Why Haven’t The 50+ Security Experts Been Charged With Election Interference??

texassapper's Avatar
"a new tune" like a lyre bird when Trump is President again. Originally Posted by Salty Again
Trump will never be President again. If by some miracle he beats the 11 million fraudulent illgal registration vote, he will be assassinated.

50 folks from the intel service felt it necessary to try and get Biden into office. Which begs the question Who is REALLY running things. It makes sense that the intel agencies have enough dirt on politicians to compel votes...

Think of everything they are risking allowing Trump to breath. WHo's going to step in and replace him that's going to attack the intel agencies? Nope.... by this time next year, Trump will no longer be alive... whether it's a plane crash a "stroke" or something else... he's going to be dead before Jan 20, 2025.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I don’t believe that the authors of the russians disinformation letter had any idea that the government had the laptop. I think that if they did they would have been brought before the congress to swear under oath whether they knew or not.... Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Not clear where you are headed here. Are you saying they are morons or incompetent idiots? Regardless, they still have security clearance and access - even after knowing they were wrong.

So which type do you prefer to be advised by: morons or incompetent idiots? Asking for friends over in the Rabid Lefty thread, as I'm fairly certain this would be a textbook definition for them
txdot-guy's Avatar
I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing I can say will change your minds about this issue. Without any evidence of any kind you are all absolutely convinced that these 51 people are in collusion with each other and the government. I find that conclusion ridiculous.

So i’ll just respect that you have your own opinions on this matter. Please don’t put any words into my mouth about what or how I think on the matter. It’s disrespectful.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing I can say will change your minds about this issue. Without any evidence of any kind you are all absolutely convinced that these 51 people are in collusion with each other and the government. I find that conclusion ridiculous.

So i’ll just respect that you have your own opinions on this matter. Please don’t put any words into my mouth about what or how I think on the matter. It’s disrespectful.

Originally Posted by txdot-guy

that's because you refuse to believe a Mount Everest of facts, many by the FBI and Government testimony that the FBI did indeed suppress the laptop story and that operatives in the Gov and FBI are not capable of wrongdoing.

they are. and they did.

while this thread is chock full of actual facts you simply continue to claim "they didn't know" when this actually makes it WORSE.

as high level security officials they should have used their access to the FBI to vet the laptop issue BEFORE making a statement about its origins.

of course they checked and knew it was legit. then LIED ABOUT IT TO INFLUENCE THE ELECTION
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems akin to saying the Founding Father's randomly all came to the exact same opinion, at the exact place and time, to sign a totally radical document which would obviously result in war and many dead - just they never so much as discussed it with any of their peeps. Personally, I'm convinced that they colluded and frankly glad they did.

BTW: Do they have oxygen and gravity on your planet? Asking for some friends in another thread...

I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing I can say will change your minds about this issue. Without any evidence of any kind you are all absolutely convinced that these 51 people are in collusion with each other and the government. I find that conclusion ridiculous.

So i’ll just respect that you have your own opinions on this matter. Please don’t put any words into my mouth about what or how I think on the matter. It’s disrespectful.

Originally Posted by txdot-guy
txdot-guy's Avatar
The problem is not that i refuse to believe in facts. The problem is your supposed facts are instead your beliefs. You believe that they lied but you don’t have any evidence of that. It’s like the Monty Python Witch sketch. Why don’t you all just start weighing these guys and see if they weigh as much as a duck. That way you can start burning them at the stake.

texassapper's Avatar
The problem is not that i refuse to believe in facts. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
We shall see...
The problem is your supposed facts are instead your beliefs. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Can you tell us what FACTS the treason 51 had that made them sign a document stating the Hunter laptop story was false?
You believe that they lied but you don’t have any evidence of that. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
You believed they were telling the truth but you don't have any evidence of that other than their say so.

The problem with you Python analogy is that in fact the woman was a witch... as in this case, the FBI has admitted the truth after entering the laptop into trial evidence.


So starting with the fact that the signatories were WRONG... why did they believe they were right? What evidence did THEY have that what they were claiming was true? Remember this effort was organized by Tony Blinken who was at the time a member of Bidens campaign.

You just think that because they've been career intel agents they WOULDN'T lie? Is that your only credible reason for believing them?

Because you might want to look into the FBI lying to the FISA courts... You might have some light bulbs get turned on.
txdot-guy's Avatar
We shall see...
Can you tell us what FACTS the treason 51 had that made them sign a document stating the Hunter laptop story was false? Originally Posted by texassapper
Did you even read the letter? You are speaking out of your “ass”umptions.
The letter never says that the story was true or false. It said that it had the hallmarks of a disinformation campaign. Which is true.

You believed they were telling the truth but you don't have any evidence of that other than their say so. Originally Posted by texassapper
And you don’t have evidence to the contrary. Again more assumptions. The people who signed that letter were careful to not give a 100 percent confirmation that it was disinformation just that it looked like it. The Biden laptop certainly didn’t look legitimate to lots of people at the time.

The problem with you Python analogy is that in fact the woman was a witch... as in this case, the FBI has admitted the truth after entering the laptop into trial evidence. Originally Posted by texassapper
That’s not the point of the sketch. The point is that the logic that they were using is pure stupidity. The fact that they were right just makes it funnier.

