Sidneyb, would be interested in your Alaska trip to Gustavas...I have recently returned from three weeks in Europe and will be flying to Seattle next week. I am planning to kayak the Inner Passage from Washington to Alaska and back. I made the first trip last year only one way, this trip I plan a round trip event. It is so quiet, just the sound of the blade in the water, the crisp air, just magnificent, would love to spend some time in Gustavas....
Originally Posted by runswithscissors
I'm so sorry I missed your post/request about Alaska. I saw people Kayaking there - that's amazingly brave; at least out of the islands (Maybe no lions and tigers - but definitely BEARS!). Let us know what you saw on this trip.
While I understand I missed your trip this time, if you make another up that way, this is a great place to stay:
I went with a group of 20 - all of which had been to alaska before - and they all preferred this hidden oasis over more trendy places off the mainland. Primarily it was because we didn't have to boat out 2 or 3 hrs to fish. We just drove down to the boats in the morning and were fishing for chum in 15 min. In 1/2 hr we were catching (or trying to) catch HUMONGOUS halibut - we each left with 100 lbs of halibut and 50 lbs of silver coho - I'm saving the last of my catch for a friends visit (do you hear that Ansley???? get out here girl!). At breakfast one day we saw a big old black bear 10 ft from the picture window - elk in fields. Just beautiful. The Whales were very active in that part of the waters as well.
The boats are solid, the fishing guides were all great - took a day out and saw a glacier and some wildlife. Really recommend this location. Remote, yes. Bring your own wine, yes. Worth it? Heck Yes.
And Sweet Elizabeth...don't be jealous - first of all, you have things I don't anymore....My daughter lives in CA now and I didn't get her for Mothers day. I spent that day alone this year. My daughter is grown up and your little guy is still have an amazing amount of freedom (and a little loneliness) once they're gone...As to the rest; yeah. I am lucky -- I have an ex client that has been nothing but amazing to me, so yeah. I count my blessings, but there is a cost to my choices (like being alone on mothers day) that puts things on balance. As a brilliant friend of mine says: Everything is a trade. Not a trade OFF. But a trade.