atxguy2006's Avatar
Since I don't like having my time wasted. Especially by a provider. I would hope she look me in eye and tell me the truth. After reading the review by Muse it's obvious you have issues with AA clients. Why not post it in your ads so you don't waste anyone's time. You already post it in National Forum.

Say you book an appointment with a provider.
You show up, and the provider invites you in,
but politely decides to cancel with something like
"I'm sorry, something came up" " I don't feel well" but the real reason of the cancelation is due to personal preferences (and you as a smart adult can pretty much sense this)

Would you prefer her to
A. Look through the window/peephole and not open the door?
B. Tell you, "I'm not interested due to personal preferences".
C. Or just keep it clean "im' sorry something came up" like I did to one gentleman?

If she cancels, are you gonna text her later asking "I'm not your type right"? knowing that was the issue?

Just want some opinions... Originally Posted by Miss Molly
That's why I just put all my "rules" out in the open!!!!!
Mossman's Avatar
Your reasons are your reasons and you don't have to defend them to the world. But being in this business and not wanting to publicly say what you prefer is only going to cause drama. I appreciate when a lady says she won't see anyone over 40. I move on and don't concern myself with her hang ups. Race would be the same. Someone says they don't see white guys, I move on. You have to find what works for you and I wish you good luck with that. Obviously, the method you chose this time, not so good. Don't look for approval from others, do what's right for you! Way too many self-righteous folks ready to slam you for a preference they don't share. We hobbyists have way more info to go on than the ladies. This too shall pass!
Drtry2's Avatar

Lady's answer one question for me please.

If proper screening is done, then why is this an issue?
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Yeah, Muse, thanks alot lol. After reading all this I feel an urge to do a double with WM and Nikki. Now that would be interesting! Originally Posted by ammonite
Hey ammo please don't bring the next war lol
Tazion's Avatar
I don't think you even have to say "something came up". I would just say, "I'm sorry, I can't. I apologize and hope I haven't wasted your time too badly."

"Something came up" everyone knows is 99% of the time, BS.

Just be straightforward.
I LOVE A GOOD CAT FIGHT!!!! Lady's answer one question for me please. If proper screening is done, then why is this an issue?
Molly said she did screen and he told her he was *Hispanic.* When she met him...she thought he lied about his his skin coloring must have been darker than what she expected and became uncomfortable.

How can anyone screen for that situation? Apparently, she's uncomfortable with anyone who may look, what's she going to post in her ads...I don't see anyone who even looks AA? (lol)

She got caught off guard and made a bad choice as to how she handled it. That's why I said I hope she learns from this situation. I'm sure she's not the only one who's had this happen. Only she can avoid this in the future...but somehow she has to find a good screening method.
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Mature Companion's Avatar
How did she make a bad choice in how *she* handled the uncomfortable situation that occurred when they met face to face??

How can someone dictate how another person *should* handle any situation they might find themselves in?? WAHTD, be it in the RW or in this hobby.

As I stated before and will reiterate again. Molly handled said situation to the best of her ability. Client showed up, and his appearance (when they met face to face) was that of one she was not comfortable with. It's not for any of us to question nor understand why she wasn't comfortable with his appearance. Nor to judge her for it.
She did the next best thing. She canceled the remainder of the date right then and there. She didn't bullshit him and take his money and give him a crappy BCD experience. She was uncomfortable upon the face to face meeting and she DID handle the *their* face to face situation appropriately. In the end, his ego/feelings were hurt.

If she needs to learn anything from the incident. It's how to be be more vocal and ask point blank during screening their race and or skin color. (if that's what may present to be an issue)
That way those awkward moments of canceling while face to face, can be avoided.

Molly said she did screen and he told her he was *Hispanic.* When she met him...she thought he lied about his his skin coloring must have been darker than what she expected and became uncomfortable.

How can anyone screen for that situation? Apparently, she's uncomfortable with anyone who may look, what's she going to post in her ads...I don't see anyone who even looks AA? (lol)

She got caught off guard and made a bad choice as to how she handled it. That's why I said I hope she learns from this situation. I'm sure she's not the only one who's had this happen. Only she can avoid this in the future...but somehow she has to find a good screening method. Originally Posted by Likinikki

After reading all this I feel an urge to do a double with WM and Nikki. Now that would be interesting! Originally Posted by ammonite
I'll pass. Your not my type for various reasons I prefer not to make public. Which would not make for an interesting date with you.
And while I've met LNikki several times and she's a beautiful older woman than I. She's not my type for various reasons. AND because she's very thin.
I prefer mature women with curves I can truly enjoy. You should know the type of woman I like. You see her often!!
. She didn't bullshit him and take his money...
Why do you keep correlating *money* with *bullshit?* This situation has nothing to do with money.

He was upset because she *could have* been honest with him. And, if it wasn't a bad choice of handling the situation...then, why would this thread even be here?

And, thank you for the compliment...that was nice of you!
If your tummy hurt why did you invite him in then?

No shit right? I should've cracked the door and said "I don't feel good bye bye"

>I would told him over the phone that you were not feeling well and have to "cancel" it and make it for another day.

"Another day" most likely would've had the same result!

How would feel if you entered the room and then get turned away?

Oh believe me it's happened before and I was like WTF? I shaved my unibrow for this??
NOOOO i'm adult enough to know people have their taste & preferences!

I have nothing more to say.. Originally Posted by Sonya
I get the point... take care of preferences over the phone.
Mature Companion's Avatar
I express things how *I* choose to.

The situation may not have anything to do with money, per-say. But it does shed light on how far the uncomfortable situation did NOT go. Thanks to HER being HONEST with him, once they were face to face and she THEN realized there was an ISSUE of which SHE was NOT comfortable proceeding any further with the date!

Yet again, I ask. How was she dishonest? And why should she of handled it any different than she did? Did HE tell her beforehand of how dark his skin is and that perhaps his mixed race MIGHT cause some to think he *might* look AA?
She was told he was Hispanic and thus agreed to see him. It wasn't UNTIL they met face to face that the issue came into play. And thus she handled it appropriately and did NOT bullshit him nor take his money like others have done of hobbyists. Something you fail to realize.

Why do you keep correlating *money* with *bullshit?* This situation has nothing to do with money.

He was upset because she *could have* been honest with him. And, if it wasn't a bad choice of handling the situation...then, why would this thread even be here?

And, thank you for the compliment...that was nice of you! Originally Posted by Likinikki
So providers ask for a persons profession while screening. I absolutly refuse to give my profession because I am a semi public figure. Would I be turned down due to the fact I will not ever answer that question? I havent been screened before as the only provider on here I have met with is Ms Brown and that was way before I knew about this type of website.
Yeah.......I get the point... take care of preferences over the phone.
Just post your limitations on your sig line or ad hon. You could say something like, *I have an NBA policy and anyone who is ethnically mixed. If I am not comfortable, at first meeting, I reserve the right to cancel. Please respect my preference as I respect yours.*