So starting with the fact that the signatories were WRONG... why did they believe they were right? What evidence did THEY have that what they were claiming was true? Remember this effort was organized by Tony Blinken who was at the time a member of Biden's campaign. Originally Posted by texassapper
Again the signatories were not wrong. You’ve been watching too much right wing media that’s misrepresenting the truth. Again you want them to be guilty of something so you make up collusion and lying where none exists. Try and find something in the letter that they signed that is false then you can get back to me.

Here is a link. https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000...7-579f9b330000

No offense but everyone here needs to actually read the letter before they start talking about it again. Nothing in the letter is incorrect and nothing in it is a lie. Show me some proof that they did anything wrong or criminal.
texassapper's Avatar
Nothing in the letter is incorrect and nothing in it is a lie. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
"the arrival on the US poli<cal scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation"
Note that there is ZERO indication of what all these classic hallmarks of Russian disinformation are.

we do not have evidence of Russian involvement -- just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious
Okay why not keep your suspicions to yourselves absence evidence?

If we are right, this is Russia trying to influence how Americans vote in this election, and we
believe strongly that Americans need to be aware of this.
They weren't right...and it was indeed these 51 who were trying to influence the election

It is high 8me that Russia stops interfering in our democracy
But they weren't. And just like the 2016 Russia collusion hoax referred to in the document it was all Intel agency lies. Do you seriously think Clapper or Hayden couldn't call the FBI and ask what the dirt is on this laptop? And remember who orchestrated teh letter. Tony Blinken. Do you think he didn't know it was real? Please.

The Biden campaign had this teed up to run because they knew it was real and that it could break before the election.

but it only had to work on the stupid folks...and it did...
txdot-guy's Avatar
Note that there is ZERO indication of what all these classic hallmarks of Russian disinformation are.

Okay why not keep your suspicions to yourselves absence evidence?

They weren't right...and it was indeed these 51 who were trying to influence the election

But they weren't. And just like the 2016 Russia collusion hoax referred to in the document it was all Intel agency lies. Do you seriously think Clapper or Hayden couldn't call the FBI and ask what the dirt is on this laptop? And remember who orchestrated teh letter. Tony Blinken. Do you think he didn't know it was real? Please.

The Biden campaign had this teed up to run because they knew it was real and that it could break before the election.

but it only had to work on the stupid folks...and it did... Originally Posted by texassapper
The paranoia that infests your viewpoint practically oozes its stench all over your words. You see collusion and corruption everywhere with absolutely no evidence. Just because you believe that there was wrong doing doesn’t mean that there was. People in this country are presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty.

Congress has been poring over the laptop and all of the circumstances surrounding it and the only facts that we know for certain is that Hunter Biden is a drug addicted whoremonger who used his daddy’s last name to make millions of dollars, screw his sister in law, Cheat the IRS and lie on a government form when purchasing a firearm.

Why is it so impossible to believe that the people who signed this letter did so in good faith. Why is it so difficult to believe that at the time in October of 2020 it was more believable that the data from the laptop was fraudulent rather than the actual fact of Hunter’s perfidy.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What I wonder is why they didn't think is was real first. They had an eye witness, receipts and the physical device. Well... they didn't seem all that interested in picking it up initially, hence a copy was sent to Guilliani. Wouldn't they try running that to ground before making up an alternant reality just weeks before the election. Sniff... sniff... You smell that intensional election interference in the air yet?!?
Michael8219's Avatar
They knew. The shop owner gave the freaking laptop to the FBI nine months EARLIER - December, 2019!

txdot-guy's Avatar
They knew. The shop owner gave the freaking laptop to the FBI nine months EARLIER - December, 2019!

http://nypost.com/2022/08/11/hunter-...site%20buttons Originally Posted by Michael8219
Do you have any proof that these 51 individuals knew the FBI had the laptop? Do you have any proof that these 51 individuals knew that the information being leaked to the public was real? Of course you don’t. Again more belief masquerading as fact. Just like the monks in the monty python sketch. You keep hitting yourself in the head with a board called Right Wing Paranoid Grievance Media.
txdot-guy's Avatar
What I wonder is why they didn't think is was real first. They had an eye witness, receipts and the physical device. Well... they didn't seem all that interested in picking it up initially, hence a copy was sent to Guilliani. Wouldn't they try running that to ground before making up an alternant reality just weeks before the election. Sniff... sniff... You smell that intensional election interference in the air yet?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I smell the scent of professionalism and integrity. By NOT commenting about the laptop the month before the election you actually minimize the election interference. But that doesn’t matter to Giuliani, the Trump Campaign and the right wing media community that was more than happy to leak emails and other embarrassing photos merely to hurt Joe Biden and his family under the mistaken assumption that it would hurt his campaign.

By the way this line of inquiry has nothing to do with the letter we’re discussing. The FBI has nothing to do with the letter signed by the 51 former intelligence experts. Why do you all keep repeating the same thing. Two related but separate set of facts. Despite what you want to believe there was no evidence of communication between the two parties.
texassapper's Avatar
Why is it so impossible to believe that the people who signed this letter did so in good faith. Why is it so difficult to believe that at the time in October of 2020 it was more believable that the data from the laptop was fraudulent rather than the actual fact of Hunter’s perfidy. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Because the organization that had the actual laptop and knew the provenance was legitimate was in the pocket of the democrats. You understand who Clapper, Brennan, Panetta etc are right? Do you think they'd just sign there name on to some piece of paper on Anthony Blinkens say so?

Lol... I can't decide whether you're really that naive or you're being purposefully obtuse.

And remember, even paranoids have enemies.