Where are the Classy Girls? Also, Tips for Gentlemen

TG I think you are probably SOL if you are searching for a lady or gentleman on eccie. Unfortunately this site is made up of Prostitutes and Johns. Just a bunch of Johns with too much money looking for that young woman who wants to detach him from his funds.
I have some pictures on my website which consist of a variety of photo's the one's my photographer received some greats replies on was my superman shirt and tennis shoes. I even had some bring me some stickers,cape and key chain I like to have fun and show off my personality which works for me.

I Understand where you're coming from regarding pictures with leaving some things to the imagination. But this is a community where sex appeal sell so the majority like to see the ass,tits and other body part only the minority like to leave some to the imagination.
plainjoe's Avatar
Old-T is a gentleman in the the purest sense. His way with words (read his reviews), sentiments, and actions epitomizes what we (gents) should endeavor to achieve. Ladies that I choose to meet are as the OP state are classy girls - I get a sense of who are "classy" by reading comments and inputs on this board and the other national board. I choose to meet ladies and not the others.

The 'classy ladies" are out there...just need to find them; just like gentlemen are out there too.

Traveling Gent, I look forward to your future posts and inputs.
Traveling Gent, To isolate my comment of judging a gentleman by the number of tailor suits he had is conveniently misleading. Here is your list copied and pasted for clarity:
If you don't own a suit and tie, you've just disqualified yourself.
-Likewise, if you don't know how to tie your own tie, you've just disqualified yourself.
-Shine your shoes. Seriously, shine them. Or pony up $10 to have someone at the hotel or airport do it for you.
-Likewise, owning a poorly tailored suit and tie don't count either. A slick-haired salesman wearing a cheap suit who works at a cell phone booth in the mall is *not* on is way to the gentry.
-Tip well. 20% isn't a good tip, it's a reasonable tip. A good tip is slipping the bartender a $20 for taking the time to let you sample a couple of wines. If your food was excellent - ravingly excellent, ask your server to see the manager, and ask the manager to speak to the cook so that you can compliment him. Tip the cook. Your tip to the cook or the bartender has nothing to do with what you tip your server. You don't always *have* to tip - bad service shouldn't be rewarded.

There were other items on the list, as well, that were equally shallow. These things are easy and convenient to put on the image for any pseudo gentleman trying to intentionally, mislead with malicious intent. Still water runs deep.

Further, the photo of the woman you posted is nothing short of stunning. Her outfit could have been purchased on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. But if she is selling what you are looking for she is a prostitute. Just like the "gentleman in the tailored suit, tipping the chef, spewing a few polite phrases in a different language, paying for a woman's company is a" John". Pardon me, but I have long disliked pseudo images. This isn't the movies (Pretty Woman), it's reality. The list you posted when taken in its entirety, lends itself to a higher probability of the chap being a gentleman, granted. None-the-less, much of the list is easy imagery and lends itself to pseudo nonsense.

To keep in a vernacular that I think you will understand, this feels like Investment Banking. Lots of images going on there. Let's dress, dine, drive and lodge to impress. Like Charlie Munger once said,, "understanding incentive based biases" is of great importance and greatly enhances one's worldly wisdom. He went on: It's like asking an investment banker if you need to do a merger, or acquisition, or an interior decorator if you need a $50,000 throw rug. The answer is,"of course you do". Whose bread I eat, his song I sing. Most women in this profession are doing it because they need some help in making ends meet and they too, have a private life.

To further my analogy and staying within a vernacular that I suspect you can relate to, I offer another Mungerism:" Denial is dangerous. It can kill you". If you want to make an impression in the finest garments available, and a beauty on your arm, you might find yourself at a Polo match (this is the wrong forum). If you want to satiate your diversified appetite in women that will sleep with you, you are in the right place. Every prostitute is looking for their own Richard Geere (sp?). Get yourself a few references and you can star the sequel!
TravelingGentleman's Avatar

To further my analogy and staying within a vernacular that I suspect you can relate to, I offer another Mungerism:" Denial is dangerous. It can kill you". If you want to make an impression in the finest garments available, and a beauty on your arm, you might find yourself at a Polo match (this is the wrong forum). If you want to satiate your diversified appetite in women that will sleep with you, you are in the right place. Every prostitute is looking for their own Richard Geere (sp?). Get yourself a few references and you can star the sequel! Originally Posted by Mr. Green Jeans
Sir, we find ourselves at an impasse in opinions then - which is perfectly fine. Such is the world that competing opinions can survive.

I think it is dangerously close-minded of you to tell me what forum is right, and what forum is wrong - or that I'm in the wrong place to find someone to hang out with, and ESPECIALLY that the only pursuable goal here is to "satiate my diversified appetite in women who will sleep with me."

You don't share the same goal as I, you don't appreciate my goal, and you can scoff at the notion that ladies fit my world view and not yours... That's FINE! But I would encourage you, if unwilling to be open-minded enough to consider someone else's views, to at least not try actively rebuking their views.

I've said many time; my standards won't change. If you disagree with my definition of a gentlemen....alright. You're entitled to your opinion, and I have no stake in trying to change your mind. I think I already told you to google "What is a gentleman?" Either you did, and you disagree with the entire internet - in which case I don't care....or you didn't, and just enjoy argument - in which case I still don't care. Or you have another motive. In which case, I still don't care.

Or to put it in simple text - label yourself a gentleman - no one cares. There are no gentleman police. What you've done is to show up in a thread by a gentleman, about gentlemen and basically said, "I wanna be a gentleman too, I demand you lower your standards so I can play."

Raise yourself to the bar, or be content in describing yourself however you like, with no judgments from anyone. But understand that the words I use, like "lady" and "gentleman" have static meaning translated across every major language on the planet, and YOUR unwillingness to accept those meanings is irrelevant. When a a plebe steps into a circle of gentlemen and demands attention, the gentlemen accommodate him.

