Biden vs. Trump approval rating

matchingmole's Avatar
... Actually - they're different.

Biden has been a sad ABSOLUTE DISASTER for the country.

Sky-High Inflation and RECORD HIGH petrol-gas Prices!

People ridicule Biden at sporting events - "Let's Go Brandon!"

The Dems surely poised to LOSE a lot of mid-term elections.

And Sleepy Joe is on the verge of being removed - or Impeached.

... While Trump IS the odds-on FAVOURITE to Win in 2024.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This is like discussing who made the lower "F" in a class. Last time I checked, it's not a passing grade regardless so it really doesn't matter whether dummy beat dumber in a stupid contest because they both failed on their report cards and should be ineligible to play.

Hell, neither one of those old has been clowns should have even made the fucking team in the 1st place IMO.
VitaMan's Avatar
The Republicans had such a weak line up in 2016 that Hillary would have been elected President if Trump hadn't come along. Think about that for a while.
  • Tiny
  • 04-04-2022, 09:30 AM
The Republicans had such a weak line up in 2016 that Hillary would have been elected President if Trump hadn't come along. Think about that for a while. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I totally disagree. Trump was nowhere near the strongest general election candidate. Kasich would have beaten her like a drum.
VitaMan's Avatar
Post # 44 looking just like a Dennis the Menace 3rd grader rant.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I totally disagree. Trump was nowhere near the strongest general election candidate. Kasich would have beaten her like a drum. Originally Posted by Tiny
kasick is a chowder head.
... Ye Christ! ... Like that blithering idiot Kasich actually
woulda had a chance. Trump surely woulda made
mince-meat out o' him...

### Salty