Were you one of the kewl kids??

High School.....huh?? I'm sorry Chuckieboy, it was the 70s and I don't really remember....that ought to tell you everything you need to know..... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
The 70s???? Such a child.
Fastcars1966's Avatar
I was a punk rocker/vampy goth child. Bright red/purple hair. Fauxhawk. Always dressed in black. Quiet. Depressed. Angsty. Very Emo

And I was on honor roll...the type that enjoyed reading science textbooks cover to cover on the wknds, but that probably was because I was always under lockdown at home

On a much kewler note I did have a hot time (secretly) "dating" the hs quarterback :P Perfect smokin blond hottie...mmm Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Sounds like a good role play Zabrina.
Not that I knew, until after. I was a loner by choice, the smart girl who always finished her test first so you couldn't ask for the answers, and I didn't date. I go home now, and I'll see my classmates and guys I didn't think knew I existed would tell me they always admired/had a crush on me.

I didn't play school sports, but I was in choir, and I played fast pitch in the summers for my dad's team. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
ditto! I was on honor roll, but I probably would still ask for your answers. I was in choir and piano, but also basketball.
What are the requirements? Originally Posted by Shayla
Swallow enough cum to gain forty pounds, can you do that?
No, I was a nobody...the only friends I had was a few fellow band fags....I sat in the back of the class with my nose in the text book...if I didn't make eye contact, then no one would notice me, and that's what I did. I was a very arkward child.
ahh. Thread brings back memories of the Breakfast Club. Dance Team, Student council, theater, and just about any other activity I could get involved in. I was the girl who sang at any event the school had. I was a cool kid, but not a kewl kid. Just got along with everyone in all "clicks", did my thing.

The teachers all loved me. Perhaps I was a natural born flirt and didn't even know it back then. lol
I went to a private school where as long as your family had money.. you were popular. Honor roll, basketball, volleyball. I hung out with the jocks, but when no one was looking I flirted and teased the hell out of the leather wearing bad boys with my virginity. I actually was a good girl in highschool with an inner bad girl just dying to come out. It wasnt until many years later after my divorce that I discovered there was more sexual positions other than missionary...LOL it wasnt until after my divorce that I learned what a BBBJ was... (im making up for it now!!)
Naomi4u's Avatar
Heidi, Love the avatar!
burkalini's Avatar
I was a popular sports guy playing basketball,baseball and track but underneath I was a star trek watching, book reading geek
Swallow enough cum to gain forty pounds, can you do that? Originally Posted by acp5762
Will be tough... I'll have to start an assembly line.
I was shy, but popular. I played volleyball, basketball, swing/show choir (yep, I have some chops) and a cheerleader.
awl4knot's Avatar
Swallow enough cum to gain forty pounds, can you do that? Originally Posted by acp5762
Will be tough... I'll have to start an assembly line. Originally Posted by Shayla
Shayla, maybe you and acp5762 can start a competition? That seems fair, doesn't it? If you aren't willing to walk the walk, don't do the talk.
Yeah I was in the chess club and computer club but had lots of friends who were popular so I usually hung out with kewl kids does that count?
awl4knot's Avatar
This will date me, but the kewl kids in my high school were defined by their cars. This was the age of muscle cars like the archetype Pontiac GTO, Dodge Charger Hemi whatevers, the Barracuda (was that from AMC?), Chevy SS's and all sort of other names, letters and numbers that are scrambled in my brain. My family was of modest means so a car like that, or any car, was simply not happening. So I was un-kewl even though I was a good athlete and student.

The other kewl thing was surfing. Surf rock was at its highest point and the kewl kids had the cars to take them and their boards to the ocean. Even though I was an excellent swimmer I never took to the waves and had to get my thrills vicariously from Surfer Magazine and the surf movies that were so popular.
I was shy, but popular. I played volleyball, basketball, swing/show choir (yep, I have some chops) and a cheerleader. Originally Posted by MsElena

LOL.. see!! You gotta watch out for those quiet shy girls... they are the ones that come out with the whips! Love it!!