If you want to make an impression in the finest garments available, and a beauty on your arm, you might find yourself at a Polo match (this is the wrong forum) Originally Posted by Mr. Green Jeans
I'm going to hammer this home again, because it is the most critical piece. This is a crude way of saying, "This isn't the place to find a gorgeous woman to socialize this."

I shall be the judge of that. Not you.

Every prostitute is looking for their own Richard Geere (sp?). Get yourself a few references and you can star the sequel! Originally Posted by Mr. Green Jeans
I'm working on references; 1 review and 1 reference down. If you read my review, you'll note that it was almost entirely social - I daresay that we only stepped into BCD because everyone needs assurances that I'm not a morality agent.

And the movie *I* am starring in is called "Real Life." In the plot of this movie, an impeccable gentleman who works hard in a stressful and high-visibility role finds a discreet companion who makes him smile, and enjoys the nuances of simple pleasures from time to time. The end.

You don't have a role in my movie, nor are you a hired consultant on the set. In fact, given the discourse so far, I think it's safe to say that you don't even understand the cinema genre. We're making a drama, and you think the only viable movie is an action thriller. I encourage you to wander back down to the matinee and take in the latest summer blockbuster.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-13-2015, 11:36 AM
TG I think you are probably SOL if you are searching for a lady or gentleman on eccie. Unfortunately this site is made up of Prostitutes and Johns. Just a bunch of Johns with too much money looking for that young woman who wants to detach him from his funds. Originally Posted by Jimmiwad
Jimmie, I think you state the biggest error in perception that occurs on here--that it is a very homogeneous membership. It is anything but that. And it typically are the people looking for a completely impersonal 30 or 60 minute encounter who are most likely to be fixated on their stereotype as the only model. Or at least the only "correct" model.

I will say that the majority of reviews on here describe encounters that I would have little interest in and I would not seek to pay for. But I would never deem to tell someone else that it isn't what THEY want.

Some folks here are still living in a world view that can't see beyond the end of their village street.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-13-2015, 11:38 AM
Old-T is a gentleman in the the purest sense. His way with words (read his reviews), sentiments, and actions epitomizes what we (gents) should endeavor to achieve. Ladies that I choose to meet are as the OP state are classy girls - I get a sense of who are "classy" by reading comments and inputs on this board and the other national board. I choose to meet ladies and not the others.

The 'classy ladies" are out there...just need to find them; just like gentlemen are out there too.

Traveling Gent, I look forward to your future posts and inputs. Originally Posted by plainjoe
Sir, thank you. I am not at all that such words are deserved, but they do make my hat feel a bit tighter.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I will say that the majority of reviews on here describe encounters that I would have little interest in and I would not seek to pay for. But I would never deem to tell someone else that it isn't what THEY want.

Some folks here are still living in a world view that can't see beyond the end of their village street. Originally Posted by Old-T
Good grief. You took three sentences to say what it took me half a page to replicate. Looking for a job as an editor?
I will say that the majority of reviews on here describe encounters that I would have little interest in and I would not seek to pay for. But I would never deem to tell someone else that it isn't what THEY want.

Some folks here are still living in a world view that can't see beyond the end of their village street. Originally Posted by Old-T

I will say this....I'm a different person with each of those I come in contact with. My personality is the same, as I have always been the caring, loving, respectable, humorous type. But the type of companionship will always bee different, as there is NOT one gentlemen the same as another.

Unless you are looking for a robot.

A few recent reviews here and there are good to bring in new clientele every so often. But I get more UTR gentlemen, and I prefer that.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-13-2015, 05:37 PM
Cyndi, my comment was directed much more at the men.
We are getting confused here and wrapped up in trappings. The definition of a gentleman comes down to one thing and one thing only - it's how you treat the ladies. It makes no difference whatsoever how many suits you own, how expensive they are, how well they fit or how you tip the waiter or chef (though that may be revealing). It's how much respect and kindness you show the ladies. I repeat, it's how much respect and kindness you show the ladies. This is not real life but it has many things in common with real life. And chief and foremost is to treat others like you would wish to be treated. Yep, the Golden Rule applies, even here. Do a serious job on your research and this should not be an issue. There are some ladies that deserve your respect and some that don't. See the ones that do. This is not rocket science or brain surgery.
Cyndi, my comment was directed much more at the men. Originally Posted by Old-T
I think like a man often.....haha

But I enjoy throwing in my 2 cents anyways Old-T
It's how much respect and kindness you show the ladies.

I repeat, it's how much respect and kindness you show the ladies.
Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
SknyDiva's Avatar
We are getting confused here and wrapped up in trappings. The definition of a gentleman comes down to one thing and one thing only - it's how you treat the ladies. It makes no difference whatsoever how many suits you own, how expensive they are, how well they fit or how you tip the waiter or chef (though that may be revealing). It's how much respect and kindness you show the ladies. I repeat, it's how much respect and kindness you show the ladies. This is not real life but it has many things in common with real life. And chief and foremost is to treat others like you would wish to be treated. Yep, the Golden Rule applies, even here. Do a serious job on your research and this should not be an issue. There are some ladies that deserve your respect and some that don't. See the ones that do. This is not rocket science or brain surgery. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
Golden pussy award.
This is the first thread I've read in its entirety on this site. Very interesting back-and-forth.

I do maintain, though, that I can post revealing photos in advertisements and maintain my Lady badge. A Lady can be all things discreet and lovely, charming, smart, and entertaining - and a divine sexpot. Because of the 'complexities' of the hobby world, it might not be an easy thing to discern with a quick glance.

But then again I, too, am a newbie - so what do I know?