stand on its own merit and let it be "their decision" without excuses or reasons..girls have to formulate excuses and reasons either for themselves to feel better or in hopes of not losing business

I stick by it.. if your sucking it bareback..CIM ain't gonna put you at much more risk given saliva is suppose to kill of hiv..

if its clap or some other std.. would you really want your mouth on his cock to begin with? condom or not? would you really want him licking you and kissing you if you are seriously wanting people to believe its STD's your worried about?

why not just say I DON'T LIKE CUM IN MY MOUTH..and let that stand on its own..

and leave it to the girls that do to clean up the messes

Geez DeAnna, you sure do know how to make a a girl cross her legs
Guest022210's Avatar
Or at least close her mouth.
Not my intent..but we are all adults here doing adult things, I just chose to not live in the "smoke and mirrors" some put up in this world..

If you don't wanna do something..DON'T DO IT, but don't follow it with an excuse, if your afraid of losing business or catching hell from it, be an ADULT and take it and either change your ways of doing business or stick with what works for you..but don't insult someones intelligence by following every restriction with a reason or excuse.

I simply refuse to believe anyone in their right mind would seriously kiss, let them lick, suck on a guy condom or not, and f*ck a guy that they seriously was laying their worried they might have an STD..if you do then i hope you take zantac for the ulcers it must create with all the worry..

Graphic yes, but facts are facts..and thats the I see them, of course I guess getting paid to blow some guy bareback or swallow his cum, or let him cum in your mouth is just out of the partying out with friends, getting drunk and doing the same at the guys house for free...well thats just a girls personal life and totally acceptable cuz there is absolutely NO RISK in doing that.. i know i know..wait before you say it.. "i don't do it in my personal life" either.. some girls will claim.. i know, its soooo true, but im just saying.. i guess if i was afraid of losing business and didn't aim to offer more stuff for the rate I charged i would claim its for safety to..hell do as little as possible to please the guy paying your bills and give up as much as possible to some jerk you think you are in love with in the "real world"

Adults need to set their rules, live and die by those rules and don't give excuses to support your rules..its your excuses needed..especially lame "std" "hiv" and the seemingly increasing in popularity "its special" excuses
trubrit's Avatar
I don't know if any of you guys/gals ever use the Lamb Skin type condom. Did you know that they ARE NOT able to protect against HIV. It seems that that little tadpole looking bastard is larger than the HIV virus when it comes to getting through the condom membrane. Just my 2c worth.
Guest022210's Avatar
Those things are made out of a sheeps appendix.Do with the information what you will.
seriously..if anyone is at the point where education on lambskin condoms are not walk out of the hobby and casual sex as quickly as possible..

I have known since I was like 12 that lambskin condoms were not safe for hiv etc but only against getting pregnant..not meaning that insulting..just saying..

I knew of a provider on a different "respected" board in florida that swore by lambskins..needless to say, she didn't do much business..TO MY knowledge..but as with msot anything..there will always be some that take the leap..

by the did a bbbj/cim thread turn into condoms lol
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Those things are made out of a sheeps appendix.Do with the information what you will. Originally Posted by Lookin4
Some sausages (which I love) are made of pig's intestines (the casing, at least; maybe even the filling). You can be surprised what you can learn to live with if you try (I have it on good authority that Scotsmen and Scotswomen love haggis, not that I've ever been tempted to try it, not even at a Robbie Burns Birthday Dinner And Booze-Up).

Just don't serve me chitlins; even I draw the line somewhere.


bluffcityguy's Avatar
by the did a bbbj/cim thread turn into condoms lol Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
I suspect for the same reason that I deleted my first post in this thread: someone misread the initial post as a BBBJ vs. CBJ inquiry, vice CIM vs. No CIM, which is how I interpreted the OP after re-reading the thread.


What "private" button? Or is that one o'the things you Premium Access folks get (still workin' on mine)?


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Shows up on quick reply or replying to a thread. Maybe it works like the bcd comment on aspd. Perhaps since we have a new supermoderater, we should ask. I'm sure we'll hear something since you and I have now officially hijacked the thread! LOL
bcg: "I have it on good authority that Scotsmen and Scotswomen love haggis"

Time to channel my grandmother... (imagine Highlander music...)

Aye, laddie, the ability ta hold down ye favorite haggis is what separates the REAL MEN from the wee bairns... that and bein' able to hold down a few drams of Laphroaig without tossing ye cookies.

(Of course, taking the Laproaig BEFORE taking the haggis might be recommended for ye 'Murricans of Scots ancestry... what with ye blood being watered down and all...)
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 01-10-2010, 05:04 PM
While you guys are correct that I am a new mod here, I still have some idea about a few of the rules and regs for posting.....One of the rules is that you're supposed to stay on topic here and not hijack the thread into a discussion of your own choosing.....So let's get back on topic so that the new mod doesn't have to spend his first weekend busting people's chops.....LOL
bluffcityguy's Avatar
While you guys are correct that I am a new mod here, I still have some idea about a few of the rules and regs for posting.....One of the rules is that you're supposed to stay on topic here and not hijack the thread into a discussion of your own choosing.....So let's get back on topic so that the new mod doesn't have to spend his first weekend busting people's chops.....LOL Originally Posted by BIG C
Ah, that feels more like it!

Starting to feel more like home every minute.

