The emergence of ISIS is a direct result of the Iraq war that Bush started

No, you have to be black. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Or a rich white kid who's daddy gave 5 million ;-)
RedLeg505's Avatar
Dont need to. You dont graduate from Columbia university and with a J.D. magna cum laude from Harvard by being a dumbass. I'm prettty sure he's smarter than you just by virtue of being in the WH. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Says who?? I'm pretty sure there'there's never been a President of the Harvard Law Review that never wrote an article to be published in the Law Review before Obama before either. Any idea why he didn't write one?? No ghost writer handy like for "his" autobiography? ?

And if all that is required to be "smarter" is his presence in the WH, doesn't that mean the guy liberals call "shrub" is smarter than you?? ;-)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well, it wasn't Obama who ran his campaign. He did some pretty stupid things but he had his handlers. You know, rich, white, radical assholes in three piece suits; Emmanuel, Axelrod, Plouff, etc.
lustylad's Avatar
Meanwhile I would guess 95+% of Repubs openly and willfully cheered for Putin success against America. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

What a stupid thing to say. Zanyzit, I challenge you to find a single prominent Republican who "openly and willfully" applauded Putin's actions in Ukraine. Name one Republican. A speech, statement, interview - anything condoning Putin's actions. Provide a link. Either back up your nonsense - or else STFU!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-28-2014, 04:26 PM
What a stupid thing to say. Zanyzit, I challenge you to find a single prominent Republican who "openly and willfully" applauded Putin's actions in Ukraine. Name one Republican. A speech, statement, interview - anything condoning Putin's actions. Provide a link. Either back up your nonsense - or else STFU! Originally Posted by lustylad
You have a good point cockwhisperer....yall did not openly root for Putin you rooted for Putin aganist Obama under your dick breath.

Maybe just maybe 1 good person will watch this. It won't be Debbie...

What a stupid thing to say. Zanyzit, I challenge you to find a single prominent Republican who "openly and willfully" applauded Putin's actions in Ukraine. Name one Republican. A speech, statement, interview - anything condoning Putin's actions. Provide a link. Either back up your nonsense - or else STFU! Originally Posted by lustylad
Republicans & FOX News LOVE Vladimir PUTIN?

I can do one better than what you asked for. Bush looked into his soul, invited him to his home, shook hands with him and there was a Republican love fest of Putin. Under Obama just listen to their public comments of support for their pal Putin.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I guess I'm going to have to put Zansa Stark on ignore. That kind of stupidity must be contagious.
I guess I'm going to have to put Zansa Stark on ignore. That kind of stupidity must be contagious. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Very nice Palin like response to the truth. Lol
lustylad's Avatar
Republicans & FOX News LOVE Vladimir PUTIN?

I can do one better than what you asked for. Bush looked into his soul, invited him to his home, shook hands with him and there was a Republican love fest of Putin. Under Obama just listen to their public comments of support for their pal Putin.

Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

You flunk again, zanyzit! I watched Madcow's entire video. No where does anyone endorse Putin's aggression in Ukraine. Many of the clips predate the Ukraine crisis. The comments on how Putin “looks like a statesman” are a year old - a reference to his persuading Syria's Pres. Assad to give up chemical weapons so Odumbo could retreat from his highly imprudent red line. The clips are thrown together without any context whatsoever.

It's no secret that Putin has a foreign policy and we don't. Only a scoundrel conflates all criticism of the POTUS with being a “turncoat”. A patriot doesn't remain silent while the ship of state is being steered onto the rocks.

Question for you - if there was “a Republican love fest of Putin”, why did the relationship need to be “reset” as soon as Odumbo took office in 2009? And how did that reset work out for us? Can't have it both ways, zanyzit. If Bushie and Pooty-Poot were so lovey-dovey, why the reset?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
There is a shit load of oil in the Amazon as well.
Very nice Palin like response to the truth. Lol Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
The Palin fallback reference. Clever.

You flunk again, zanyzit! I watched Madcow's entire video. No where does anyone endorse Putin's aggression in Ukraine. Many of the clips predate the Ukraine crisis. The comments on how Putin “looks like a statesman” are a year old - a reference to his persuading Syria's Pres. Assad to give up chemical weapons so Odumbo could retreat from his highly imprudent red line. The clips are thrown together without any context whatsoever.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
In fact, it was Democratic strategists and party members that were applauding Putin for pulling Obama's butt out of the Syrian chemical red line fire.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Go serve ISIS or go serve Putin as the US. would be better off without terrorist sympathizers such as you and IB. Yeah keep trying to convince yourself that you aren't a disgrace and turncoat on your country. You're patriot when it's convenient for you Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
It's your delusional all out support for the ineptness manifested in Odumbo that has given Putin free reign; hence, it is you and your ilk who disgrace this country and betray its interests on a daily basis, zany!

YES. Your boy fucked up quite a bit for crying out loud the global economy collapsed under Bush and Obama was elected to try and help clean up Bush's fuck up. I knew 8 yrs wouldn't be enough for Obama because the Bush fuck ups were so bad. Bush crashed the economy a vibrant one he inherited from Clinton, responsible for the dath of thousands of US. soldiers to score a personal vendetta against Saddam which has resulted in the rise of ISIS.

That sums it up. Ohh I forget Fast and Furious is a program he implemented.
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Your boy Odumbo's boy, Holder, pointedly gives evidence that more than suggests that you are a liar, zany. Odumbo's AG released a report that quite clearly states that Fast and Furious began on Odumbo's watch:

The [Fast and Furious] investigation began at the end of October 2009 when agents obtained information about some suspicious firearms purchases made from a Phoenix-area Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL). (p. 103).
BTW, zany, it was your boy, Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, who signed the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 which helped bring on the financial melt down.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama throws the intelligence community under the bus. Obama: They failed to recognize the threat that ISIL was. Problem: February, 2014 the CIA was warning about ISIS and the White House didn't care

Barry caught lying again, to the detriment of national security. IMPEACH!

When the attacks on the homeland begin then know that Barry is at fault for not doing anything and actually covering up the threat.