Penn State Sanctioned

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  • 07-24-2012, 08:04 AM

And the NCAA is focusing on prevention. One of the ways to help prevent this is attack the blind hero worship of athletes. We need to get away from the idea that anything goes, so long as we win. . Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The NCAA is about protecting their turf, if you believe they do not want you worshipping their sports hero's you have no clue about human behavior. They love fans in the stands and the almighty TV dollar.

The Freeh focuses the blame on the dead and does not go after a sitting Gov.

If the NCAA had any balls , they would really try and ask the hard questions, like "Why did the police investigation not go anywhere.

How could the sitting Gov, (Then AG) take 650k from Second Mile while supposedly investigating them.

To me this Freeh report left more questions than answers.

If you are Paterno and you are getting feedback from LE that there was nothing to the charges...and you are now dead, the dead coach seems klike an easy way to shift blame.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Paterno knew better. No one said that LE told Paterno anything. You are making up facts to support your worship. Paterno reported to his superior, which, at Penn State, he had none. Cover your ass, win the game, that's all that mattered. It's sick.
The $60 million is being donated to charities for the protection of children and prevention of child abuse.

It seems the players are being protected as far as they can be protected. They are being allowed to bail and not have to sit out a year. They are also able to not play and still receive their full ride.

Irish Vixen is right. The damage to the all the alumni and the other departments is quite unfair.

Paterno and his chain of command created a gigantic shit pile for everyone to step in. Congratulations for them.

Olivia, The only one I am standing up for at this point is the only one that cannot speak for himself. All the others will have their day in court. Joe cannot! Again I ask you please submit one FACT that supports you opinion that Joe was guilty of something. You are making a decision on what ESPN and the rest of the press want you to hear. Originally Posted by 74comet
I’m giving that piece of shit child rapist by proxy the same chance he gave all the subsequent victims.

Maybe bad judgement in the fact that he thought that his superiors would handle the situation. Originally Posted by 74comet
He washed his hands of it like Pontius. He, Jo Pa, was the authority. He even overturned the regents’ when they wanted to fire him years ago. Palllllleeeeezzzzz.

Again remember in 2002 Sandusky was not a member of Joe's staff thus he had no authority to have Sandusky removed. Originally Posted by 74comet
Well, if he had the authority to keep himself from being removed two years later; he had the authority to have Sandusky removed two years earlier.

If you read the Freeh report,with an open mind, your opinion may change. Originally Posted by 74comet
I think perhaps you, as a big booster and a fan, are the one that needs to take a step back and look at the report objectively.

Quit blaming a guy that cannot defend himself. Focus on what needs to be done so that nothing like this ever happens again....anywhere not just in the sports venue. Originally Posted by 74comet
This kind of coverup will always happen where there are people that will allow “Legends” to overcome decency.
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  • WTF
  • 07-24-2012, 08:57 AM
Paterno knew better. No one said that LE told Paterno anything. You are making up facts to support your worship. Paterno reported to his superior, which, at Penn State, he had none. Cover your ass, win the game, that's all that mattered. It's sick. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Have you read the report?

You idiots act as if this will stop acts like this from happening!

All the children are safe now that the NCAA has stolen 60 million from Penn St!

Oh and you need help with your jock envy problem.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Murder laws don't stop murders. It doesn't mean we should ignore them. Stupid logic.

Oh and you need help with your jock envy problem. Originally Posted by WTF
try tinactin
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  • 07-24-2012, 10:22 AM
Its quick acting, COG
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jock envy, LOL! You have no idea who I am, and I am glad for that.

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  • 07-24-2012, 11:54 AM
Murder laws don't stop murders. It doesn't mean we should ignore them. Stupid logic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Gun laws won't stop guns. It means we should ignore them.

So which is the stupid logic?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'll admit, that wasn't my finest post. LOL! I think I took myself out of context.

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  • 07-24-2012, 12:17 PM
Murder laws don't stop murders. It doesn't mean we should ignore them. Stupid logic. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Stupid logic is right!

We have laws aganist what Sandusky did, enforce them but do not punish the football program. That is the stupid logic.

It is even stupider to think that punishing the football program will have any effect on something like this ever happening again. You act as if there is some cure for human nature defects.

I'll admit, that wasn't my finest post. LOL! I think I took myself out of context.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We are used to them.
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  • Doove
  • 07-24-2012, 01:03 PM
Stupid logic is right!

We have laws aganist what Sandusky did, enforce them but do not punish the football program. That is the stupid logic. Originally Posted by WTF
That is kind of a good point.

Not sure what NCAA rules were broken, exactly.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
That is kind of a good point.

Not sure what NCAA rules were broken, exactly. Originally Posted by Doove
LACK OF INSTITUTIONAL CONTROL, the NCAA's most used verbiage

read the threats above
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  • 07-24-2012, 01:28 PM
LACK OF INSTITUTIONAL CONTROL, the NCAA's most used verbiage

read the threats above Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Are you for this Air Force Base being shut down for LACK OF INSTITUTIONAL CONTROL?

That is not a rule btw...The NCAA has said this is unchartered waters that they are walking on...
Texasquest's Avatar
My 2 cents. I had love hate relationship with Penn State. I hated that they won all the time Especially against teams I was pulling for. But I always loved them because they were head an shoulders above all the other college teams. They had the Perception of being the last team to play football for the love of football. They always seemed to steer clear of the normal college big football shenanigans. They were perceived as a team of individuals hence no names on ther jerseys. They were looked up to by many as the benchmark of collected football. I remember struggling with my decision in the late 70,s of either playing fir Penn State or with Bear Bryant at Alabama. Being a Texas boy it was a tough choice ( knee injury took the choices off the table). But I remember asking my self do I want to play underneath a LEGEND. OR UNDER A LEGEND on the making. For all the good Paterno did for Penn State he totally lost a lot if peoples respect by that one poor decision to cover up the sexual assaults by one of his coaches. He proved and so did Penn State administrators that they were just as greedy as any other program. That a sport was more important than an education. That winning football games was more important than teaching. That the mighty dollar is more important than the future of our youths left into their care. For Penn State to have chosen to cover up the crimes so as not to tarnish footballs image is a travesty. I think the penaltys imposed were not harsh enough. SMU got the death penalty and they didn't commit anything this grevious.