Did bitten plagiarize and steal from the dead during his acceptance speech...AGAIN??

HoeHummer's Avatar
SR - denial and deflection to a reasonable observation of th e radical marxist DPST party.

biden is senile, and harris is a committed radical marxist.

People will vote for safety and law and order.

if Biden wins and riots are loosed - You enable and fomented the Civil War to come. Originally Posted by oeb11
Yous wantS to bet on that Civil War, oebsy? That would make yous a traitor like those rebel boys yous love.
Go back to sleep.You make more sense then. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You don't EVER make sense SPEED...you ain't got shit so you revert to the usual nonsense SPEED...now go ask chim-chim what to say next...he taught you every thing you know
You’re full of shit, beebsy.

GOTCHA! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
You don't fool anyone but yourself ASSWIPE...the rightfully perma-banned.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Just deflection , Joey an Hoey same old same old ,,,, Thinking is Hard