Who Killed John F Kennedy?

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Mystery Solved!

Now, would you please explain what you did with Elvis? Oh, and what's the deal with Bigfoot and those pesky aliens? Originally Posted by boardman
Elvis is not dead. He was working at a truck stop in Eastern TN. Princess Di was a waitress there, too.
.........I could get into how JFK's geopolitical view was a total 180 of the Oliver Stone revisionist give me money horse *#$@ theory, but who cares, the domino theory could have never come form JFK, he just loved commies! Hmm in the 63 interview with David Brinkely he told America he believed in the "so called domino theory." Ahh a commie fighter through and through. China can't get too big me must fight them on the undetermined lands in SE Asia! That was pretty much the interview. Look it up for yourself if you doubt history.

............. Originally Posted by ness
The Domino Theory was concocted by a few Soviet experts such as George Kennan and Dean Acheson the packaged and sold to every president from FDR through Nixon by Averell Harrinman and John McCloy. I’m not saying I don’t believe the Domino Theory was a real phenomena or that communism wasn’t a system of government that needed to be checked. Clearly it did need checking as I think it was the driving idea behind the 20th century, but I don’t think it is what killed JFK.

Who knows who killed JFK; it wasn’t Oswald acting alone. They killed him. Whoever “They” were /are, they had to be small group. Too many and it would have all come out no matter how many people got dead. They went after Bobby too. I think the Kennedys were viewed as new comers that interloped into the affairs of the established power base and brokers.
1963 Texas Racist = Democrat
2010 Texas Racist = Republican
It's the Southern Strategy, Stupid! Originally Posted by jokacz
I really have no idea what to say, but LBj was a great Texan that got the Civil Rights and Voter’s Rights Acts passed.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
In an interview, Nikita Khrushchev's son stated that his late father was all set to meet with JFK to discuss closer ties between the two countries. The first step was to join their space programs to go to the moon in a joint program. He said that his father was greatly disappointed in JFK's assassination. Not that he cared for JFK but rather he knew what would happen to the two countries.

discreetgent's Avatar
I really have no idea what to say, but LBj was a great Texan that got the Civil Rights and Voter’s Rights Acts passed. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
LBJ certainly pushed it through Congress, doesn't happen without him. He did however need the support of Republicans to get it through. While there were Republican senators like Goldwater who fought the bill (though he argued against it less from a racial pov then as imposing laws on private businesses which he believed was out of the purview of the Feds) it was the Southern Democrats that fought it tooth and nail and filibustered it. The first (or one of the first) cloture vote on a filibuster that succeeded was for the Civil Rights Act.
Goldwater who fought the bill (though he argued against it less from a racial pov then as imposing laws on private businesses which he believed was out of the purview of the Feds Originally Posted by discreetgent
Is that Goldwater fellow any kin to Rand Paul?
discreetgent's Avatar
Is that Goldwater fellow any kin to Rand Paul? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Actual or spiritual? lol

PJ, since you mention Rand Paul and have always identified yourself as a Libertarian I'll put the question to you: Does the government ever have a compelling enough reason to regulate how a private enterprise must treat its employees and customers?
PJ, since you mention Rand Paul and have always identified yourself as a Libertarian I'll put the question to you: Does the government ever have a compelling enough reason to regulate how a private enterprise must treat its employees and customers? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Yes, but true to form they have over done it. I understand Rand's point, by the situation that led to the Civil Rights Act was intolerable.